From: Pekka P. Pirinen
Subject: Re: A decent post-increment macro
Message-ID: <>
Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <······> writes:
> So in conclusion, a variant of define-modify-macro that generates
> macros that return the old value, would have been nice to have around,
> either in a library or in the next CL.

(defun d-m-m-parameters (lambda-list &aux (params '()))
  (let (head (tail lambda-list))
    (loop do (setf head (pop tail))
          until (or (null head) (eq head '&optional) (eq head '&rest))
          do (push head params))
    (when (eq head '&optional)
      (loop do (setf head (pop tail))
            until (or (null head) (eq head '&rest))
            if (consp head)
	      do (destructuring-bind (var &optional init (suppliedp nil spp)
	           (declare (ignore init))
	           (push var params)
	           (when spp (push suppliedp params)))
              do (push head params)
    (if (eq head '&rest)
        (values (nreverse params) (first tail))
      (nreverse params))))

(defmacro define-modify-macro-old (name lambda-list function &optional doc-string)
  (with-unique-names (reference env)
    (multiple-value-bind (other-params rest-param)
        (d-m-m-parameters lambda-list)
      `(defmacro ,name (,reference ,@lambda-list &environment ,env)
         (multiple-value-bind (vars vals stores store-form access-form)
	     (get-setf-expansion ,reference ,env)
           `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals)
              ,(if (rest stores)
                   `(multiple-value-prog1 ,access-form
                      (multiple-value-bind (,@stores)
                          (multiple-value-call #',',function
                            ,access-form ,,@other-params ,@,rest-param)
                 `(prog1 ,access-form
                    (let ((,(first stores)
                              ,access-form ,,@other-params ,@,rest-param)))

A good CL implementation would have more sophisticated lambda-list
parsing with error checking and all, but I've written one of those
for LispWorks, and it's not as much fun the second time.
d-m-m-parameters is technically correct, anyway.

That bit with MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL came to me as I was writing this.
It's not in the standard, but I think it would be a sensible way to
build modify macros for places with multiple store variables.  (Also,
it gave me a chance to use #',',.)  It works like this:

CL-USER 31> (define-modify-macro-old floorf () floor)
CL-USER 32> (pprint (macroexpand '(floorf (values a b))))

(let* ()
  (multiple-value-prog1 (values a b)
                        (multiple-value-bind (#:new-value819
                             (values a b))
                            (setq a #:new-value819)
                            (setq b #:new-value820))))))
CL-USER 33> (defvar *x* 13)
CL-USER 34> (defvar *y* 4)
CL-USER 35> (floorf (values *x* *y*))
CL-USER 36> (values *x* *y*)
Pekka P. Pirinen
"My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe
 to be unpopular."
  - Adlai Stevenson