From: David E. Young
Subject: Zebu and cmucl
Message-ID: <>
Greetings. If memory serves, not long ago someone posted to this group
inquiring about Zebu (a nice parser generator for Common Lisp). I've
taken the most recent version (3.5.5, from what I could find) and
adapted it for CMUCL; it really didn't need that much work. Also, I've
written a system definition file for Zebu that works with MK:DEFSYSTEM
(version 3.2i as found in the CLOCC project at sourceforge).

I've only tested the defsystem file against cmucl on Linux; if there's
*sufficient* interest I would be willing to obtain ACL and LispWorks and
ensure it works on those platforms as well. At one time I was using Zebu
on ACL, so that shouldn't be an issue.

In any event, drop me a line if you'd like a copy of what I have. I've
tried contacting the Zebu author but haven't heard from him, so I don't
know what the story is on maintenance or licensing; the license wording
implies free for commercial and non-commercial, but I've no legal

It might actually be nice if Zebu could be added to CLOCC. Any thoughts?


David E. Young
Fujitsu Network Communications  "The fact that ... we still
(···········    live well cannot ease the pain of
                                 feeling that we no longer live nobly."
                                  -- John Updike
"Programming should be fun,
 programs should be beautiful"
  -- P. Graham

From: Marco Antoniotti
Subject: Re: Zebu and cmucl
Message-ID: <>
This is a good thing.

Although I still believe that the "input" syntax for Zebu is a little
too funky.


Marco Antoniotti =============================================================
NYU Bioinformatics Group			 tel. +1 - 212 - 998 3488
719 Broadway 12th Floor                          fax  +1 - 212 - 995 4122
New York, NY 10003, USA
             Like DNA, such a language [Lisp] does not go out of style.
			      Paul Graham, ANSI Common Lisp
From: David E. Young
Subject: Re: Zebu and cmucl
Message-ID: <>
Marco Antoniotti wrote:

> This is a good thing.
> Although I still believe that the "input" syntax for Zebu is a little
> too funky.

Yeah, and I have to decide whether to bundle Zebu with my open source project
(which includes an embedded lisp-related language) or write the parser by hand.
Lisp folks seem to prefer hand-writing  their parsers, so perhaps that's a better


David E. Young
Fujitsu Network Communications  "The fact that ... we still
(···········    live well cannot ease the pain of
                                 feeling that we no longer live nobly."
                                  -- John Updike
"Programming should be fun,
 programs should be beautiful"
  -- P. Graham
From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Re: Zebu and cmucl
Message-ID: <>
In article <·················>, ······· wrote:

> Lisp folks seem to prefer hand-writing  their parsers, so perhaps that's a better
> route...

There are some parsers available. MCL comes with a couple on its
CDROM. Genera has a complete substrate that has been used
for their Fortran, C and Pascal compilers.

Another handy thing is Baker's parser from the paper
"Pragmatic Parsing in Common Lisp". (Usually
his stuff should be at ,
but I can't reach it.) This also shows the
coolness of Common Lisp. Here is an exerpt:

; Pragmatic Parsing in Common Lisp
; Henry G. Baker
; January, 1991
; We review META, a classic technique for building recursive descent parsers, that is both simple
; and efficient. While META does not handle all possible regular or context-free grammars, it
; handles a surprisingly large fraction of the grammars encountered by Lisp programmers. We
; show how META can be used to parse streams, strings and lists�including Common Lisp's hairy
; lambda expression parameter lists. Finally, we compare the execution time of this parsing method
; to the built-in methods of Common Lisp.

(defstruct (meta
             (lambda (m s d &aux (char (meta-char m)) (form (meta-form m)))
               (ecase char
                 ((··@ #\! #\$) (format s "~A~A" char form))
                 (#\[ (format s "[~{~A~^ ~}]" form))
                 (#\{ (format s "{~{~A~^ ~}}" form))))))

(defun meta-reader (s c)
  (make-meta :char c :form (read s)))

(mapc (lambda (c) (set-macro-character c #'meta-reader))
      '(··@ #\$ #\!))

(set-macro-character #\[
                     (lambda (s c)
                       (make-meta :char c :form (read-delimited-list #\] s t))))

(set-macro-character #\{
                     (lambda (s c)
                       (make-meta :char c :form (read-delimited-list #\} s t))))

(mapc (lambda (c)
        (set-macro-character c (get-macro-character #\) nil)))
      '(#\] #\}))

(defmacro match-type (x v)
  `(when (typep (peek-char nil *standard-input* nil nil) ',x)
     (setq ,v (read-char))))

(defmacro match (x)
  `(when (eql (peek-char nil *standard-input* nil nil) ',x)

(defun compileit (x)
  (typecase x
     (ecase (meta-char x)
       (#\! (meta-form x))
       (#\[ `(and ,@(mapcar #'compileit (meta-form x))))
       (#\{ `(or ,@(mapcar #'compileit (meta-form x))))
       (#\$ `(not (do ()((not ,(compileit (meta-form x)))))))
       (··@ (let ((f (meta-form x))) `(match-type ,(car f) ,(cadr f))))))
    (t `(match ,x))))

(defmacro matchit (x)
  (compileit x))

; Example: Parsing Integers

; {a0 .. an}   Alternatives
; [s0 .. sn]   Sequence
; !sexpr       Lisp expression
; @expr        Once
; $expr        Zero or more

(deftype digit ()
  '(member #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9))

(defun ctoi (d)
  (- (char-code d) #.(char-code #\0)))

(defun parse-int (&aux (s +1) d (n 0))
    [{#\+ [#\- !(setq s -1)] []}
    @(digit d) !(setq n (ctoi d))
    $[@(digit d) !(setq n (+ (* n 10) (ctoi d)))]])
   (* s n)))

(with-input-from-string (*standard-input* "123")

Rainer Joswig, Hamburg, Germany
Email: ·············
From: thi
Subject: Re: Zebu and cmucl
Message-ID: <>
Rainer Joswig <······> writes:

> Another handy thing is Baker's parser from the paper
> "Pragmatic Parsing in Common Lisp". (Usually
> his stuff should be at ,
> but I can't reach it.) This also shows the
> coolness of Common Lisp. Here is an exerpt:

just fyi, on 30-sep netcom pulled the plug on the shell accounts (and
associated ftp space).  i sure hope the above-referenced info surfaces

thi (another axed shell-account customer)
From: David E. Young
Subject: Re: Zebu and cmucl
Message-ID: <>
Rainer Joswig wrote:

> In article <·················>, ······· wrote:
> > Lisp folks seem to prefer hand-writing  their parsers, so perhaps that's a better
> > route...
> There are some parsers available. MCL comes with a couple on its
> CDROM. Genera has a complete substrate that has been used
> for their Fortran, C and Pascal compilers.
> Another handy thing is Baker's parser from the paper
> "Pragmatic Parsing in Common Lisp". (Usually
> his stuff should be at ,
> but I can't reach it.)

I've seen mention of this but haven't been able to locate it. I'd be interested in taking a look if
anyone comes across META's new home.

David E. Young
Fujitsu Network Communications  "The fact that ... we still
(···········    live well cannot ease the pain of
                                 feeling that we no longer live nobly."
                                  -- John Updike
"Programming should be fun,
 programs should be beautiful"
  -- P. Graham
From: ······
Subject: Re: Zebu and cmucl
Message-ID: <8s97ji$8qa$>
In article <·················>,
  ······· wrote:
> Rainer Joswig wrote:
> > In article <·················>, ······· wrote:
> >
> > > Lisp folks seem to prefer hand-writing  their parsers, so perhaps that's a better
> > > route...
> >
> > There are some parsers available. MCL comes with a couple on its
> > CDROM. Genera has a complete substrate that has been used
> > for their Fortran, C and Pascal compilers.
> >
> > Another handy thing is Baker's parser from the paper
> > "Pragmatic Parsing in Common Lisp". (Usually
> > his stuff should be at ,
> > but I can't reach it.)
> I've seen mention of this but haven't been able to locate it. I'd be interested in taking a look if
> anyone comes across META's new home.

If you just need this paper, here is a PDF version:

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