From: james anderson
Subject: CL-XML 0.906
Message-ID: <>
I am pleased to announce that a new release of CL-XML is available.


CL-XML is a collection of Common LISP modules for data stream parsing
and serialization according to the "Extensible Markup Language" and
related standards. The modules perform parsing and serialization between
XML, XML Query, and XML Path expressions and DOM-compatible CLOS instances.
- The XML processor includes a conformant, validating, namespace-aware
model-based parser. It supports, in particular, namespace-aware
DTD-based validation based directly on xml/1.0+names encoded documents.
- The XPATH module comprises LISP bindings for the XML Path library, an
S-expression-based namespace-aware path model, and a macro-based path
model compiler which implements an XPATH-algebra.
- The XQUERY module comprises LISP bindings for the XML Query library, a
S-expression-based query model which incorporates the XPATH facilities,
and a macro-based query compiler.
- The base CLOS model comprises a class library which implements the XML
Query Data Model and presents an Infoset compatiable programming interface.

This is a preliminary version which includes CL-HTTP integration for
MCL. Allegro supports HTTP/1.0 access only. Full Allegro support and a
Lispworks port are in progress. 


This is a preliminary version whihc includes CL-HTTP integration for MCL
only. Allegro supports HTTP/1.0 access only. Full Allegro support and a
Lispworks port are in progress. 

The source archives are available at:
