From: Sandeep Koranne
Subject: Q: Function to convert 'abc+def = (abc def)
Message-ID: <8vb4cj$evi$>
I have a simple question.
I want a function that takes input a symbol and returns a list made up
of the two components of the input symbol separated by a character '+'.
We can safely assume that there will be one and only one of these special
characters embedded inside.
Also assume that the character is always there.

I was hoping that
(defun split-on-plus (insym)
(ler ((ret-list nil)
        (sym-name (symbol-name insym)))
(push (string-left-trim "+" sym-name) ret-list)
(push (string-right-trim "+" sym-name) ret-list)

I hoped this would do the trick, but I found out that the example given in
(for string-left-trim) dont work on CLISP and "cmucl".
I tried typing them in and all they were doing was throwing the input
string back at me.

(string-left-trim "abc" "labcabcabc") => "labcabc" (It should give that
according to the book)
But I get => "labcabcabc".
So what am I doing wrong ????

I had to write 'split-on-plus' using (aref ) on the string.
I am sure there must be a better way of getting at sub-strings.

Any pointers ???


From: Tim Bradshaw
Subject: Re: Q: Function to convert 'abc+def = (abc def)
Message-ID: <>
"Sandeep Koranne" <···············> writes:

> (string-left-trim "abc" "labcabcabc") => "labcabc" (It should give that
> according to the book)
> But I get => "labcabcabc".
> So what am I doing wrong ????

That's the right result.  STRING-LEFT-TRIM strips all characters in
the `characr bag' which is its first argument from the left of its
second argument until it encounters a character which is not in its
first argument.  The first such character in your example is #\l.

I don't see why you're doing it this way though.  Surely the technique is:

  find the position of the first instance of the char to split on in
  the string

  extract the subnstring left of it, and the substring right of it,
  with SUBSEQ.

From: Erik Naggum
Subject: Re: Q: Function to convert 'abc+def = (abc def)
Message-ID: <>
* "Sandeep Koranne" <···············>
| I want a function that takes input a symbol and returns a list made up
| of the two components of the input symbol separated by a character '+'.
| We can safely assume that there will be one and only one of these special
| characters embedded inside.
| Also assume that the character is always there.
| I was hoping that
| (defun split-on-plus (insym)
| (ler ((ret-list nil)
|         (sym-name (symbol-name insym)))
| (push (string-left-trim "+" sym-name) ret-list)
| (push (string-right-trim "+" sym-name) ret-list)
| ret-list))

  Please make an effort to post both tested and readable code.

| I hoped this would do the trick, but I found out that the example
| given in CLt:L2 (for string-left-trim) dont work on CLISP and "cmucl".
| I tried typing them in and all they were doing was throwing the input
| string back at me.

  I highly doubt that.

| E.g.  (string-left-trim "abc" "labcabcabc") => "labcabc"
| (It should give that according to the book)

  Really?  Why do you believe that?  Please note that the _left_ edge of
  this text is in this direction <---, while the _right_ edge of the
  text is in that direction --->.  You need to read the specification of
  these functions, too.  The first argument is not a _string_, but a
  _collection_ of characters.  E.g,, string-right-trim applied to the
  same arguments would simply return "l".

| So what am I doing wrong ????

  You are _guessing_ and you fail to be aware of it.  That's a cardinal
  epistemological _sin_, dude.  Repent now.

| I had to write 'split-on-plus' using (aref ) on the string.
| I am sure there must be a better way of getting at sub-strings.

  Well, position will find the character for you.

(defun silly-function-#398 (symbol)
  (let* ((symbol-name (symbol-name symbol))
	 (delimiter (position #\+ symbol-name)))
    (list (intern (subseq symbol-name 0 delimiter))
	  (intern (subseq symbol-name (1+ delimiter))))))

  Not that this necessarily does what you expect, unless you never
  change which package is current in your system.

  ALGORITHM: a procedure for solving a mathematical problem in a finite
  number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation.
  ALGOREISM: a procedure for solving an electoral problem in a finite
  number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation.
From: Sandeep Koranne
Subject: Re: Q: Function to convert 'abc+def = (abc def)
Message-ID: <8vbi15$q3l$>
My mistake.
I completely got confused as to what I was typing in the Lisp reader.

Sorry for wasting your time.
But thanx for the solution anyway.
