From: Ted Byers
Subject: Newby alert: additional information for installing CLISP required
Message-ID: <sevB6.647792$>
The CLisp readme says: "Change the strings in src/config.lsp ..."

It doesn't say how.  And the config.lsp is just as terse.

NB: I am trying to install it so I can learn LISP.  I have never written a
line of Lisp code ever before.  It is, of course, risky to change a
configuration file when you don't know what is going on in it.

I am including the file as I received it.  Could someone annotate it to
explain a) what it is doing and b) what, if anything, I would need to

I have running emacs on NT4, if that matters, and I have very few of the Gnu
development tools.  I do not want to break emacs or limit my ability to use
the flavour of lisp that comes with it, if that is possible (can emacs' lisp
coexist with CLISP?).

Any aide will be appreciated.



R.E. Byers

;;; ENGLISH: Site specific definitions, to be modified on installation
;;; DEUTSCH: Funktionen, die beim Transportieren zu �ndern sind
;;; FRANCAIS: Fonctions d�pendantes de l'installation

(in-package "LISP")
(mapcar #'fmakunbound '(short-site-name long-site-name
                        editor-name editor-tempfile edit-file))

(defun short-site-name ()
  (let ((s (or
             (system::registry "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows
       ))  )
    (check-type s string)
) )
(defun long-site-name ()
  (let ((s (or
             (system::registry "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows
       ))  )
    (check-type s string)
) )

;; ENGLISH: The name of the editor:
;; DEUTSCH: Der Name des Editors:
;; FRANCAIS: Nom de l'�diteur :
(defparameter *editor* "notepad.exe")
(defun editor-name () (or (sys::getenv "EDITOR") *editor*))

;; ENGLISH: The temporary file LISP creates for editing:
;; DEUTSCH: Das tempor�re File, das LISP beim Editieren anlegt:
;; FRANCAIS: Fichier temporaire cr�� par LISP pour l'�dition :
(defun editor-tempfile ()

;; ENGLISH: (edit-file file) edits a file.
;; DEUTSCH: (edit-file file) editiert eine Datei.
;; FRANCAIS: (edit-file file) permet l'�dition d'un fichier.
(defun edit-file (file)
  (execute (editor-name) (namestring file t))

;; ENGLISH: Treat Ctrl-Z in files as whitespace. Some losing middle-age
;;          editors insist on appending this to files.
;; DEUTSCH: Behandle Ctrl-Z in Dateien als Leerstelle. Einige dumme
;;          Steinzeit-Editoren bestehen darauf, das an Dateien anzuh�ngen.
;; FRANCAIS: Traite Ctrl-Z dans les fichiers comme un espace. Quelques
;;           �diteurs du moyen age n'arr�tent pas d'ajouter cela aux
(eval-when (load eval compile)
  (set-syntax-from-char #\Code26 #\Space)

;; ENGLISH: The list of directories where programs are searched on LOAD etc.
;;          if device and directory are unspecified:
;; DEUTSCH: Die Liste von Directories, in denen Programme bei LOAD etc.
;;          werden, wenn dabei Laufwerk und Directory nicht angegeben ist:
;; FRANCAIS: Liste de r�pertoires o� chercher un fichier lorsqu'un
;;           particulier n'est pas indiqu� :
(defparameter *load-paths*
  '(#"C:"               ; erst im Current-Directory von Laufwerk C:
    #"C:\\CLISP\\...\\" ; dann in allen Directories unterhalb C:\CLISP

;; ENGLISH: This makes screen output prettier:
;; DEUTSCH: Dadurch sehen Bildschirmausgaben besser aus:
;; FRANCAIS: Pour que les sorties sur l'�cran soient plus lisibles:
(setq *print-pretty* t)

;; ENGLISH: Common Lisp HyperSpec access
(defvar *clhs-root-default*)
(defun clhs-root ()
  "This returns the root URL for the Common Lisp HyperSpec.
You can set the environment variable `CLHSROOT' or redefine this function
in ~/.clisprc.  On win32 you can also use the Registry."
  (or (sys::getenv "CLHSROOT")
      (let ((s (system::registry "SOFTWARE\\GNU\\CLISP" "CLHSROOT")))
        (check-type s (or null string))
(setq *clhs-root-default*

From: Arseny Slobodjuck
Subject: Re: Newby alert: additional information for installing CLISP required
Message-ID: <>
On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 04:27:04 GMT, "Ted Byers" <·········>

>The CLisp readme says: "Change the strings in src/config.lsp ..."
You can do it later, now just start interactive session with following

c:\...\lisp.exe -M c:\...\lispinit.mem

When you'll want to quit type (bye).
From: Ted Byers
Subject: Re: Newby alert: additional information for installing CLISP required
Message-ID: <JbCB6.567768$>
Thanks Arseny,

From: Paolo Amoroso
Subject: Re: Newby alert: additional information for installing CLISP required
Message-ID: <>
On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 04:27:04 GMT, "Ted Byers" <·········>

> The CLisp readme says: "Change the strings in src/config.lsp ..."
> It doesn't say how.  And the config.lsp is just as terse.

You can just keep the default values for a basic installation.

> NB: I am trying to install it so I can learn LISP.  I have never written a
> line of Lisp code ever before.  It is, of course, risky to change a

At this learning stage you may want to check the following introductory

  Successful Lisp

  Basic Lisp Techniques

  Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation

For general information on Lisp see:

  ALU - Association of Lisp Users

> the flavour of lisp that comes with it, if that is possible (can emacs' lisp
> coexist with CLISP?).

Sure. Emacs Lisp is used for customizing Emacs and extending its
capabilities, while Common Lisp is a general purpose language for
developing applications that do not necessarily rely on or interact with
Emacs. Emacs Lisp does for Emacs more or less what WordBasic/VBA does for
MS Word.

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