From: Anders Vinjar
Subject: Re: Debugging in ACL/emacs
Message-ID: <>
Try typing :zoom to the prompt.  You'll get a backtrace of whats
happened recently.  Some place down in this list youll find some
expression describing where in the file the bug was hit.

The number 34 in the form "((:TOP-LEVEL-FORM "" 34))"
below indicates a file-position.

[1] CM(19): :zo
Evaluation stack:

   (ERROR #<UNBOUND-VARIABLE @ #x208e03c2>)
   ((:TOP-LEVEL-FORM "" 34))
   (LOAD #p"typo.fasl")

>>> "RJPG" == Richard James Panturis Giuly <······> writes:

    RJPG> Using ACL with Emacs, I get common errors as shown below. Lets
    RJPG> say I just tried to compile a 500 line file and got this error.
    RJPG> Is there some way to make acl tell me where in the file the error
    RJPG> occurred?

    RJPG> Error: attempt to call `TYPO' which is an undefined function.
    RJPG>   [condition type: UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]

    RJPG> Restart actions (select using :continue):
    RJPG>  0: Try calling TYPO again.
    RJPG>  1: Return a value instead of calling TYPO.
    RJPG>  2: Try calling a function other than TYPO.
    RJPG>  3: Setf the symbol-function of TYPO and call it again.
    RJPG>  4: Abort #<PROCESS Evaluation Request 48>
    RJPG> [Current process: Evaluation Request 48]
    RJPG> [1] USER(1):