From: Gareth McCaughan
Subject: Re: Q: evaluating iteration in (format...)
Message-ID: <slrn9ipvm4.1vq1.Gareth.McCaughan@g.local>
Daitaro Hagihara wrote:

> How do you force format command to evaluate each iteration if possible?
> E.g., (format nil ···@{~D~:*~}" 8 (incf i) nil) to print 8 distinct i's.

You certainly can't do it as it stands[1]. If you don't
mind wrapping the (INCF I) in a lambda, you can use the
~/ feature.

    (defun format-call-result (stream argument colonp atp &rest stuff)
      (format stream "~A" (funcall argument)))

    (let ((i 0))
      (format nil ···@{~/format-call-result/~:*~}" 8 (lambda () (incf i)) nil))

    ===> "12345678"

Why do you want to do this, though? It feels like bad style,
but of course I don't know anything about the application
you have in mind.

[1] Unless you make a new package, shadow FORMAT, and make it
    a macro. That way lies madness.

Gareth McCaughan  ················
.sig under construc