From: Tunc Simsek
Subject: [break] masking the debugger
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.4.10.10002222056370.18290-100000@tudor.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>

In CMUCL, is it possible to mask the debugger.  For example, if I type an
unbound symbol at the prompt I will get a message followed by an option
to deave debugger etc ...

In most cases, I enter the debugger due to a typo and reading the error 
message is enough, no need to enter the debugger.

I'm hoping to stop CMUCL from entering the debugger when an error occurs
at the TOP-LEVEL, say when a parameter *no-debug* is non-nil.  

1.  I don't know what will be the sideeffects of this.
2.  I don't know how to do it, and can't find it in the CMUCL manual.

From: Pierre R. Mai
Subject: Re: [break] masking the debugger
Message-ID: <>
Tunc Simsek <······@tudor.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> writes:

> Hi,
> In CMUCL, is it possible to mask the debugger.  For example, if I type an
> unbound symbol at the prompt I will get a message followed by an option
> to deave debugger etc ...
> In most cases, I enter the debugger due to a typo and reading the error 
> message is enough, no need to enter the debugger.
> I'm hoping to stop CMUCL from entering the debugger when an error occurs
> at the TOP-LEVEL, say when a parameter *no-debug* is non-nil.  

Well, it is easy to stop the implementation from entering the debugger 
by using cl:*debugger-hook* (and this works portably):

(defun silly-debugger-hook (condition hook)
  (declare (ignore hook))
  (format *debug-io* "~&IGNORED ~A~%" condition)
  (abort condition))

(setq *debugger-hook* #'silly-debugger-hook)

* xxxxx

The hard thing is to decide _when_ not to enter the debugger:  There
exists no easy way to tell whether something happened on the top-level 
or inside functions that were called from the top-level.

In CMUCL you can use the debugger-interface (documented in the user
manual) to examine the backtrace that led to the fault.  Since the
ways that errors are signalled (i.e. what's called in between the
top-level interactive-eval and the final entry into the debugger)
differs markedly between different kinds of errors and/or forms, I
don't see easy ways to do the right thing.  OTOH if you experiment a
bit, you might be able to devise a heuristic that fit's your error
profile and your preferences.

Here's a debugger-hook that will display the backtrace and some
information for each frame in addition to ignoring the error.  Hope
this helps...

(defun silly-debugger-hook (condition hook)
  (declare (ignore hook))
  (loop for frame = (di:top-frame) then (di:frame-down frame)
	while frame
	(print frame *debug-io*)
	(let ((df (di:frame-debug-function frame)))
	  (format *debug-io* "~&~A => ~A~%" df
		  (di:debug-function-function df))))
  (format *debug-io* "~2&IGNORED ~A~%" condition)
  (abort condition))

> 1.  I don't know what will be the sideeffects of this.

There should be no unknown side-effects.  In effect the debugger-hook
has the same effect as if the user had invoked the nearest abort
restart manually.  Since the top-level conditions you probably have in 
mind don't usually occur in environments that establish nested abort
restarts, this should usually be alright.  You might however consider
using compute-restarts and use the last abort restart you can find
instead.  This should then be pretty safe.

> 2.  I don't know how to do it, and can't find it in the CMUCL manual.

I hope the above gives you some hints an how to do it, though it might 
turn out to be harder than expected...  OTOH I might have missed

Regs, Pierre.

Pierre Mai <····>         PGP and GPG keys at your nearest Keyserver
  "One smaller motivation which, in part, stems from altruism is Microsoft-
   bashing." [Microsoft memo, see]