From: Marc Battyani
Subject: Testing mod_lisp 2.0
Message-ID: <>
Mod_lisp 2.0 is a complete rewrite of mod_lisp 0.92 (which was a quick and
rather dirty hack).

Now mod_lisp 2.0 reuses the socket connection from the Apache process to the
Lisp process thus reducing the overhead of creating and destroying the
socket. It's a very very big performance improvement. I didn't think that
creating sockets were that long. In some cases I measured a gain factor of
up to 80. (between a PII450 FreeBSD PC and a PIII 700 W2K PC)

The other major improvement is that now there is the same protocol from Lisp
to Apache as from Apache to Lisp. This enables to call Apache services from
Lisp (like writing in the error log for instance).

I will publish it next week but I would like to test it. So I'm asking
interested people to try the following URLs and report to me if they see
some problems. (warning : the connection is only a 128Kb leased line. This
is why I use mod_gzip to reduce the bandwidth use) a computed response (the
apache-nb-use-socket is the number of requests sent through the socket, so
it should change when you reload the page) a fixed response (a constant
HTML string, not really a file)

From: DiG
Subject: Re: Testing mod_lisp 2.0
Message-ID: <>
Dear all,

Does anybody have an example of usage mod_lisp with clisp or cmulisp? 
There was a simmilar question on lispweb mailing list, but nobody replied.


Marc Battyani wrote:

> Mod_lisp 2.0 is a complete rewrite of mod_lisp 0.92 (which was a quick and
> rather dirty hack).
> Now mod_lisp 2.0 reuses the socket connection from the Apache process to the
> Lisp process thus reducing the overhead of creating and destroying the
> socket. It's a very very big performance improvement. I didn't think that
> creating sockets were that long. In some cases I measured a gain factor of
> up to 80. (between a PII450 FreeBSD PC and a PIII 700 W2K PC)
> The other major improvement is that now there is the same protocol from Lisp
> to Apache as from Apache to Lisp. This enables to call Apache services from
> Lisp (like writing in the error log for instance).
> I will publish it next week but I would like to test it. So I'm asking
> interested people to try the following URLs and report to me if they see
> some problems. (warning : the connection is only a 128Kb leased line. This
> is why I use mod_gzip to reduce the bandwidth use)
> a computed response (the
> apache-nb-use-socket is the number of requests sent through the socket, so
> it should change when you reload the page)
> a fixed response (a constant
> HTML string, not really a file)
> Marc