From: Julian St.
Subject: Common Lisp - String parsing
Message-ID: <>

I want to parse strings like "hello world" into a list containing all the
words: ("hello" "world").
How could I do this?

Thanks in advance.


Zum Antworten via Mail .nospam in der ElektroPost (eMail fuer die Neudeutschen)
Adresse entfernen.
(To reply simply remove .nospam in my email address.)

From: Mitchell R Whorlow
Subject: Re: Common Lisp - String parsing
Message-ID: <>
········· (Julian St.) writes:

> I want to parse strings like "hello world" into a list containing all the
> words: ("hello" "world").
> How could I do this?

;;From CLOCC's string.lisp
(defun split-seq (seq pred &key (start 0) end key strict)
  "Return a list of subseq's of SEQ, split on predicate PRED.
Start from START, end with END.  If STRICT is non-nil, collect
zero-length subsequences too.
  (split-seq SEQ PRED &key (start 0) end key strict)"
  (declare (sequence seq) (type (function (t t) t) pred) (fixnum start))
  (loop :for st0 = (if strict start
                       (position-if-not pred seq :start start
                                        :end end :key key))
        :then (if strict (if st1 (1+ st1))
                  (position-if-not pred seq :start (or st1 st0)
                                   :end end :key key))
        :with st1 = 0 :while (and st0 st1) :do
        (setq st1 (position-if pred seq :start st0 :end end :key key))
        :collect (subseq seq st0 st1)))

(defun split-string (str chars &rest opts)
  "Split the string on chars."
  (declare (string str) (sequence chars))
  (apply #'split-seq str (lambda (ch) (declare (character ch)) (find ch chars))

;;Simpler version using loop
(defun split-string-2 (string &optional (separator #\Space))
  (loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
	as j = (position separator string :start i)
	collect (subseq string i j) while j))

;;Same as above, but with do* instead of loop 
(defun split-string-3 (string &optional (separator #\Space))
  (do* ((i 0 (1+ j))
	(j (position separator string :start i) (position separator string :start i))
	(words (list (subseq string i j)) (push (subseq string i j) words)))
      ((null j) (nreverse words))))

CL-USER(11): (split-string "hello world" '(#\Space))
("hello" "world")
CL-USER(12): (split-string-2 "hello world")
("hello" "world")
CL-USER(13): (split-string-3 "hello world")
("hello" "world")
From: Julian St.
Subject: Re: Common Lisp - String parsing
Message-ID: <>


Zum Antworten via Mail .nospam in der ElektroPost (eMail fuer die Neudeutschen)
Adresse entfernen.
(To reply simply remove .nospam in my email address.)
From: Steve Long
Subject: Re: Common Lisp - String parsing
Message-ID: <>
This works in ACL and PowerLisp:

(defun string-parse
    (string &optional (token #\space))
  "Parse a string into a list of strings."
  (labels ((cons-list (p str list-out)
             (if p (cons (subseq str 0 p) list-out) list-out)))
    (do* ((str      string                (subseq str (1+ p)))
          (p        (position token str)  (position token str))
          (list-out (cons-list p str nil) (cons-list p str list-out)))
        ((null p) (nreverse (cons str list-out))))))


"Julian St." wrote:

> Thanks.
> Gruss
> Julian
> --
> Zum Antworten via Mail .nospam in der ElektroPost (eMail fuer die Neudeutschen)
> Adresse entfernen.
> (To reply simply remove .nospam in my email address.)