From: Juanjo
Subject: [ANN] ECLS 0.2 at SourceForge
Message-ID: <>

I am pleased to announce the release of version 0.2 of ECLS.

ECLS stands for Embeddable Common-Lisp "Spain", and I usually read it
as "e-klos". It is a an implementation of the Common-Lisp language
which aims to comply to the ANSI X3J13 definition of the language.

It features
+ A bytecodes compiler and interpreter.
+ A translator to C.
+ An interface to foreign functions.
+ The possibility to build standalone executables.
+ The Common-Lisp Object System (CLOS).
+ Conditions and restarts for handling errors.
+ Sockets as ordinary streams.
+ The Gnu Multiprecision library for fast bignum operations.
+ A simple conservative mark & sweep garbage collector.
+ The Boehm-Weiser garbage collector.

ECLS is now hosted in SourceForge (at
will avoid old problems with my web server going offline, and it will
provide people with CVS access.  Contributors to this project are

News in ECLS 0.2

* Due to human errors, the bytecompiler shipped with 0.1a was not the
  finished version. In 0.1b we shipped a more polished files. Some of
  the errors which are fixed are
    + Produce the right code for TAGBODY inside closures
    + Activate compiler for SYMBOL-MACROLET    
    + Allow non-keyword symbols as lambda-list-keywords
    + Allow more than one :ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS to be supplied, but
      discard other than the first one
    + Process declarations in FLET/LABELS forms

* Fixed the C compiler routines for TAGBODY: it would produce wrong
  code when jumping out of a closure.

* Rewrite the error system using KMP's condition system, CLOS and a
  rudimentary interface to the toplevel.

* Enclosing the bytecompiler in an UNWIND-PROTECT ensures that the
  status of the compiler and of the interpreter is always consistent.

* Port and incorporate Peter Van Eynde's test suite for ANSI

* Replace features ECL/ECL-MIN with ECLS and ECLS-MIN.

* Add simple-program-error and simple-control-error to the hierarchy
  of conditions, and try to ensure that all routines in libecls.a
  signal the right type of condition.


* Fix #'= between bignums.

* NIL is no longer valid as the first of a pair of bounding index
  designators, i.e. (nstring-upcase "aa" :start nil :end nil) causes
  an error.


You can find further information and source-code release in

The author

The current maintainer of ECLS is 

        Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll

        Univ. de Castilla-La Mancha
        E.T.S.I. Industriales
        Departamento de Matematicas
        c/Camilo Jose Cela, 3
        Ciudad Real, E-13071
