From: Frederick C. Gibson, Architect
Subject: International characters and strings
Message-ID: <UIIb6.76$>
I'm trying to input foreign words such as m�nnlich as a string.  Ideally:
>(read-line)  m�nnlich
Would be the result, but instead I only get "mnnlich"

Lisp seems to know about the � character in that:
>(char "�" 0)

If there is no way to use read to get the characters, is there a way to
assemble them into strings?
I tried:
>(string #\latin_small_letter_a_with_diaeresis)

In the Allegro 6.0 Lisp, I tried changing the excl:*locale* variable to
Germany, but this didn't help.


Fred Gibson, Architect

Output from the program is at:

·········     Architecture Designed Objectively
Frederick Clifford Gibson Architect & Associates

     1220 14th Avenue Suite 106
     San Francisco, CA  94122
     415.753.3797 |tel|  415.759.8848 |fax|


     ART:  Temple of Triumph *Building* Project
     EASG: Epistemology-Aesthetics Study Group

From: Tim Bradshaw
Subject: Re: International characters and strings
Message-ID: <>
Shouldn't you ask ···· this.  They're often helpful, and
they probably understand this!

From: Frederick C. Gibson, Architect
Subject: Re: International characters and strings
Message-ID: <lc3c6.76911$>
"Tim Bradshaw" <···> wrote in message
> Shouldn't you ask ···· this.  They're often helpful, and
> they probably understand this!
> --tim

Thanks for the advice.  I sent an email to bugs, and apparently the lisp
console window does not support international characters, but the debug
window does.

Fred Gibson, Architect

·········     Architecture Designed Objectively
Frederick Clifford Gibson Architect & Associates

     1220 14th Avenue Suite 106
     San Francisco, CA  94122
     415.753.3797 |tel|  415.759.8848 |fax|


     ART:  Temple of Triumph *Building* Project
     EASG: Epistemology-Aesthetics Study Group