From: Jonathan BAILLEUL
Subject: Re: looking for lisp code to simplify boolean expressions
Message-ID: <>

I think I've located what you're looking for.

Go to the page:
to download the following documentation: "Programming Style by Peter
Norvig and Kent Pitman".

On pages 71+, there is a program for simplifying expressions, with an
instance for boolean ones.

Best Regards. 

>>>>>>>>>Original message:
 I am looking for some lisp code which may simplify boolean expressions
(as it is done by the 'bsimp' function in Maple).  For example,
 '(c1 and (c2 or c3)) or (c1 and ((not c2) or (not c3)))'
 shoud return 'c1'
 The expressions I have to simplify are a little bit more complicated
but the job can be easely made by hand. The problem is that I have many
 expressions to simplify.
 I am a beginner with lisp and I work with cmucl under solaris. Thanks a
lot for any hints.
 Renaud - <············>

Bailleul Jonathan
DEA Informatique
LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux I