From: Gareth McCaughan
Subject: Re: need help with this
Message-ID: <8666vjscoy.fsf@g.local>
"munir" wrote:

>                                   (defun line (x1 y1 x2 y2 z1 v1 z2 v2)
>                                               ;(if  (zerop (- x1 x2)) (
>                                                              (setf b 1)
>                           (setf a (/ (* (* -1 b) (- y1 y2)) (- x1 x2)))
>                           (setf b (/ (* (* -1 a) (- x1 x2)) (- y1 y2)))
>                                   (setf c (- (* -1 (* a x1)) (* b y1)))
>                                              (format t"~% a1 is:~a." a)
>                                              (format t"~% b1 is:~a." b)
>                                              (format t"~% c1 is:~a." c)
>                                                       ;               )
>                                                ;(if (zerop (- z1 z2)) (
>                                                             (setf b2 1)
>                         (setf a2 (/ (* (* -1 b2) (- v1 v2)) (- z1 z2)))
>                 ;(setf b2 (/ (* (* -1 a) (- x1 x2)) (- y1 y2)))    (setf
>                                      c2 (- (* -1 (* a2 z1)) (* b2 v1)))
>                                             (format t"~% a2 is:~a." a2)
>                                             (format t"~% b2 is:~a." b2)
>                                             (format t"~% c2 is:~a." c2)
>                                             (setf aside (+(* -1 a2) a))
>                                             (setf cside (+(* -1 c) c2))
>                                               (if (not (zerop aside)) (
>                                                (setf x (/ cside aside))
>                                                  (setf y (+ (* x a) c))
>                                   (format t"~% cross point X is:~a." x)
>                                  (format t"~% cross point Y is:~a." y))
>        (format t"~%Divition by zero Choose another points thank you."))
>                                                                        )

It should say

    (defun foo (bar)
      (format t "~&Hello, ~A" bar))

    (foo "world")

Hope this helps.

(If you want a more helpful response, why don't you tell us
(1) what you hope the code will do, (2) what it actually
does, (3) what you don't understand about it, and (4) why
you right-justified all the lines?)

Gareth McCaughan  ················
sig under construction