From: John M. Adams
Subject: Collecting method combination examples
Message-ID: <>
I'm giving a brief talk to a small group of local software colleagues
who are mostly Java/C++/Python users.  The general topic is CLOS
method dispatch with a particular focus on the concept of method
combination.  The objective is to describe a powerful feature of lisp
that is not well supported in these other languages.

I have an example of my own string-cat combination that is used to
gather strings from various ancestor classes into an informative
identifier or print-name.

As part of the talk, in addition to my own example, I would like to
cite an example other than my own.  I would enjoy reading any other
examples using standard or custom method combinations that you feel
are interesting and would be willing to post.

Thanks alot.

John M. Adams

From: Paolo Amoroso
Subject: Re: Collecting method combination examples
Message-ID: <>
On Tue, 13 Feb 2001 23:35:21 GMT, ·······
(John M. Adams) wrote:

> who are mostly Java/C++/Python users.  The general topic is CLOS
> method dispatch with a particular focus on the concept of method
> combination.  The objective is to describe a powerful feature of lisp
> As part of the talk, in addition to my own example, I would like to
> cite an example other than my own.  I would enjoy reading any other

You may check the following paper:

  "The Use of Multimethods and Method Combination in a CLOS Based Window
  Hans Muller, John Rose, James Kempf, Tayloe Stansbury
  Proceedings of OOPSLA '89

  Solo is a portable window interface written in the Common Lisp Object
  System (CLOS) object-oriented programming language. Solo provides a
  virtual window machine which is targeted to a host window system by
  implementing a set of host window system specific classes and methods for
  Solo's host window system driver protocol. The interface presented by
  Solo to an application insulates it from differences in the host window
  system, facilitating application portability. Solo distinguishes itself
  from other object-oriented window systems by exploiting certain features
  of CLOS. CLOS method combination simplifies initialization of windows
  while preserving easy extensibility of the basic classes. Generic
  dispatch on multiple arguments, a feature unique to CLOS, allows a
  simpler and more flexible input event dispatching protocol. A powerful
  event description language simplifies the specification of keyboard and
  mouse events. A prototype implementation runs on the server based X11 and
  NeWS host systems, and on the frame buffer based Lucid Window Toolkit.

EncyCMUCLopedia * Extensive collection of CMU Common Lisp documentation
From: David Bakhash
Subject: Re: Collecting method combination examples
Message-ID: <>
Paolo Amoroso <·······> writes:

>   while preserving easy extensibility of the basic classes. Generic
>   dispatch on multiple arguments, a feature unique to CLOS, allows a
>   simpler and more flexible input event dispatching protocol. A powerful
>   event description language simplifies the specification of keyboard and
>   mouse events.

wow.  having done a bit of event programming (X-based) -- even used
CLX -- I see how CLOS would be ideal for event programming, and a big
improvement.  if you look at the C-based, non-OO event definitions in
Xlib.h for all those different event structs, and all the extra code
baggage, then without question CLOS can simplify the X event model

thanks for the reference.

From: Lieven Marchand
Subject: Re: Collecting method combination examples
Message-ID: <m3bss55716.fsf@localhost.localdomain>
······· (John M. Adams) writes:

> I'm giving a brief talk to a small group of local software colleagues
> who are mostly Java/C++/Python users.  The general topic is CLOS
> method dispatch with a particular focus on the concept of method
> combination.  The objective is to describe a powerful feature of lisp
> that is not well supported in these other languages.
> I have an example of my own string-cat combination that is used to
> gather strings from various ancestor classes into an informative
> identifier or print-name.
> As part of the talk, in addition to my own example, I would like to
> cite an example other than my own.  I would enjoy reading any other
> examples using standard or custom method combinations that you feel
> are interesting and would be willing to post.
> Thanks alot.

There was one posted here a time ago that implemented Eiffel's DBC. 

From: ·· (Matthias H�lzl)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.clos
Subject: Re: DBC in Lisp (was: Stepanov *does* want OOP?)
Date: 11 Oct 1998 03:21:13 +0200
Organization: Private site, Munich, Germany
Lines: 457
Message-ID: <··············>
References: <··········> <··········> <·······················@> <··········> <··········> <·················> <·······················@>
X-Server-Date: 11 Oct 1998 01:21:18 GMT
Cc: ······
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.5/XEmacs 20.4 - "Emerald"
Xref: comp.lang.lisp:6103 comp.lang.clos:85

[comp.object and comp.eiffel removed since this is no longer relevant]

······ (Rainer Joswig) writes:

> In article <·················>, ·· (Matthias
> H�lzl) wrote:
> > style by most authors.)  I have appended a simple DBC-library for CLOS

> I have changed it a bit. It now has its own package
> and uses DEFCLASS.

I have reworked it some more and added a tiny amount of documentation
so that others might find it more useful.  The main improvements are
that now weakening of preconditions is handled correctly without
having to manually build the disjunction, furthermore
pre-/postconditions and invariants can now be defined as predicates
and an error will be signalled if they evaluate to false.


;;; dbc.lisp

;;; Design by Contract in Common Lisp.
;;; =================================

;;; One of the outstanding features of the Eiffel language is that it
;;; supports a concept called Design by Contract.  A comprehensive
;;; description is given in
;;; Object Oriented Software Construction, 2nd ed.
;;; Bertrand Meyer
;;; Prentice Hall PTR, 1997
;;; ISBN 0-13-629155-4
;;; but the key point of DBC is that the relationship between a class
;;; and its clients is specified by a contract: There are certain
;;; conditions that the caller of a method specialized on a class has
;;; to fulfill so that the method can do its job (the preconditions)
;;; and the method guarantees certain things after its completion (the
;;; postconditions).  Furthermore a class may have certain properties
;;; that are always true about that class; these properties are called
;;; invariants.
;;; This file contains an implementation of DBC for CLOS.  Pre- and
;;; postconditions as well as invariants are specified by qualified
;;; methods of type dbc; the usual before, after and around method
;;; combinations are available for these methods as well.
;;; The code was written by Matthias H�lzl (·· and is
;;; placed in the public domain.  Rainer Joswig added the package
;;; definition and MCL patches.  The most recent version of this file
;;; should be available at <>.
;;; Have fun,
;;;    Matthias
;;; Change Log.
;;; ==========
;;; 1998-10-07  Matthias H�lzl  <··>
;;;  * Initial version.
;;;  * Changed handling of pre-/postconditions and invariants to
;;;    match Eiffel's behavior more closely.  Errors are now signalled
;;;    by the method combination.
;;; 1998-10-11  Rainer Joswig
;;;  * Added package definition.
;;;  * Added MCL patches.
;;; 1998-10-11  Matthias H�lzl  <··>
;;;  * Added default method for `check-invariant'.
;;;  * Removed `(ensure-generic-function 'check-invariant)' from
;;;    `define-check-invariant-method'.
;;;  * Changed method combination type of `check-invariant' to
;;;    standard method combination.

(cl:defpackage "DESIGN-BY-CONTRACT"
  (:use "COMMON-LISP")
  (:nicknames "DBC")
  (:shadow cl:defclass cl:make-instance)

(in-package "DBC")

;;; The method combination DBC.
;;; ==========================

(define-method-combination dbc ()
  ((precondition (:precondition))
   (around (:around))
   (invariant (:invariant))
   (before (:before))
   (primary () :required t)
   (after (:after))
   (postcondition (:postcondition)))
  (flet ((call-methods (methods)
		       (mapcar #'(lambda (method)
				   `(call-method ,method))
    (let* ((form (if (or before after (rest primary))
		       (progn ,@(call-methods before)
			      (call-method ,(first primary)
					   ,(rest primary)))
		       ,@(call-methods (reverse after)))
		   `(call-method ,(first primary))))
	   (around-form (if around
		      `(call-method ,(first around)
				    (,@(rest around)
				       (make-method ,form)))
	   (pre-form (if precondition
			 `(if (or ,@(call-methods precondition))
			    (error "Precondition failure."))
	   (post-form (if postcondition
			   (unless (and ,@(call-methods postcondition))
			     (error "Postcondition failure.")))
	   (inv-form (if invariant
			     (unless (and ,@(call-methods
				"Invariant violation before method call."))
			   (unless (and ,@(call-methods invariant))
			      "Invariant violation after method call.")))

(defun getf-and-remove (name list &optional acc)
  "Find NAME in the alist LIST.  Returns nil as first value if NAME is
not found, the valus associated with NAME otherwise.  The second value
returned is LIST with the first occurence of pair (NAME value)
  (if (null list)
    (values nil (reverse acc))
    (if (eql (caar list) name)
      (values (cadar list) (append (reverse acc) (rest list)))
      (getf-and-remove name (rest list) (cons (first list) acc)))))

(defun define-slot-generics (slot)
  "Returns a list with the reader and writer generic functions for a slot.
The generic functions have method combination type `dbc'."
  (let ((accessor (getf (rest slot) :accessor)))
    (let ((reader (or (getf (rest slot) :reader)
          (writer (or (getf (rest slot) :writer)
                      (when accessor
                        `(setf ,accessor)))))
      (list (when reader
                :lambda-list '(object)
                :method-combination #-mcl '(dbc:dbc)
                #+mcl (ccl::%find-method-combination nil 'dbc nil)))
            (when writer
                :lambda-list '(new-value object)
                :method-combination #-mcl'(dbc:dbc)
                #+mcl (ccl::%find-method-combination nil 'dbc nil)))))))

(defun define-slot-accessor-invariants (class slot)
  "Returns a list with method definitions for reader and writer
  (let ((accessor (getf (rest slot) :accessor)))
    (let ((reader (or (getf (rest slot) :reader)
          (writer (or (getf (rest slot) :writer)
                      (when accessor
                        `(setf ,accessor)))))
      (list (when reader
              `(defmethod ,reader :invariant ((object ,class))
                 (check-invariant object)))
            (when writer
              `(defmethod ,writer :invariant (value (object ,class))
                 (declare (ignore value))
                 (check-invariant object)))))))

(defun define-check-invariant-method (invariant class)
  "Returns a list containing the method on CHECK-INVARIANT specialized
for CLASS and executing INVARIANT."
  `((defmethod check-invariant ((class ,class))
      (when (funcall ,invariant class)

(defmacro defclass (&body body)
  (destructuring-bind (name supers &optional slots &rest options)
    (multiple-value-bind (invariant new-options)
                         (getf-and-remove :invariant options)
         ,@(if slots
             (apply #'append
                    (mapcar (lambda (slot)
                              (define-slot-generics slot))
         (cl:defclass ,name ,supers ,slots
         ,@(when invariant
             (define-check-invariant-method invariant name))
         ,@(when slots
             (apply #'append
                    (mapcar (lambda (slot)
                                name slot))

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defgeneric check-invariant (object)
   "Methods on the generic `check-invariant' are used by the dbc
method combination to perform the invariant check and should not
directly be defined by the user."))
) ; eval-when

(defmethod check-invariant (object)
  "Default invariant, always true."
  (declare (ignore object))

(defmethod make-instance (class &rest initargs)
  (let ((class (apply #'cl:make-instance class initargs)))
    (unless (check-invariant class)
      (error "Invariant failure after class creation."))

;;; End of file dbc.lisp

;;; dbc-test.lisp
;;; Tests for the dbc package.

(cl:defpackage "DBC-TEST"
  (:use "DBC" "CL")
  (:shadowing-import-from "DBC"
                          "DEFCLASS" "MAKE-INSTANCE" "DBC"))

(in-package "DBC-TEST")

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defgeneric test-dbc (arg1 arg2) (:method-combination dbc))
) ;; eval-when

(defmethod test-dbc ((m integer) (n integer))
  (print " >> test-dbc (integer integer)")
  (list m n))

(defmethod test-dbc :around ((m integer) (n integer))
  (print " >> test-dbc (around)")

(defmethod test-dbc :precondition ((m fixnum) (n integer))
  (print " >> precondition (fixnum integer)")
  (> m 123))

(defmethod test-dbc :precondition ((m integer) (n fixnum))
  (print " >> precondition (integer fixnum)")
  (< n 100))

(defmethod test-dbc :precondition ((m integer) (n integer))
  (print " >> precondition (integer integer)")
  (= m 12345678900987654321))

(defmethod test-dbc :postcondition ((m integer) (n fixnum))
  (print " >> postcondition (integer fixnum)")

(defmethod test-dbc :postcondition ((m integer) (n integer))
  (print " >> postcondition (integer integer)")

(defmethod test-dbc :invariant ((m integer) (n integer))
  (print " >> invariant (integer integer)")

(defmethod test-dbc :invariant ((m fixnum) (n integer))
  (print " >> invariant (fixnum integer)")

(defmethod test-dbc :invariant ((m integer) (n fixnum))
  (print " >> invariant (integer fixnum)")

(defmethod test-dbc :before ((m integer) (n integer))
  (print " >> before (integer integer)")
  (list (- m 1) (- n 1)))

(defmethod test-dbc :after ((m integer) (n integer))
  (print " >> after (integer integer)")
  (list (+ m 1) (+ n 1)))

#| Example:

(test-dbc 1 2)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defclass foo () 
  ((my-slot :accessor my-slot :initform nil)
   (your-slot :accessor your-slot :initform t))
  (:invariant (lambda (class) 
		(format t "~& >> Invariant check for class ~A~%"

(defclass bar (foo) 
  ((yet-another-slot :accessor yet-another-slot :initform 'yas))
   (lambda (class)
     (declare (ignore class))
     (format t " ++ Additional invariant (bar)~%")
) ;; eval-when

(defmethod my-slot :precondition ((bar bar))
  (format t " ++ Additional precondition (my-slot bar)~%")

(defmethod my-slot :postcondition ((bar bar))
  (format t " ++ Additional postcondition (my-slot bar)~%")

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defclass bar-2 (foo)
  (:invariant (lambda (class)
		(declare (ignorable class))
		(format t "~& >> Strengthened invariant.~%")
) ;; eval-when

#| Example:

(let* ((my-foo (make-instance 'foo))
       (a-slot (progn (format t " !! Accessing my-slot.~%")
		      (my-slot my-foo))))
  (setf (my-slot my-foo) (progn (format t " !! Setting my-slot.~%")
  (list (my-slot my-foo) a-slot (your-slot my-foo)))

(let* ((my-bar (make-instance 'bar))
       (a-slot (progn (format t " !! Accessing my-slot.~%")
		      (my-slot my-bar))))
  (setf (my-slot my-bar) (progn (format t " !! Setting my-slot.~%")
  (list (my-slot my-bar) a-slot (your-slot my-bar)))

(let* ((my-bar-2 (make-instance 'bar-2))
       (a-slot (progn (format t " !! Accessing my-slot.~%")
		      (my-slot my-bar-2))))
  (setf (my-slot my-bar-2) (progn (format t " !! Setting my-slot.~%")
  (list (my-slot my-bar-2) a-slot (your-slot my-bar-2)))

(my-slot (make-instance 'bar))
(yet-another-slot (make-instance 'bar))

(my-slot (make-instance 'bar2))


(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defclass test () 
  ((my-slot :accessor my-slot :initarg :my-slot :initform 0))
  (:invariant (lambda (class)
		(numberp (slot-value class 'my-slot)))))

(defclass test-2 (test)
  ((another-slot :accessor another-slot :initarg :another-slot
		 :initform nil))
  (:invariant (lambda (class)
		(< (length (slot-value class 'another-slot))

(defmethod test-dbc :around ((m test) (n test))
  (print " >> test-dbc (around)")

(defmethod test-dbc ((m test) (n test))
  (print " >> test-dbc (test test)")
  (list m n))

(defmethod test-dbc :before ((m test) (n test))
  (print " >> before (test test)")
  (list m n 'before))

(defmethod test-dbc :after ((m test) (n test))
  (print " >> after (test test)")
  (list m n 'after))

;; Preconditions:

(defmethod test-dbc :precondition ((m test-2) (n test))
  (print " >> precondition (test-2 test)")
  (< (my-slot m) 123))

(defmethod test-dbc :precondition ((m test) (n test-2))
  (print " >> precondition (test test-2)")
  (null (another-slot n)))

(defmethod test-dbc :precondition ((m test) (n test))
  (print " >> precondition (test test)")
  (not (zerop (my-slot m))))

;; Postconditions:

(defmethod test-dbc :postcondition ((m test) (n test-2))
  (print " >> postcondition (test test-2)")
  (null (another-slot n)))

(defmethod test-dbc :postcondition ((m test) (n test))
  (print " >> postcondition (test test)")
  (or (zerop (my-slot m)) (zerop (my-slot n))))

#| Examples:

(test-dbc (make-instance 'test :my-slot 1) (make-instance 'test))

;;; Fail (precondition violation)
(test-dbc (make-instance 'test) (make-instance 'test))

;;; The next call succeeds because the method TEST-DBC has a weakened
;;; precondition for first arguments of type TEST-2.
(test-dbc (make-instance 'test-2) (make-instance 'test))

;;; Fail (postcondition violation)
(test-dbc (make-instance 'test :my-slot 1)
	  (make-instance 'test :my-slot 1))

;;; The weakened postcondition for second argument of class TEST-2
;;; does not cause the method to succeed.

(test-dbc (make-instance 'test :my-slot 1)
	  (make-instance 'test-2 :my-slot 1))


;;; End of file dbc-test.lisp

Lieven Marchand <···>
Gla�r ok reifr skyli gumna hverr, unz sinn b��r bana.
From: David Bakhash
Subject: Re: Collecting method combination examples
Message-ID: <>
······· (John M. Adams) writes:

> As part of the talk, in addition to my own example, I would like to
> cite an example other than my own.  I would enjoy reading any other
> examples using standard or custom method combinations that you feel
> are interesting and would be willing to post.

The standard provides very interesting, and potentially useful method
combinations (e.g. append, +, max, etc.)  And it's fairly easy to
define new ones, considering how powerful a feature it is to define a
method combination.  But standard method combination is so intense and
amazing that just describing that, and how to use it, is a lecture by
