From: Sungwoo Lim
Subject: [Q] Pretty Printing
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to make a following table.

| element | #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
|         |   10 11 12 13 14 15
|         |   16 17)

The right block is a vector, so the length is not fixed.

In "Common Lisp The Language, 2nd Edition", there is a 
PPRIVT-VECTOR function which makes little similar.

(defun pprint-vector (v)
  (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "#(" :suffix ")")
    (let ((end (length v)) 
          (i 0))
      (when (plusp end)
        (loop (pprint-pop)
              (write (aref v i))
              (if (= (incf i) end) (return nil))
              (write-char #\space)
              (pprint-newline :fill))))))

However, this doesn't works very well in a combination with FORMAT.
When I tried as follow, I got a strange result.

(format t "~&  | element | ~F "  (pprint-vector (gethash
'stroke-array-x a)))

; ~F does works when the output is a vector...

(format t "| element | ~F"(pprint-vector (gethash 'vertex-probabilities
(aref object-information 0))))

#(0.18361995988806257 0.18986851739020216 0.4096655293982674       
  0.8178939962885023 0.844041739245261 0.2577621168183122 
  0.1474515986267071)| element | NIL

If :prefix and :per-line-prefix have different functions,
(e.g. :prefix for before the beginning of logical block
      :per-line-prefix for beginning of each subsequent line in the
it might be more easier... But it is not.

How can I get the right table print?
