From: Jajwuth
Subject: uses of lisp
Message-ID: <>
what is lisp particularly useful for as a programming language
i have read some preamble in books but would like further information

From: Larry Kramer
Subject: Re: uses of lisp
Message-ID: <>
Jajwuth wrote:
> what is lisp particularly useful for as a programming language
> i have read some preamble in books but would like further information
> Al

As Richard Stallman said in an interview referred to in another thread
"LISP is the most powerful programming language..."

Given that, Lisp is useful for just about any programming task,
but is particularly useful for those tasks that are hard in other
languages, or hard to maintain in other languages, or need to
be programmed well by a small group of people in a relatively
short time, or for programs that need to be able to be fixed
while they're running, etc....

From: Espen Vestre
Subject: Re: uses of lisp
Message-ID: <>
Larry Kramer <······> writes:

> for programs that need to be able to be fixed
> while they're running, etc....

that's why Common Lisp is the perfect language for server applications
with short development cycles and high uptime demands - in other words:
for the internet!
From: Janos Blazi
Subject: Re: uses of lisp
Message-ID: <>
Hasn't been this question asked before...?

Janos Blazi

Jajwuth <·······> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
> what is lisp particularly useful for as a programming language
> i have read some preamble in books but would like further information
> Al

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From: Jajwuth
Subject: Re: uses of lisp
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········>, "Janos Blazi"
<······> writes:

>Hasn't been this question asked before...?
>Janos Blazi

It probably has but the uniqueness of this programming language begs you to ask
the question. The web site has a lot of large scale corporate type uses which
are hard to understand.