From: ······
Subject: Lower case Symbols
Message-ID: <>
Is there an easy way to get the reader to automatically read in symbols as
they're typed, and not automatically convert to uppercase, without using
escape characters.  

   I have a text file that I want to sort.  An easy way is to surround it
by parentheses, read it in as a single list, and sort by, say,
string-lessp.  When I do that, though, the output is all-caps.  I could
read each line as a string.  Any other ideas?



Neil Cohen
Bridge Trix
Producers of the Bobby Wolff Bridge Mentoring Series
Winner: American Bridge Teachers award for software of the year -1999
From: Michael Hudson
Subject: Re: Lower case Symbols
Message-ID: <>
······ writes:

> Is there an easy way to get the reader to automatically read in symbols as
> they're typed, and not automatically convert to uppercase, without using
> escape characters.  

Seomthing like:

* (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable))) 
  (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
  (read-from-string "foo"))



  I never realized it before, but having looked that over I'm certain
  I'd rather have my eyes burned out by zombies with flaming dung
  sticks than work on a conscientious Unicode regex engine.
                                             -- Tim Peters, 3 Dec 1998