From: Senciales
Subject: Win32::Shell-execute
Message-ID: <>
Well,finally i have found the command that execute a aplication in the
Dos-shell on Windows NT,
using LispWorks Harlequin, but i�ve a problem, i�ve search in all
printable and html documentation for this
function and i find nothing.. I don�t Know its argumentes.

the only i know is that things like this, go Ok:

      (win32::shell-execute "netscape")

can someone help me?,where can i search for it?
waiting your answers have a good day!! :-)
From: Clive Tong
Subject: Re: Win32::Shell-execute
Message-ID: <>
Senciales <······> writes:

> the only i know is that things like this, go Ok:
>       (win32::shell-execute "netscape")

This call is in error - the lambda list of win32::shell-execute is


and it is a link into the win32 function ShellExecute (There was no
error checking to tell you that you'd submitted bad arguments). 

> can someone help me?,where can i search for it?
> waiting your answers have a good day!! :-)

You may want to use open-pipe or sys:call-system-showing-output

(let ((st (sys:open-pipe "dir"))) 
	(loop for line = (read-line st nil nil) 
	      while line 
              do (print line)))

	"c:\\winnt\\system32\\cmd.exe /C dir")