From: Jordan Katz
Subject: using assoc list elements as strings.
Message-ID: <>

  For my simple text manipulation program, I need to pass elements of
  an assoc list (by assoc list, incase that's not the right term, I
  mean a list of the form '((a . b) (c . d))) to a function that takes
  only strings.  I found, from my Lisp interpreter that (string
  'my-symbol) => "my-symbol" and so that's the function I use.

  I have an assoc list that I am iterating over using dolist.  Since
  each element during the iteration (the first argument to dolist)
  will be of the form (foo . bar), I figured that

  (string-replace foo (string (cdr (assoc elem my-assoc-list))))

  Will be a valid call since the (cdr (assoc ... should return a
  symbol.  From CLISP I get:

*** - STRING: argument (BODY . "<foo>") should be a string, a symbol
      or a character

  Why is this?  Incase the problem stems from another part (although
  the error message seems to narrow it down pretty clearly to the
  string call) I pasted two relevant snippets of my program.

;; *tag-to-content* is the assoc list.
(defun insert-user-tags (html)
  (let ((new-html "")
        (start-tag "<:")
        (end-tag ":>"))
    (dolist (elem *tag-to-content*)
      (setf elem-tag (concatenate 'string start-tag (string elem) end-tag))
      (setf new-html
            (concatenate 'string new-html
                          (string (cdr (assoc elem *tag-to-content*)))

;; From ODCL-1.1.7 by OnShore Software
(defun string-replace (char replace-text string)
  (let ((count (char-count char string)))
    (if (= 0 count)
        (copy-seq string)
        (let* ((orig-length (length string))
               (repl-length (length replace-text))
               (new-length (+ orig-length (* (- repl-length 1) count)))
               (new-string (make-string new-length))
               (j 0))
          (do ((i 0 (incf i)))
              ((= i orig-length) new-string)
            (let ((test-char (aref string i)))
              (cond ((char= test-char char)
                     (overlay new-string replace-text j)
                     (incf j repl-length))
                     (setf (aref new-string j) test-char)
                     (incf j)))))))))

Thanks a lot, I appreciate the help!
Jordan Katz <····>  |  Mind the gap
From: Nils Goesche
Subject: Re: using assoc list elements as strings.
Message-ID: <a96mmc$o8v7$>
In article <··············>, Jordan Katz wrote:

>   I have an assoc list that I am iterating over using dolist.  Since
>   each element during the iteration (the first argument to dolist)
>   will be of the form (foo . bar), I figured that
>   (string-replace foo (string (cdr (assoc elem my-assoc-list))))
>   Will be a valid call since the (cdr (assoc ... should return a
>   symbol.  From CLISP I get:
> *** - STRING: argument (BODY . "<foo>") should be a string, a symbol
>       or a character
>   Why is this?  Incase the problem stems from another part (although
>   the error message seems to narrow it down pretty clearly to the
>   string call) I pasted two relevant snippets of my program.

It's the /other/ STRING call :-)

> ;; *tag-to-content* is the assoc list.
> (defun insert-user-tags (html)
>   (let ((new-html "")
>         (start-tag "<:")
>         (end-tag ":>"))
>     (dolist (elem *tag-to-content*)
>       (setf elem-tag (concatenate 'string start-tag (string elem) end-tag))
Also note that the argument (HTML) isn't used anywhere in this
function.  And elem-tag is meant to be special?  I guess not...

>       (setf new-html
>             (concatenate 'string new-html
>                          (string-replace
>                           elem-tag
>                           (string (cdr (assoc elem *tag-to-content*)))

You are already looping over *tag-to-content*.  If *tag-to-content*
is an alist, elem is a cons cell.  So, this call to ASSOC is
probably wrong.

>                           new-html))))))

BTW, there is also

CL-USER 26 > (loop for (car . cdr) in '((a . b) (c . d)) do
                   (pprint (list 'blark car cdr)))


Nils Goesche
"Don't ask for whom the <CTRL-G> tolls."

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