From: Neil Cohen
Subject: Opening Ports on ME computers from LWW
Message-ID: <>

   We've produced a Windows program using LWW Corba and a server-client
model.  The server works fine on  '95, '98, and perhaps other systems, but
it's never worked on my laptop running ME.  It relies on a port to talk
between the client and server, and that port won't open in ME.   In the
latest try, the server tried to open port 8394 and the system generated
the error message:

failed to open POA port 8394.

  In a previous version, the server looked for one of the standard Corba
ports, perhaps 8680, with the same error.  

   Any ideas?
   Is it possible to search thru a list of ports and open the first one you can?


Neil Cohen
Bridge Trix
Producers of the Bobby Wolff Bridge Mentoring Series