From: Nils Goesche
Subject: why does ignore-errors not work?
Message-ID: <87pujrhlyb.fsf@darkstar.cartan>

I am trying to write a little shell script to invoke the compiler
of CMUCL.  This is lispc:


exec -a lispc lisp -eval '(load "/home/cartan/bin/lispc.lisp" :verbose nil)'\
 -noinit ··@"

and this is lispc.lisp:

(in-package "USER")

(defparameter exit-code 1)

(defun do-compile (args)
  (let ((fname (car args)))
    (if fname
	(multiple-value-bind (truename warnings-p failure-p)
	    (ignore-errors (compile-file fname))
	  (cond ((null truename) (princ warnings-p))
		(failure-p (princ "Failure!"))
		(t (setf exit-code 0))))
      (princ "No input file specified"))))

(do ((argv *command-line-strings* (cdr argv)))
    ((string-equal (car argv) "-noinit") (do-compile (cdr argv))))

(unix:unix-exit exit-code)

The problem is, when there is a read error while compiling the
file, the debugger is entered, despite the `ignore-errors' form.
Also, when I press `Ctrl-c' during compilation, the appropriate
signal handler is entered and I am in the debugger again.  Is
there some way to completely disable the debugger?  Or something
like `ignore-really-all-errors-and-I-mean-all' ?
Nils Goesche
Ask not for whom the <CONTROL-G> tolls.
From: Nils Goesche
Subject: Re: why does ignore-errors not work?
Message-ID: <87lmufhiil.fsf@darkstar.cartan>
Nils Goesche <······> writes:

> Is there some way to completely disable the debugger?  Or
> something like `ignore-really-all-errors-and-I-mean-all' ?

Never mind.  This does it:

(setf *debugger-hook* (lambda (cnd hook)
			(declare (ignore cnd hook))
;			(princ cnd)
			(unix:unix-exit 2)))

(system:default-interrupt unix:SIGINT)
(system:default-interrupt unix:SIGQUIT)
(system:default-interrupt unix:SIGILL)
(system:default-interrupt unix:SIGBUS)
(system:default-interrupt unix:SIGSEGV)
(system:default-interrupt unix:SIGFPE)
Nils Goesche
Ask not for whom the <CONTROL-G> tolls.