From: Johan Jeuring
Subject: Working Conference on Generic Programming: first call for papers
Message-ID: <9gl8u5$c4m$>
                      WCGP '02

            IFIP TC2 Working Conference on


         Organised in conjunction with MPC'02

                July  8 - July 13, 2002

                 Dagstuhl, Germany

                  CALL FOR PAPERS

Generic programming is about making programs more
adaptable by making them more general. Generic
programs often embody non-traditional kinds of
polymorphism; ordinary programs are obtained from
them by suitably instantiating their parameters.
In contrast with normal programs, the parameters
of a generic programs are often quite rich in
structure. For example they may be other programs,
types or type constructors, class hierarchies, or
even programming paradigms.

Generic programming techniques have always been of
interest, both to practitioners and to theoreticians,
but only recently have generic programming
techniques become a specific focus of research in
the functional and object-oriented programming
language communities. This working conference will
bring together leading researchers in generic
programming from around the world, and feature
papers capturing the state of the art in this
important emerging area.

We welcome contributions on all aspects, theoretical
as well as practical, of generic programming,
aspect-oriented programming, polytypic programming,
adaptive object-oriented programming, generic
components, and so on.


Full papers should be submitted in Postscript or pdf
format by e-mail to reach ··············
by February 16, 2002. The details of the submission
procedure can be found at

Although there is no page limit, submissions should
strive for brevity and clarity.

                  IMPORTANT DATES

Submission           February 16, 2002
Notification         April 12,    2002
Final version due    May 24,      2002


Matt Austern
Eerke Boiten
Ulrich Eisenecker
Jeremy Gibbons (co-chair)
Ralf Hinze
Johan Jeuring (co-chair)
Gary Leavens
Karl Lieberherr
Lambert Meertens
Eugenio Moggi
Bernhard Moeller
Oege de Moor
David Musser
Martin Odersky
Ross Paterson
Simon Peyton Jones
Colin Runciman
Doaitse Swierstra
Stephanie Weirich


Jeremy Gibbons
Johan Jeuring
Bernhard Moeller


Jeremy Gibbons (··············
Johan Jeuring  (·····