From: Houda Araj
Subject: lisp output
Message-ID: <>
Thanks for all of you. 

(with-open-file (stream "your-file.txt" :direction :output)
>   (let ((*standard-output* stream))
>     (tag-analysis:tag-file "copy.txt")))

I tried this method and it works, but I am wondering if it is possible
to have several text input in (tag-analysis) that maps several
corresponding output.(result of tag analysis). The idea is to analyze
several small text at once.
From: Erik Naggum
Subject: Re: lisp output
Message-ID: <>
* Houda Araj
> I tried this method and it works, but I am wondering if it is possible to
> have several text input in (tag-analysis) that maps several corresponding
> output.(result of tag analysis).  The idea is to analyze several small
> text at once.

  Are you asking if the documentation would tell you about :append?

  Why, yes, I love freedom, Mr. President, but freedom means accepting risks.
  So, no, Mr. President, I am not with you, and I am not with the terrorists.
  I would be happier if you left the airports alone and took care of all the
  cars that are a much bigger threat to my personal safety than any hijacking.