From: Kent M Pitman
Subject: "An Engineer's View of Venture Capitalists" [IEEE Spectrum Online]
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IEEE Spectrum Online contains an interesting article about the power of
technlogy vs the power of money.

  An Engineer's View of Venture Capitalists 
  by Nick Tredennick

I hope it will be obvious upon reading why this article is relevant to
this group, but in brief: I feel the article underscores my occasional
comments that for a software developer to get rich would not not have
to be bad for the community.  (Conversation has often been weird on
this group of late, with some people getting beaten up for the idea of
making money on software and others being beaten up for not being able
to make a living by making money on software.)  Yes, money is not the
end of everything--people without money can have cool ideas.  But
people with ideas can get a lot farther with money, and this article
speaks to how engineers, through their lack of savvy in navigating the
world of money, can disempower themselves and often their good ideas, too.