From: Michele Marchesi
Message-ID: <>
 ********* XP2002 - FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS *********

 *********  DEADLINE EXTENSION!!  *********

Please note that the call for paper deadline has been extended
to January, 10, 2002.
A call for Practitioner's Reports expiring on February 28, 2002
has been added.


3rd International Conference on eXtreme Programming
and Agile Processes in Software Engineering - XP2002

26-29 May, 2002, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy

Home Page:

General Chair:  Kent Beck, Three Rivers Institute, USA
Program Chair:  Michele Marchesi, University of Cagliari, Italy
Program Co-chair:  Giancarlo Succi, University of Bolzano, Italy

Building on the success of XP2000 and XP2001, the Third International
Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software
Engineering will be a forum to discuss theories, practices,
experiences, and tools on XP and other agile software processes, like
SCRUM, the Adaptive Software Process, Feature Driven Development and
the Crystal series.
XP2002 will bring together people from industry and academia to share
experiences and ideas and to provide an archival source for important
papers on agile process-related topics. The conference is also meant
to provide information and education to practitioners, identify
directions for further research, and to be an ongoing platform for
technology transfer. The conference will include technical
presentations, panels, poster sessions, activity sessions, workshops,
and tutorials.

The conference will stress practical applications and implications of
XP and other agile processes (AP). Conference topics include, but
are not limited to:

- Foundations and rationale of XP and AP
- Case studies and experiments
- Methodology and process
- Organizational and management issues and patterns
- Scalability issues
- Education and training
- Introducing AP into an organization
- Relation to reuse
- Relation to UML and the Unified Process
- Relation to the CMM and ISO 9001
- Empirical findings of XP and AP effectiveness
- XP Practices: user stories, on-site customer, planning game, short
  releases, metaphor, simple design, refactoring, pair programming,
  continuous  integration, collective code ownership, no overtime,
  coding  standards
- Unit and acceptance testing: practices and experiences
- Use of supportive software development tools and environments
- Refactoring and continuous integration
- Merging of agile processes
- Other issues on agile methodologies


Workshops and active sessions proposals: December 31, 2001
Paper submission: January, 10, 2002
Paper acceptance notification: February 20, 2002
Practitioner's Reports submission: February 28, 2002
Practitioner's Reports acceptance notification: March, 15, 2002
Final manuscript submission: April 1, 2002

For more information, including conference topics and instructions
to authors, please refer to XP2002 Web site:

or send an e-mail to:  ·······

[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

 /\                                                       \
 \_| Prof. Michele Marchesi                                |
   | DIEE - Univ. Cagliari - p.zza D'Armi - 09123 CA       |
   |Tel:+39 070 6755899/+39 010 3532783 Fax:+39 070 6755900|
   | Cell.: 338 8349880  - Casa/Home: +39 010 566354       |
   | e-mail: ·······                         |
   | XP2002 site:                    |
   |   ____________________________________________________|__