From: Sunil Mishra
Subject: ACL's (lisp-trampolines)
Message-ID: <>

I've been doing some profiling in ACL 5.0.1, and I keep seeing a large 
amount of computational resource devoted to something that appears as 
"(lisp-trampolines)" in the profile. Here's an example:

   %     %     self  total            self   total  Function
  Time  Cum.   secs   secs    calls ms/call ms/call   name
  18.6  18.6    8.2    8.2                          "(lisp-trampolines)"
   5.7  24.2    2.5    2.5                          EXCL::EQL-NOT-EQ

Can someone please explain to me what this means, and how I might 
improve such a program's efficiency? I've been staring at the profile 
graph as well, but that doesn't suggest anything in particular either.

