From: ········
Subject: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <97lnps$ppc$>
This puzzle was originally posted on a mailing list for the Icon 
programming language.  Thought members of this group might also 
want to give it a shot.

VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.

The "further requirement" means that of the numerous pairs of 
answers, choose the one in which each number only appears once
in all of the pairs.

Steve Graham

 -----  Posted via NewsOne.Net: Free (anonymous) Usenet News via the Web  ----- -- Free reading and anonymous posting to 60,000+ groups
   NewsOne.Net prohibits users from posting spam.  If this or other posts
made through NewsOne.Net violate posting guidelines, email ·····

From: ········
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
>This puzzle was originally posted on a mailing list for the Icon 
>programming language.  Thought members of this group might also 
>want to give it a shot.

>VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
>distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
>further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.

>The "further requirement" means that of the numerous pairs of 
>answers, choose the one in which each number only appears once
>in all of the pairs.

Here's a pretty "LOOPy" way of doing it...

;;;; VIER and NEUN are four digit numbers that are perfect squares.
;;;; Choose the values for V, I, E, R, N, and U from [0 .. 9]

(defun squarep-slow (x)
  (= 0 
     (multiple-value-bind (v rm) 
	 (truncate (sqrt x))

(defparameter *squares* 
  (make-array 10001))

(loop for i from 1 to 10000
      when (squarep-slow i) 
      do (setf (aref *squares* i) t))

(defun squarep (x)
  (aref *squares* x))

(defun amt (v1 v2 v3 v4)
  (+ v4 (* 10 (+ v3 (* 10 (+ v2 (* 10 v1)))))))

;;;; Choose the values for V, I, E, R, N, and U from [0 .. 9]
(defun findvier ()
  (let ((answers '()))
   with digits = (loop 
		  for i from 0 to 9
		  collect i)
   for v in digits
   do (loop 
       with lv = (remove v digits)
       for i in lv
       do (loop 
	   with li = (remove i lv)
	   for e in li
	   do (loop
	       with le = (remove e li)
	       for r in le
	       do (loop
		   with lr = (remove r le)
		   for n in lr
		   do (loop
		       with ln = (remove n lr)
		       for u in ln
		       for vier = (amt v i e r)
		       for neun = (amt n e u n)
		       when (and (squarep vier) (squarep neun))
		       do (push (list vier neun)  answers)))))))

6. Break [16]> (findvier)

((7569 4624) (7569 1681) (7056 1521) (6241 9409) (4761 5625) (4356 1521)
  (1764 5625) (1369 5625) (1369 4624) (961 5625) (961 4624) (361 5625)
  (361 4624) (169 5625) (169 4624)
6. Break [16]> 

(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" ·")
Rules of the Evil Overlord #177.  "If a scientist with a beautiful and
unmarried  daughter  refuses to  work  for me,  I  will  not hold  her
hostage. Instead, I  will offer to pay for her  future wedding and her
children's college tuition." <>
From: Geoff Summerhayes
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
<········> wrote in message ·················
> This puzzle was originally posted on a mailing list for the Icon
> programming language.  Thought members of this group might also
> want to give it a shot.
> VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
> distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
> further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.
> The "further requirement" means that of the numerous pairs of
> answers, choose the one in which each number only appears once
> in all of the pairs.

You mean if I know what VIER is there exists only one unique sol'n
for NEUN and vice versa? Cute, that leaves only one case.

Geoff - I may not know Lisp, but my Prolog's not bad! :-)
From: Marc Battyani
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <97mhkt$o69$>
"Geoff Summerhayes" <·············> wrote in message
> <········> wrote in message
> > This puzzle was originally posted on a mailing list for the Icon
> > programming language.  Thought members of this group might also
> > want to give it a shot.
> >
> > VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
> > distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
> > further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.
> >
> > The "further requirement" means that of the numerous pairs of
> > answers, choose the one in which each number only appears once
> > in all of the pairs.
> You mean if I know what VIER is there exists only one unique sol'n
> for NEUN and vice versa? Cute, that leaves only one case.
> Geoff - I may not know Lisp, but my Prolog's not bad! :-)

If you like Prolog you should look at Screamer:

From: Bruce Hoult
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
In article <············>, ········ wrote:

> This puzzle was originally posted on a mailing list for the Icon 
> programming language.  Thought members of this group might also 
> want to give it a shot.
> VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
> distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
> further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.
> The "further requirement" means that of the numerous pairs of 
> answers, choose the one in which each number only appears once
> in all of the pairs.

No doubt APL is shorter, but good old perl ain't too bad...

for $a(32..99){b:for $b(32..99){
    for(0..9){next b if(sort{$b<=>···@cnt)[$_]!=(58,36,7,4,2,1)[$_]}
while(($a,$b)=each%p){print$a*$a," ",$b*$b,"\n"if$a{$a}*$b{$b}==1}
From: Reinout Heeck
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
Bruce Hoult wrote:
> In article <············>, ········ wrote:
> > This puzzle was originally posted on a mailing list for the Icon
> > programming language.  Thought members of this group might also
> > want to give it a shot.
> >
> > VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
> > distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
> > further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.
> >
> > The "further requirement" means that of the numerous pairs of
> > answers, choose the one in which each number only appears once
> > in all of the pairs.
> No doubt APL is shorter, but good old perl ain't too bad...
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> for $a(32..99){b:for $b(32..99){
>     @cnt=();
>     for(1..8){$cnt[substr($a*$a.$b*$b,$_-1,1)].=$_}
>     for(0..9){next b if(sort{$b<=>···@cnt)[$_]!=(58,36,7,4,2,1)[$_]}
>     $a{$a}++;$b{$b}++;$p{$a}=$b
> }}
> while(($a,$b)=each%p){print$a*$a," ",$b*$b,"\n"if$a{$a}*$b{$b}==1}

No doubt perl is shorter but this naive Smalltalk implementation is more
intention revealing ;-)


| squares neuns pairs tallies results |

squares := (1000 sqrt ceiling to: 9999 sqrt truncated) 
               collect: [ :n | n squared printString ].
neuns := squares select: [ :string | 
               string first == string last 
                   and: [string asSet size==3]].
pairs := OrderedCollection new.
tallies := Bag new.
squares do: [ :square | 
    neuns do: [ :neun | 
        ((square at: 3 )==(neun at: 2)
            and: [(square,neun) asSet size = 6]) 
                ifTrue: [ 
                    pairs add: square -> neun.
                    tallies add: square; add: neun ]]].
results := pairs select: [ :pair | 
                (tallies occurrencesOf: pair key) == 1 
                    and: [(tallies occurrencesOf: pair value) == 1]]


this code yields results =
  OrderedCollection ('6241'->'9409')


Reinout Heeck
From: Neil Schemenauer
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
In Python:

    from math import sqrt
    def uniq(chars):
        d = {}
        for c in chars:
            d[c] = 1
        return d.keys()
    vs = []
    ns = []
    sqrs = ["%d" % n**2 for n in range(sqrt(1000)+1, sqrt(9999))]
    for vier in sqrs:
        for neun in sqrs:
            if (neun[0] == neun[3] and neun[1] == vier[2] and
                    len(uniq(vier + neun)) == 6):
    for v, n in zip(vs, ns):
        if vs.count(v) == ns.count(n) == 1:
            print "Found", v, n
From: Bruce Hoult
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
In article <············>, "Marc Battyani" 
<·············> wrote:

> "Reinout Heeck" <·····> wrote in
> > Bruce Hoult wrote:
> > >
> > > In article <············>, ········ wrote:
> > >
> > > > This puzzle was originally posted on a mailing list for the Icon
> > > > programming language.  Thought members of this group might also
> > > > want to give it a shot.
> > > >
> > > > VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
> > > > distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
> > > > further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.
> > > >
> > > > The "further requirement" means that of the numerous pairs of
> > > > answers, choose the one in which each number only appears once
> > > > in all of the pairs.
> > >
> > > No doubt APL is shorter, but good old perl ain't too bad...
> > >
> > > #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> > > for $a(32..99){b:for $b(32..99){
> > >     @cnt=();
> > >     for(1..8){$cnt[substr($a*$a.$b*$b,$_-1,1)].=$_}
> > >     for(0..9){next b if(sort{$b<=>···@cnt)[$_]!=(58,36,7,4,2,1)[$_]}
> > >     $a{$a}++;$b{$b}++;$p{$a}=$b
> > > }}
> > > while(($a,$b)=each%p){print$a*$a," ",$b*$b,"\n"if$a{$a}*$b{$b}==1}
> ...
> > ---------------------------
> >
> > | squares neuns pairs tallies results |
> >
> > squares := (1000 sqrt ceiling to: 9999 sqrt truncated)
> >                collect: [ :n | n squared printString ].
> > neuns := squares select: [ :string |
> >                string first == string last
> >                    and: [string asSet size==3]].
> > pairs := OrderedCollection new.
> > tallies := Bag new.
> > squares do: [ :square |
> >     neuns do: [ :neun |
> >         ((square at: 3 )==(neun at: 2)
> >             and: [(square,neun) asSet size = 6])
> >                 ifTrue:
> >                     pairs add: square -> neun.
> >                     tallies add: square; add: neun ]]].
> > results := pairs select: [ :pair |
> >                 (tallies occurrencesOf: pair key) == 1
> >                     and: [(tallies occurrencesOf: pair value) == 1]]
> >
> > ---------------------------
> >
> > this code yields results =
> >   OrderedCollection ('6241'->'9409')
> I should work, but couldn't resist...
> A Lisp version:
> (let ((sqrs (loop for i from (ceiling (sqrt 1000)) upto (isqrt 9999)
>                collect (format nil "~d" (* i i))))
>       (vns '()))
>   (dolist (vier sqrs)
>     (dolist (neun sqrs)
>       (when (and (char= (aref neun 0)(aref neun 3))
>                  (char= (aref vier 2)(aref neun 1))
>                  (char/= (aref vier 0)(aref vier 1)(aref vier 2)
>                          (aref vier 3)(aref neun 0)(aref neun 2)))
>         (push (list vier neun) vns))))
>   (loop for (v n) in vns do
>     (if (= 1 (count v vns :key #'first)(count n vns :key #'second))
>       (format t "~%Found ~a ~a~%~%" v n))))
> Found 6241 9409

Oh well, here's a Dylan version then...

module: vier-neun

  let (vs, ns) = values(#(), #());
  let sqrs = map(method(n) format-to-string("%d", n * n) end,
                 make(<range>, from: isqrt(1000) + 1, to: isqrt(9999)));
  for (vier in sqrs)
    for (neun in sqrs)
      if (neun[0] = neun[3] & neun[1] = vier[2] &
            concatenate(vier, neun).remove-duplicates.size = 6)
        vs := pair(vier, vs);
        ns := pair(neun, ns)
  for(v in vs, n in ns)
    if (choose(curry(\=,v), vs).size * choose(curry(\=,n), ns).size = 1)
      format-out("Found %s %s\n", v, n)
bash$ ./vier-neun 
Found 6241 9409

-- Bruce
From: Stefano Lanzavecchia
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <9832qa$bbb$>
To all the peopl who have posted solutions.
I am collecting them and will publish a few, in particular the APL and J
ones but some written in other languages as well for comparison, hopefully
not to feed a silly language flame war, on a small magazine of the British
APL Association, for which I am now the editor.
You can have a look at an online version of the magazine at this webpage: where you can find sample of articles published in
the printed version. As you can see while a serious magazine, it's also
reasonably informal, therefore there is no shame at all involved in having
published code which could be thought as less than optimal. Instead, there's
a good chance that a version quickly hacked together would have some
pedagogic and exemplar value because it shows what the language is capable
of when put to the edges.

Anyway, my question is: if the author of any of the solution appeared in
these newsgroups (I have APL, J, K, MUMPS, Common Lisp, Dylan, Smalltalk,
Perl, Python from which to choose from) strongly objects to have his
solution published against his or her name, to please let me know and I will
remove the solution from my pool. Otherwise I'll work on the assumption that
by posting a message in a public newsgroups the author implicitely indicated
that, while not necessary proud, does not mind to see his work published for
public consumption.

By the way, it's quite likely that the readers of Vector are less than the
sums of the readers of these newgroups...

Thank you everybody, and I hope you shared my fun in the solution of the
little puzzle and in the comparison of the different languages.
    WildHeart'2k1 (at home)
From: Steve Graham
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <ERfp6.359416$>

   I'm been quite pleased with the reception which this puzzle has received,
particularly in the APL newsgroup.  You can see a compilation of most of the
solutions at

   Best of luck.

Steve Graham

P.S.  Would anyone be interested in another, slightly more complex puzzle???


"Stefano Lanzavecchia" <········> wrote in message
> To all the peopl who have posted solutions.
> I am collecting them and will publish a few, in particular the APL and J
> ones but some written in other languages as well for comparison, hopefully
> not to feed a silly language flame war, on a small magazine of the British
> APL Association, for which I am now the editor.
> You can have a look at an online version of the magazine at this webpage:
> where you can find sample of articles published
> the printed version. As you can see while a serious magazine, it's also
> reasonably informal, therefore there is no shame at all involved in having
> published code which could be thought as less than optimal. Instead,
> a good chance that a version quickly hacked together would have some
> pedagogic and exemplar value because it shows what the language is capable
> of when put to the edges.
> Anyway, my question is: if the author of any of the solution appeared in
> these newsgroups (I have APL, J, K, MUMPS, Common Lisp, Dylan, Smalltalk,
> Perl, Python from which to choose from) strongly objects to have his
> solution published against his or her name, to please let me know and I
> remove the solution from my pool. Otherwise I'll work on the assumption
> by posting a message in a public newsgroups the author implicitely
> that, while not necessary proud, does not mind to see his work published
> public consumption.
> By the way, it's quite likely that the readers of Vector are less than the
> sums of the readers of these newgroups...
> Thank you everybody, and I hope you shared my fun in the solution of the
> little puzzle and in the comparison of the different languages.
> --
>     WildHeart'2k1 (at home)
From: Wade Humeniuk
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <9846ck$3qf$>
You missed Marc Battyani's solution.  The Lisp versions you included look a
little verbose.


I should work, but couldn't resist...
A Lisp version:

(let ((sqrs (loop for i from (ceiling (sqrt 1000)) upto (isqrt 9999)
               collect (format nil "~d" (* i i))))
      (vns '()))
  (dolist (vier sqrs)
    (dolist (neun sqrs)
      (when (and (char= (aref neun 0)(aref neun 3))
                 (char= (aref vier 2)(aref neun 1))
                 (char/= (aref vier 0)(aref vier 1)(aref vier 2)
                         (aref vier 3)(aref neun 0)(aref neun 2)))
        (push (list vier neun) vns))))
  (loop for (v n) in vns do
    (if (= 1 (count v vns :key #'first)(count n vns :key #'second))
      (format t "~%Found ~a ~a~%~%" v n))))

Found 6241 9409


"Steve Graham" <·········> wrote in message
> Stefano,
>    I'm been quite pleased with the reception which this puzzle has
> particularly in the APL newsgroup.  You can see a compilation of most of
> solutions at
>    Best of luck.
> Steve Graham
> P.S.  Would anyone be interested in another, slightly more complex
> ===
> "Stefano Lanzavecchia" <········> wrote in message
> ·················
> > To all the peopl who have posted solutions.
> > I am collecting them and will publish a few, in particular the APL and J
> > ones but some written in other languages as well for comparison,
> > not to feed a silly language flame war, on a small magazine of the
> > APL Association, for which I am now the editor.
> > You can have a look at an online version of the magazine at this
> > where you can find sample of articles
> in
> > the printed version. As you can see while a serious magazine, it's also
> > reasonably informal, therefore there is no shame at all involved in
> > published code which could be thought as less than optimal. Instead,
> there's
> > a good chance that a version quickly hacked together would have some
> > pedagogic and exemplar value because it shows what the language is
> > of when put to the edges.
> >
> > Anyway, my question is: if the author of any of the solution appeared in
> > these newsgroups (I have APL, J, K, MUMPS, Common Lisp, Dylan,
> > Perl, Python from which to choose from) strongly objects to have his
> > solution published against his or her name, to please let me know and I
> will
> > remove the solution from my pool. Otherwise I'll work on the assumption
> that
> > by posting a message in a public newsgroups the author implicitely
> indicated
> > that, while not necessary proud, does not mind to see his work published
> for
> > public consumption.
> >
> > By the way, it's quite likely that the readers of Vector are less than
> > sums of the readers of these newgroups...
> >
> > Thank you everybody, and I hope you shared my fun in the solution of the
> > little puzzle and in the comparison of the different languages.
> > --
> >     WildHeart'2k1 (at home)
> >
> >
From: Geoffrey Summerhayes
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <Vsjp6.324934$>
"Wade Humeniuk" <········> wrote in message
> You missed Marc Battyani's solution.  The Lisp versions you included look
> little verbose.
> --------------->>>>>>
> I should work, but couldn't resist...
> A Lisp version:
> (let ((sqrs (loop for i from (ceiling (sqrt 1000)) upto (isqrt 9999)
>                collect (format nil "~d" (* i i))))
>       (vns '()))
>   (dolist (vier sqrs)
>     (dolist (neun sqrs)
>       (when (and (char= (aref neun 0)(aref neun 3))
>                  (char= (aref vier 2)(aref neun 1))
>                  (char/= (aref vier 0)(aref vier 1)(aref vier 2)
>                          (aref vier 3)(aref neun 0)(aref neun 2)))
>         (push (list vier neun) vns))))
>   (loop for (v n) in vns do
>     (if (= 1 (count v vns :key #'first)(count n vns :key #'second))
>       (format t "~%Found ~a ~a~%~%" v n))))
> Found 6241 9409
> Marc

Very nice, I'm ashamed to be included in such company. If I'd known
my solution would be the only one in the Prolog NG, I would have spent
time writing a better solution. For interests sake, my total
development time on the problem was about 10 minutes. 5 to write something
that provided all the pairs, then after reading the problem again and
understanding the last part, 5 more putting the finish on, including
cleaning up and finding reasonable names for the predicates. I assume Lisp
was about
the same, I was wondering how other languages did, time-wise. Of course, the
thing about Prolog is that it is suited for this kind of thing, the
of the problem *is* the program.


P.S. Steve, bring them on, haven't had this much fun since finding the
acm contest judge.
From: Jeffrey A. Wormsley
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <90626FF19jwormsleyatdebitekdo@>
Can't help be throw a very verbose and fly right at it Delphi solution 
in...  Certaily isn't 5 lines like the K solution, but then I can't read 
the K solution ;^).

unit Main;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Memo1: TMemo;
    Button1: TButton;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    Function  Match(I,J : Integer): Boolean;
    Procedure FindMatches;
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.DFM}

Function TForm1.Match(I,J : Integer): Boolean;
Var S : String;
    K, L : Byte;
 Result := False;                              // Assume no match
 S := IntToStr(Sqr(I)) + IntToStr(Sqr(J));     // Build string
 If (S[3] <> S[6]) or (S[5] <> S[8]) then      // Check the E's and N's
  Exit;                                        // Exit if not matched
 S := S[1] + S[2] + S[3] + S[4] + S[5] + S[7]; // Remove dup E's and N's
 For K := 1 to Length(S) - 1 Do                // Scan for dups
  For L := K + 1 to Length(S) Do
   If S[K] = S[L] then                         // If dup found
    Exit;                                      // Exit
 Result := True;                               // Good match if this far

Procedure TForm1.FindMatches;
Var I, J, A, B : Byte;
 For I := 34 to 89 do
   A := I div 10; B := I mod 10;               // Get digits
   If A <> B then                              // Can't work if equal
     J := A + (B * 10);                        // Transpose digits
     If Match(I,J) then                        // Check for match
      Memo1.Lines.Add( 'VIER = ' + IntToStr(Sqr(I)) +
                      ' NEUN = ' + IntToStr(Sqr(J)) +
                      ' (' + IntToStr(I) + ',' + IntToStr(J) + ')');

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


From: Marcel Hendrix
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
"Steve Graham" <·········> wrote in message ·······························
>    I'm been quite pleased with the reception which this puzzle has received,
> particularly in the APL newsgroup.  You can see a compilation of most of the
> solutions at

It is interesting to look at the solution strategies followed. Unfortunately
I can't read (most) of them... It would be nice if there were explanations of
the diverse approaches for non-multilinguists to read.

For instance, APL has a 5 line solution, but seems to use a monstrous
array on which it does pattern matching? I could (and would like to)
learn a great deal by implementing such strategies in other languages.

From: WildHeart'2k1
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <985niv$4qa4$>
> It is interesting to look at the solution strategies followed.
> I can't read (most) of them... It would be nice if there were explanations
> the diverse approaches for non-multilinguists to read.

As far as I can tell, apart from minor details, the Python, Smalltalk and
Dylan (and the Ocaml I derived mixing the 3 I just mentioned) are pretty
much the same.

The prolog solution is interesting because it almost literally (in English)
implement the statement of the problem.

> For instance, APL has a 5 line solution, but seems to use a monstrous
> array on which it does pattern matching? I could (and would like to)
> learn a great deal by implementing such strategies in other languages.

The APL and J solutions (and the K derived from the latter), while harder to
read, also implement the statement quite literally but only to trained eyes.
In particular the array mentioned is of moderate size. In one of the
solutions proposed, the outer product of all the possible squares is still
only a less than 5000 elements array (68*68).

I would be glad to get into the details of the APL or J solutions, but once
I tried and I quickly figured out that it would require too many details on
the languages themselves.
J (and K) and all its documentation and tutorials can be downloaded for free
from the web pages of the vendors producing the interpreters and, if
interested, I recommend the download. The installation procedure is, in both
cases, very easy and quite unintrusive and the documentation includes
primers which explain a good deal about the language and can guide a
beginner to become proficient enough to understand the solutions proposed.
From: Geoff Summerhayes
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
"WildHeart'2k1" <············> wrote in message
> The prolog solution is interesting because it almost literally (in English)
> implement the statement of the problem.

Unfortunately, the Prolog solution has a flaw in it that isn't exposed because
the problem only has one solution. write/1 doesn't allow backtracking, the
program as it stood only produced the first solution it came across.
My revised solution follows, I've altered the digit-picking logic to do the
comparisons automatically instead of having to hand-code them, takes longer
but is scalable. create_number/3 is also more general than before.
I've also altered some of the variable names to make the logic a little clearer.

leading_digit(X,L,[X|L]) :-
   \+ member(X,L).

digit(X,L,[X|L]) :-
   \+ member(X,L).

pure_square(A) :-
   B is round(sqrt(A)), A is B * B.

    N1 is N*10+H,

passes_criteria(V,I,E,R,N,U,VIER,NEUN) :-

possible_solutions(VIER,NEUN) :-
   leading_digit(V,[],L), leading_digit(N,L,L1),
   digit(I,L1,L2), digit(E,L2,L3),
   digit(R,L3,L4), digit(U,L4,_),

count_matches([X,Y],[[X,_]|T],V):-!,count_matches([X,Y],T,V1),V is V1 + 1.
count_matches([X,Y],[[_,Y]|T],V):-!,count_matches([X,Y],T,V1),V is V1 + 1.

   1 is Count.

% d:/prolog/lisp.prolog compiled 0.00 sec, 5,780 bytes

?- solve(VIER,NEUN).

VIER = 6241
NEUN = 9409 ;


From: Michael Horsch
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
I coded up a Prolog + CLP(FD) solution.  I have a well-documented 
version of it available, but since no one else provided comments, 
I won't either.  :-)  The CLP(FD) engine I am using is provided 
by Sicstus Prolog.  The run time is about 40msec on a Sparc Ultra10.  

% sictus prolog file:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
solve(P,Q) :-
  setof((PP,QQ), pair(PP,QQ), Pairs),
  unique(Pairs, (P,Q)).

unique(Pairs, (P,Q)) :-
  select((P,Q), Pairs, Rs),
  \+ member((P,_), Rs), 
  \+ member((_,P), Rs),
  \+ member((Q,_), Rs), 
  \+ member((_,Q), Rs).
pair(P,Q) :-
  domain([V,I,E,R,N,U], 0, 9),
  P #= V*1000 + I*100 + E*10 + R,
  Q #= N*1000 + E*100 + U*10 + N,
  V #> 0,
  N #> 0,
  domain([X1,X2,Y1,Y2], 0, 9),
  X #= X1*10 + X2,
  Y #= Y1*10 + Y2,
  X1 #> 0,
  Y1 #> 0,
  P #= X*X,
  Q #= Y*Y,
  labeling([], [P,Q]).

% eof

Michael C. Horsch
Department of Computer Science
University of Saskatchewan
From: Mikhail Gambarian
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
I looked on decitions in different languages - python looked best - most
easily understood and fairly short.
I cannot understand prolog decition at all. Of course it is my fault

Michael Horsch wrote:

> I coded up a Prolog + CLP(FD) solution.  I have a well-documented
> version of it available, but since no one else provided comments,
> I won't either.  :-)  The CLP(FD) engine I am using is provided
> by Sicstus Prolog.  The run time is about 40msec on a Sparc Ultra10.
> % sictus prolog file:
> :- use_module(library(clpfd)).
> :- use_module(library(lists)).
> solve(P,Q) :-
>   setof((PP,QQ), pair(PP,QQ), Pairs),
>   unique(Pairs, (P,Q)).
> unique(Pairs, (P,Q)) :-
>   select((P,Q), Pairs, Rs),
>   \+ member((P,_), Rs),
>   \+ member((_,P), Rs),
>   \+ member((Q,_), Rs),
>   \+ member((_,Q), Rs).
> pair(P,Q) :-
>   domain([V,I,E,R,N,U], 0, 9),
>   P #= V*1000 + I*100 + E*10 + R,
>   Q #= N*1000 + E*100 + U*10 + N,
>   V #> 0,
>   N #> 0,
>   domain([X1,X2,Y1,Y2], 0, 9),
>   X #= X1*10 + X2,
>   Y #= Y1*10 + Y2,
>   X1 #> 0,
>   Y1 #> 0,
>   P #= X*X,
>   Q #= Y*Y,
>   all_different([V,I,E,R,N,U]),
>   labeling([], [P,Q]).
> % eof
> Mike
> --
> Michael C. Horsch
> Department of Computer Science
> University of Saskatchewan
From: William Tanksley
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 17:40:36 -0400, Mikhail Gambarian wrote:
>I looked on decitions in different languages - python looked best - most
>easily understood and fairly short.
>I cannot understand prolog decition at all. Of course it is my fault

The Prolog definition is without doubt the most straightforward -- but you
have to know a little bit about Prolog to understand it.  Prolog is a
logical programming language -- you state the logical constraints, and
Prolog generates code which meets those constraints.

Look at the code, and notice how everything it says is simply a
restatement of the original problem description.  There's hardly room for
a bug (said with a wry smile).

I believe that a good programmer should take time every once in a while to
learn a really different language, different from all the others you know.
Prolog is a good candidate.


>Michael Horsch wrote:
>> I coded up a Prolog + CLP(FD) solution.  I have a well-documented
>> version of it available, but since no one else provided comments,
>> I won't either.  :-)  The CLP(FD) engine I am using is provided
>> by Sicstus Prolog.  The run time is about 40msec on a Sparc Ultra10.
>> % sictus prolog file:
>> :- use_module(library(clpfd)).
>> :- use_module(library(lists)).
>> solve(P,Q) :-
>>   setof((PP,QQ), pair(PP,QQ), Pairs),
>>   unique(Pairs, (P,Q)).
>> unique(Pairs, (P,Q)) :-
>>   select((P,Q), Pairs, Rs),
>>   \+ member((P,_), Rs),
>>   \+ member((_,P), Rs),
>>   \+ member((Q,_), Rs),
>>   \+ member((_,Q), Rs).
>> pair(P,Q) :-
>>   domain([V,I,E,R,N,U], 0, 9),
>>   P #= V*1000 + I*100 + E*10 + R,
>>   Q #= N*1000 + E*100 + U*10 + N,
>>   V #> 0,
>>   N #> 0,
>>   domain([X1,X2,Y1,Y2], 0, 9),
>>   X #= X1*10 + X2,
>>   Y #= Y1*10 + Y2,
>>   X1 #> 0,
>>   Y1 #> 0,
>>   P #= X*X,
>>   Q #= Y*Y,
>>   all_different([V,I,E,R,N,U]),
>>   labeling([], [P,Q]).
>> % eof
>> Mike
>> --
>> Michael C. Horsch
>> Department of Computer Science
>> University of Saskatchewan

-William "Billy" Tanksley
From: Stefano Lanzavecchia
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <983jin$k00$>
It's plain to see that I am not an ace MLer... But for completeness...
Here's my contribution in Ocaml.

let range from to_ =
  let rec r_ from to_ acc =
    if from > to_ then
      List.rev acc
    else r_ (from + 1) to_ (from :: acc)
    r_ from to_ [];;

let vierneun =

  let squares =
    let lbound = truncate(ceil(sqrt(1000.0)))
    and ubound = truncate(sqrt(9999.0))
    and strsq f = string_of_int (f * f) in strsq (range lbound ubound)

  in let countuniq s =
   let rec c_ s i acc count =
     if i<String.length s then
       if List.mem (String.get s i) acc then
         c_ s (i+1) acc count
         c_ s (i+1) ((String.get s i)::acc) (count+1)
     c_ s 0 [] 0

  in let uniqpairs vn =
    let rec u_ v_ n_ acc disn disv =
      match (v_,n_) with
        (hv_::tv_, hn_::tn_) -> if List.mem hv_ tv_ ||
          List.mem hn_ tn_ ||
          List.mem hn_ disn ||
          List.mem hv_ disv then
            u_ tv_ tn_ acc (hn_::disn) (hv_::disv)
            u_ tv_ tn_ ((hv_,hn_)::acc) disn disv
      | ([],[]) -> acc
      | (_,_) -> acc
    in match vn with
      (vier_s,neun_s) -> u_ vier_s neun_s [] [] []

  in let neun =
    List.filter (function n -> (String.get n 3)=(String.get n 0)) squares

  in let select vn =
    match vn with
      (v_,n_) -> (String.get v_ 2)=(String.get n_ 1) &&
        6=countuniq (v_^n_)
  and allpairs =
    List.flatten ( (function i1 -> (function i2 -> (i1,i2))
neun) squares)

  in let pairs =
    List.split (List.filter select allpairs)

    uniqpairs pairs;;
    - : (string * string) list = ["6241", "9409"]

    WildHeart'2k1 (at home)
From: Knut Arild Erstad
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
: VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
: distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
: further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.
: The "further requirement" means that of the numerous pairs of 
: answers, choose the one in which each number only appears once
: in all of the pairs.

Here's a CL solution:

(defun lists-match (list1 list2)
  (loop with map = ()
        for elt1 in list1
        for elt2 in list2
        do (let ((a1 (find elt1 map :key #'car))  ;; same as assoc
                 (a2 (find elt2 map :key #'cdr))) ;; "reverse" assoc
             (cond ((and (null a1) (null a2))
                    (push (cons elt1 elt2) map))
                   ((not (eq a1 a2))
                    (return nil))))
        finally (return t)))

(defun integer->digits (i &optional (base 10))
  (loop while (> i 0)
        with digits = ()
        do (multiple-value-bind (n rest)
               (floor i base)
             (push rest digits)
             (setq i n))
        finally (return digits)))

(defun all-vier-neun-answers ()
  (let ((squares (loop for i from 32 to 99 collect (* i i)))
        (answers ()))
    (dolist (n1 squares)
      (let ((digits1 (integer->digits n1)))
        (when (lists-match digits1 '(n e u n))
          (dolist (n2 squares)
            (let ((digits2 (integer->digits n2)))
              (when (lists-match (nconc digits2 digits1)
                                        '(v i e r n e u n))
                (push (cons n2 n1) answers)))))))

(defun vier-neun ()
  (let ((all-answers (all-vier-neun-answers))
        (unique-answers ()))
    (dolist (answer all-answers)
      (unless (find-if (lambda (ans)
                         (and (not (eq answer ans))
                              (or (= (car answer) (car ans))
                                  (= (cdr answer) (cdr ans)))))
        (push answer unique-answers)))

* (vier-neun)
((6241 . 9409))

Knut Arild Erstad

Nobody loves me but my mother, and she could be jivin' too.
  -- B.B King
From: Deepak Goel
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
·········· (Knut Arild Erstad) writes:

> [········]
> : 
> : VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
> : distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
> : further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.
> : 
> : The "further requirement" means that of the numerous pairs of 
> : answers, choose the one in which each number only appears once
> : in all of the pairs.
> Here's a CL solution:


anybody did it by hand?
From: Jason Kantz
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <>
Here's one ...

(defun VIER-NEUN ()
  ;; collect squares, separating into N**N and **** 
  ;; [notice that there aren't that many N**Ns]
  (do ((N**N '())
       (**** '())
       (i (ceiling (sqrt 1000)) (1+ i)))
      ((> i (isqrt 9999)) 
       (select-pair N**N ****))
    (let ((str (format nil "~d" (* i i))))
      (if (char= (schar str 0) (schar str 3))
	  (push str N**N)
	  (push str ****)))))

(defun select-pair (N**Ns ****)
  (let ((pairs '()))
    ;; collect pairs fitting the VIER NEUN pattern
    (dolist (NEUN N**Ns)
      (dolist (VIER ****)
	(if (pairp VIER NEUN)
	    (push (list VIER NEUN) pairs))))
    ;; select a pair such that each number only appears once
    ;; in all of the pairs
    (dolist (pair pairs)
      (if (= 1
	     (count (first pair) pairs :key #'first)
	     (count (second pair) pairs :key #'second))
	  (return-from select-pair pair)))))

(defun pairp (VIER NEUN)
  (and (char= (schar NEUN 0)
	      (schar NEUN 3))
       (char= (schar VIER 2)
	      (schar NEUN 1))
       (char/= (schar VIER 0)
	       (schar VIER 1)
	       (schar VIER 2)
	       (schar VIER 3)
	       (schar NEUN 0)
	       (schar NEUN 2))))

Jason Kantz
From: ······
Subject: Re: New Scientist Puzzle
Message-ID: <98i4ds$dhs$>
I picked up the subject from the J Forum. Follows a quote
from my message there:


Here is an adaptation of Roger's alrorithm in C.
I don't know how to post it on [Steve Graham's] collection, but
this might restore the decency to "conventional" languages.
Also it shows how a language like J can serve as a great
prototyping tool.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void main(void) 
{  int i, j, k, n=0; wchar_t p[1000], v[]=L"vierneun", s[9];

  for (i=32;i<=99;i++) for (j=32;j<=99;j++) {
    for (k=0;k<8;k++) if (wcschr(s,s[k])-s != wcschr(v,v[k])-v) break;
    if (k==8) { p[n++] = i*i; p[n++] = j*j; } }
  for (i=0;i<n;i+=2) if (wcschr(p,p[i]) == wcsrchr(p,p[i])
      && wcschr(p,p[i+1]) == wcsrchr(p,p[i+1])) break;

"John D. Baker" <········@***.net> wrote:
> I've been following this thread with interest. It's
> always illuminating to see how different people
> and different tools come up with very different
> solutions.
> Looking over the compilation at:
> It struck me that no "conventional" C, C++, VB, Java, COBOL 
> solutions have been been posted.  This puzzle illustrates why
> oddball programming languages persist despite a relentless
> and oppressive effort by the software industry to
> generate standard commodity programmers. In many cases, like
> this one, they are more productive, creative and
> fun!
> -- 
> John D. Baker
> ·······


In article <············>,
<········> writes:
>This puzzle was originally posted on a mailing list for the Icon 
>programming language.  Thought members of this group might also 
>want to give it a shot.
>VIER and NEUN represent 4-digit squares, each letter denoting a
>distinct digit. You are asked to find the value of each, given the
>further requirement that each uniquely determines the other.
>The "further requirement" means that of the numerous pairs of 
>answers, choose the one in which each number only appears once
>in all of the pairs.
>Steve Graham

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