From: John's Linux
Subject: LispWorks fonts too small, Help!
Message-ID: <>
Hello Esteemed Lisp Newsgroup,

Having no where else to turn, I hope someone here knows how to get
Harlequin LispWorks to use a larger font. I have gone to the lispworks
config file and changed fonts there (as mentioned in the help files),
but it has no effect.  This information will be greatly appreciated, as
I would like to use this nice tool this coming quarter. Right now the
fonts are too small for my old eyes to use. Thank you for any help you
may, or may not, offer. Back to the keyboard!

A day without scripting is like a night without stars,

John Jaynes
From: Georges KO
Subject: Re: LispWorks fonts too small, Help!
Message-ID: <>
John's Linux <·······> wrote: 

> Having no where else to turn, I hope someone here knows how to get
> Harlequin LispWorks to use a larger font. 

    Here's my initialization file for LW for Windows :

;; Editor

(gp:define-font-alias :editor-pane-default-font
    (gp:gf nil "Lucida Console" :medium :roman 11))

(setf capi::*editor-cursor-color* :red)
(capi:install-registered-values 'capi:editor-pane :background :black)
(capi:install-registered-values 'capi:editor-pane :foreground :white)

;; Listener

(gp:define-font-alias :listener-pane-default-font
    (gp:gf nil "Lucida Console" :medium :roman 11))

(setf capi::*listener-cursor-color* :red)
(capi:install-registered-values 'capi:listener-pane :background :black)
(capi:install-registered-values 'capi:listener-pane :foreground :white)
(capi:install-registered-values 'capi:collector-pane :background :black)
(capi:install-registered-values 'capi:collector-pane :foreground :white)

;; Output
(capi:install-registered-values 'capi:output-pane :background :black)
(capi:install-registered-values 'capi:output-pane :foreground :white)

;; Echo area
(capi:install-registered-values 'capi:echo-area-pane :background 
				;; (color:make-rgb 1.0 1.0 0.97))
(capi:install-registered-values 'capi:echo-area-pane :foreground
				;; (color:make-rgb 1.0 1.0 0.97))

;; Misc

(setf capi:*editor-highlight-style*
  (list :inverse t))

(setf capi::*editor-matching-parens-highlight-style* 
  (list :background :orange
	:foreground :black))
 Georges KO (Taipei, Taiwan)                                      ···
                                         Jour 6 de la semaine 37 de l'an 2000