From: Marco Antoniotti
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: CL-ENVIRONMENT 0.1 available in the CLOCC.
Message-ID: <>

this is the first public release of the CL-ENVIROMENT package version

The package is available as a "File Module" in the CLOCC project at

You should be able to download it from the directory

Here is the README file


This package contains a set of definitions whose intent is to
facilitate the management of system dependencies.

In particular, many little bits and pieces of information, which are
usually represented as strings or features in a Common Lisp
implementation, are now represented as (singleton) class instances.
The idea being that now it should be "easier" to write more portable
code, by using a standardized interface.

The inspiration for this work is in the Sonya Keene's book on CLOS.

The system has been tested on

    CMUCL 18b
    Allegro CL Lite 5.01 Windows
    Lispworks Personal Edition 4.1 Windows

Please see the files INSTALLATION and COPYRIGHT for more information.
The package is currently released under the LGPL and all the files
should be considered to include such Copyright notice.

2000-06-19 Marco Antoniotti

One is glad to be of help.


Marco Antoniotti ===========================================
From: Marco Antoniotti
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: CL-ENVIRONMENT 0.1 available in the CLOCC.
Message-ID: <>
As an aside, it has been pointed out to me that the following address
works better also for MK:DEFSYSTEM.


Marco Antoniotti ===========================================