From: Rudolf Schlatte
Subject: Zebu + mk:defsystem
Message-ID: <>
Zebu is a LALR(1) parser generator for Common Lisp.  Every half a
year, someone asks where the most recent version can be found (at and how to get
it running.

Well, I finally have a first version of 

zebu-defsystem-package.lisp  (initializations)
zebu-compile-mg.lisp  (a hack that I hope some defsystem hacker can 
                       tell me how to get rid of)
zebu.system  (runtime system definitions)
zebu-compiler.system  (parser file compiler system definitions)
zebu-rr.system  (tree rewrites)

Edit the pathnames and drop the .system-files in your systems
directory, the others in a freshly unpacked zebu archive, make a
"binary" subdirectory there and you should be able to 
(require :zebu-compiler) and be all set.

This runs on CMUCL/Solaris, testing on other platforms is highly
appreciated.  This will turn up on CLOCC eventually, but I would be
more comfortable if some other people could have a look at it first.

Mail me for the files (4K compressed).
