From: Christophe Rhodes
Message-ID: <>
Back a while, some people expressed interest in collecting together
the utilities that everyone writes, ideally in a well-designed
form. Now that I have caught up with the world a little, I thought I'd
give this idea another prod.

There are two things that are near the front of my mind on this
subject; one is the function that was tentatively named "extremum",
which would return the `morally-smallest' element of a sequence under
a certain key. There is a description of extremum at cliki, but I
should remind the audience of the open questions, including: what
happens if the sequence is empty, so it's not yet a specification.[1]

The other that has been mentioned is a non-consing version of
read-line, motivated by the use of read-line to process line-based
files line-by-line. Careful thought on the semantics probably need to
be done here.

I'm sure that there's more that could be discussed, but this is
probably enough to be going on with.



[1] partition also has a page there, though since it's editable by
anyone anywhere it shouldn't be viewed as the canonical place, I suppose.
Jesus College, Cambridge, CB5 8BL                           +44 1223 510 299                  (defun pling-dollar 
(str schar arg) (first (last +))) (make-dispatch-macro-character #\! t)
(set-dispatch-macro-character #\! #\$ #'pling-dollar)