From: Daniel Barlow
Subject: cCLan News, Wed, 18 Jul 2001
Message-ID: <>
cCLan News, Wed Jul 18th

cCLan is a project to create a Comprehensive Common Lisp Archive
Network.  Find out more about it at

* New implementations


cCLan now works with current development snapshots of CLISP, the
widely ported byte-compiled Common Lisp for many Unix-like and
microcomputer OSes.  Binary packages are provided for Debian GNU/Linux
on Alphas, x86 and PPC machines; if you have Debian on some other
architecture, we would welcome your binaries.

(If you don't have Debian, and are willing to invest some effort in the
cclan vendor-independent packaging initiative, we'd be especially
happy to hear from you)

cCLan team members are also working with OpenMCL maintainers: with bug
fixes provided for the 0.5 release of OpenMCL we are closer to
supporting yet another implementation ...

* New and updated packages

**  cl-binary-types - The Common Lisp library binary-types.

 cl-binary-types (0.83-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * Updated upstream after I found an embarrassing bug in

 cl-binary-types (0.82-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * Removed norwegian characters from source to please CLISP's UTF-8.
   * Added eval-when's to remove warnings from cmucl

**  cl-line-looping - Extension to ANSI loop allowing looping over lines in a stream

 cl-line-looping (20010705) unstable; urgency=low

   * Migration from csrlib.
   * Initial release, sort of.

**  cl-xptest  - Extreme Programming framework for Common Lisp.

 cl-xptest (0.1-5) unstable; urgency=low

   * Fixed dependency.

**  clisp      - experimental package with GNU CLISP

 clisp (1:2.26-3) unstable; urgency=low

   * Moved files into the right places.
   * Improved defsystem/clc use
   * improved debian/ dir

**  clocc-port - The Common Lisp library 'port' from CLOCC.

 clocc-port (0.1-20010707) unstable; urgency=low

   * included upstream (setf getenv)
   * included upstream change of +eof+ and some reading related to +eof+
   * included some upstream stylisitic changes
   * made package depend on lisp-compiler instead of cmucl

**  common-lisp-controller - This is a common lisp source and compiler manager.

 common-lisp-controller (2.3) unstable; urgency=low

   * Now includes patch from Rhodes: Fixes: #103467

 common-lisp-controller (2.4) unstable; urgency=low

   * Patched defsystem to allow CLISP (in CVS) to be used.  This is merely
     a hack meant for cCLan and testing purposes.

 common-lisp-controller (2.5.1) unstable; urgency=low

   * Change defsystem's notion of extensions for :coral and :mcl. Note that
 	  the new values are just as wrong, but will work for OpenMCL on linuxppc.
   * Remove most uses of :case :common in common-lisp-controller.lisp; I
 	  think it is not yet correct, but it works in all current
 	  implementations and OpenMCL.

**  langband-engine - The Langband engine
**  langband-vanilla - A Vanilla-Angband plugin to the langband-engine
**  langband-zterm - The Langband term-libs

 langband (0.0.11-7) unstable; urgency=low

   * Not quite sure on all changes and stuff.
   * At least I've installed a new birth user-interface which is ok.

 langband (0.0.11-8) unstable; urgency=low

   * made zterm fall back on curses if possible
   * allowed better init arguments to the game-init which is passed to C
   * also made curses module dump info to a file
   * piped calls into the lisp quit-function to ensure flushing
   * added gcu keys and handling of escape in such strings.

 langband (0.0.11-9) unstable; urgency=low

   * Syncing of lisp-side and c-side on what UI is used.  Fixes key-bug
   * Removed printouts,

 langband (0.0.12-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream version, see upstream Changelog.

**  sbcl       - Steel Bank Common Lisp, a fork from CMUCL

 sbcl ( unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream.
   * Merged the local alpha patches, removed from README.Debian
   * Added install-defsystem target to

 sbcl ( unstable; urgency=low

   * Added missing package prefix in alpha-specific part of src/cold/shared.lisp
   * Correct syntax errors in clc script



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