From: Coby Beck
Subject: Re: need help with this
Message-ID: <_v1s4.72$>
Explain what you want to do!  Reading uncommented code for even very trivial
operations is not an enjoyable pastime!

(even though you know what it is doing (now anyway, maybe not a month down
the road), you really should use comments)


munir <·········> wrote in message
>                                   (defun line (x1 y1 x2 y2 z1 v1 z2 v2)
>                                               ;(if  (zerop (- x1 x2)) (
>                                                              (setf b 1)
>                           (setf a (/ (* (* -1 b) (- y1 y2)) (- x1 x2)))
>                           (setf b (/ (* (* -1 a) (- x1 x2)) (- y1 y2)))
>                                   (setf c (- (* -1 (* a x1)) (* b y1)))
>                                              (format t"~% a1 is:~a." a)
>                                              (format t"~% b1 is:~a." b)
>                                              (format t"~% c1 is:~a." c)
>                                                       ;               )
>                                                ;(if (zerop (- z1 z2)) (
>                                                             (setf b2 1)
>                         (setf a2 (/ (* (* -1 b2) (- v1 v2)) (- z1 z2)))
>                 ;(setf b2 (/ (* (* -1 a) (- x1 x2)) (- y1 y2)))    (setf
>                                      c2 (- (* -1 (* a2 z1)) (* b2 v1)))
>                                             (format t"~% a2 is:~a." a2)
>                                             (format t"~% b2 is:~a." b2)
>                                             (format t"~% c2 is:~a." c2)
>                                             (setf aside (+(* -1 a2) a))
>                                             (setf cside (+(* -1 c) c2))
>                                               (if (not (zerop aside)) (
>                                                (setf x (/ cside aside))
>                                                  (setf y (+ (* x a) c))
>                                   (format t"~% cross point X is:~a." x)
>                                  (format t"~% cross point Y is:~a." y))
>        (format t"~%Divition by zero Choose another points thank you."))
>                                                                        )