From: Thaddeus L Olczyk
Subject: Smallish RG or GMCL applications?
Message-ID: <>
Recently someone asked for simple programs displaying the power of
lisp. Something I would like to see is the source to something like
Gregor Kiczales RG ( the first "AOP" program ) or the Lisp
equivalent of gmcl the library written by Czarnecki & Eisenbecker
for C++. ( Note they basically do the same thing, RG does it for image
processing filters and gmcl does it for matrices. ) 
I've already asked GK about the actual RG source and he said 
that Xerox won't release it. ( I had hoped that since probably the
lions share of the source was published openly they would have
released it. )   

PS The actual RG papers have seeral mistakes in the source. A very
good Lisp programmer might be able to get around them, but I'm not yet
that good.