From: ········
Subject: Going Bald Due to Franz Documentation
Message-ID: <8fh4aa$9p$>
I am starting to pull my hair out with the Franz Foreign Function
Interface/ Foreign Types documentation.

For example, the foreign types documentation section 10.0 states that
you can create a pointer to an integer, then set/get the value of what
it points to by

  USER(270): (setq x (ff:allocate-fobject '(* :int)))
#(#(25625354 T 901 NIL NIL 4 NIL) 0)

[8c] USER(271): (setf (ff:fslot-value-typed '(* :int) nil x) 1321231)

(I'm not sure why you'd set the address.. seems to me you'd just want to
get the address)

USER(272): (setf (ff:fslot-value-typed '(* :int) nil x '*) 1231)
Error: Received signal number 11 (Segmentation violation)


(setf (ff:fslot-value x '*) 1231)
Error: No methods applicable for generic function
with args
       (NIL) of classes (NULL)

(can't set what x points to by using rules shown in documentation).

Anybody who knows how to resolve this disconnect in the documentation
and what I am doing please help!!

Dave Linenberg

Sent via
Before you buy.

From: Joe Marshall
Subject: Re: Going Bald Due to Franz Documentation
Message-ID: <>
········ writes:

> I am starting to pull my hair out with the Franz Foreign Function
> Interface/ Foreign Types documentation.

What are you trying to accomplish?  I don't think that allocating
pointers to integers and dereferencing them at random is going to get
you too far.

From: ········
Subject: Re: Going Bald Due to Franz Documentation
Message-ID: <8fhql3$p2q$>
I simply can NOT get the documented de-referencing syntax to work and
was just trying to repeat the Franz documented example.

Dave Linenberg

Sent via
Before you buy.
From: Joe Marshall
Subject: Re: Going Bald Due to Franz Documentation
Message-ID: <>
········ writes:

> I simply can NOT get the documented de-referencing syntax to work and
> was just trying to repeat the Franz documented example.

Yes.  The Franz Documentation *is* confusing.  However, I regularly
write calls to foreign functions, so if you can offer a concrete
example of what you want to do, perhaps I can give a little advice.
From: dave linenberg
Subject: Re: Going Bald Due to Franz Documentation
Message-ID: <>
Joe Marshall wrote:
>Yes.  The Franz Documentation *is* confusing.  However, I regularly
>write calls to foreign functions, so if you can offer a concrete
>example of what you want to do, perhaps I can give a little advice.

Thanks, Joe.  I finally *did* manage to get the toy example/ syntax to
work.  Here it is:

// ---- c code which defines & allocates members of a structure
typedef struct {
  double* x;
  double* y;
} structPoint;

void allocatepoint(structPoint* point)
  point->x = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double));
  point->y = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double));
  *(point->x) = 3.1415926;
  *(point->y) = 1.23456;
..... deallocatepoint etc...

;; and the associated lisp.......

(ff:def-foreign-type point
     (x (* :double))
     (y (* :double ))))

[1] USER(64): (setq point-1 (ff:allocate-fobject 'point))
#<foreign object of class POINT>
[1] USER(65): (ff:def-foreign-call allocatepoint ((in point)))

[1] USER(66): (allocatepoint point-1)

[1] USER(67): (ff:fslot-value-typed 'point nil point-1 :x)

[1] USER(68): (ff:fslot-value-typed 'point nil point-1 :x '*)
3.1415926d0                        ;; yeah!!, finally got the allocation
syntax to work!!!

[1] USER(69): (ff:fslot-value-typed 'point nil point-1 :y)

[1] USER(70): (ff:fslot-value-typed 'point nil point-1 :y '*)
1.23456d0                           ;; y is properly assigned as well...

If Franz put a number of small, complete, toy code example like the above
in their documentation, I would, as a lisp neophyte, be much better off.
Or maybe not... I never had good instruction in engineering school (RPI),
and learned how to learn in *spite* of the teaching.   :)

Dave Linenberg