From: eugene kim
Subject: how do i settup ilisp in emacs?
Message-ID: <aafi18$pl$>

i just started studying lisp today..
(now using clisp command line..even without readline functionality)

i tried to search how i can use emacs for editing lisp files..
but found no luck..

thank you ...

From: Kenny Tilton
Subject: Re: how do i settup ilisp in emacs?
Message-ID: <>
eugene kim wrote:
> hi..
> i just started studying lisp today..
> (now using clisp command line..even without readline functionality)

welcome to lisp. just curious: what got you interested in lisp? what
other language(s) have you learned, if any?

> i tried to search how i can use emacs for editing lisp files..
> but found no luck..



 kenny tilton
 clinisys, inc
"Harvey has overcome not only time and space but any objections."
                                                        Elwood P. Dowd
From: eugene kim
Subject: Re: how do i settup ilisp in emacs?
Message-ID: <aahlh5$250$>
thank you kenny..

i can do little bit of java/c++/scripting

i am interested in search engine..
i found ibm is working on AI agent for search engine
(it's called aglet, written in java)

i want to make a program which does search for me..
(based on my pattern of past browsing history)

only thing i know about AI is 
that it's basic idea is "a machine which can do more than just what it's 
programmed to do"
and it's developed mostly in lisp

thank you for help

oh well, i tried that site before posting previous question.
since i am on linux, it didn't help me much.. 
maybe i missed something there, i'll check it again..
From: Kenny Tilton
Subject: Re: how do i settup ilisp in emacs?
Message-ID: <>
eugene kim wrote:
> thank you kenny..
> i can do little bit of java/c++/scripting
> i am interested in search engine..
> i found ibm is working on AI agent for search engine
> (it's called aglet, written in java)
> i want to make a program which does search for me..
> (based on my pattern of past browsing history)

nice project. 

> since i am on linux, it didn't help me much..

oh, ok. well, lotsa linux/unix folk here (but not me yet) so you should
get a lead soon.


 kenny tilton
 clinisys, inc
"Harvey has overcome not only time and space but any objections."
                                                        Elwood P. Dowd
From: eugene kim
Subject: Re: how do i settup ilisp in emacs?
Message-ID: <aaib2e$cqd$>

m-x cmulisp ..
gives me
Symbol's value as variable is void: common-lisp

this is what i added at the end of my .emacs file
(xemacs 21.1 on linux 2.4)
thank you

(setq load-path (cons "/usr/lib/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/ilisp/" 

(require 'completer)
(autoload 'run-ilisp "ilisp" "Select a new inferior LISP." t)
(autoload 'cmulisp   "ilisp" "Inferior CMU Common LISP." t)

(setq cmulisp-program "/usr/local/bin/lisp")

;;; This makes reading a lisp file load in ilisp.
(set-default 'auto-mode-alist
             (append '(("\\.lisp$" . lisp-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
(setq lisp-mode-hook '(lambda () (require 'ilisp)))

;;; Sample load hook
(add-hook 'ilisp-load-hook 
           (lambda ()
             ;; Change default key prefix to C-c
             (setq ilisp-prefix "\C-c")

             ;; Make sure that you don't keep popping up the 'inferior
             ;; lisp' buffer window when this is already visible in
             ;; another frame. Actually this variable has more impact
             ;; than that. Watch out.
             ;(setq pop-up-frames t)

             (message "Running ilisp-load-hook")
             ;; Define LispMachine-like key bindings, too.
             ;; (ilisp-lispm-bindings) Sample initialization hook.

             ;; Set the inferior LISP directory to the directory of
             ;; the buffer that spawned it on the first prompt.
             (add-hook 'ilisp-init-hook
                        (lambda ()
                          (default-directory-lisp ilisp-last-buffer))))

(add-hook 'ilisp-site-hook
           (lambda ()
             (setq ilisp-init-binary-extension "sparcf")
             (setq ilisp-init-binary-command "(progn \"sparcf\")")
             ;; (setq ilisp-binary-extension "sparcf")

;;; end of file -- ilisp.emacs --
(add-hook 'cmulisp-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setq ilisp-init-binary-extension "x86f")
            (setq ilisp-init-binary-command "(progn \"x86f\")")
            (setq ilisp-binary-extension "x86f")))
From: eugene kim
Subject: Re: how do i settup ilisp in emacs?
Message-ID: <aaieea$dp6$>

upgrading ilisp from 5.8 to 5.10 solved my problem..
thank you