From: Armin Braun
Subject: Windows OLE from Allegro CL
Message-ID: <>
I am currently trying to get something to work, which looks like this:
An Exe (visual basic) which creates an "object" - or I should say an
"in-process server" - written in Lisp. Both shall share data of objects
from further DLLs (again VB and C++).

Where can I get some more help on the Allegro OLE package?
Are there some more examples anywhere, which cover most of the keywords?

The samples provided seem only to deal with strings and integers. I
would like to return an array-type variant with a list of strings. How
can I construct one in Lisp?

My calling VB routine expects the DLL to pass results back in a ByRef
variable. Works fine in a VB DLL, but how could Lisp do this?

Trying to pass user-defined class as a parameter to a Lisp "automethod"
results in the following: Lisp says it is loading a IDispatch.fasl (?),
VB throws an error. The same Lisp method works when I pass simple type

Thanks for your help!