From: Masoud Pirnazar
Subject: Saving a lexicon
Message-ID: <>
I have a lexicon/dictionary of 50,000 entries that I've read and put
into a hash table in lisp.  The quickest way of using this lexicon is to
save a lisp image, with the disadvantage of not being able to pick and
choose different lexicons if I want to load several lexicons into
memory.  Reading the lexicon from a text file and creating the hash
table takes several minutes, which is too long for development work.

Other options I've thought of:

1. Index the lexicon using a simple hash table or b-tree, access and
cache the records.  There are many hash/btree routines available for C,
but no interfaces through lisp.  Developing the interface will take some
time.  Or maybe develop a simple home-grown file format. (it often
starts simple and grows to be an entire database manager).

2. Put the lexicon in a database and use ODBC to access it.  Again, the
Lisp interface to ODBC takes time to setup and test.  This option allows
other already-built tools to be used.

3. Maybe there is existing lisp code for disk-based b-tree or hash

I prefer something that easily ports to other environments.

I'd appreciate some comments and ideas.

From: Robert Monfera
Subject: Re: Saving a lexicon
Message-ID: <>
Masoud Pirnazar wrote:

> I have a lexicon/dictionary of 50,000 entries that I've read and put
> into a hash table in lisp. [...]

Environments usually let you write and read objects to and from FASL
files, or look at SAVE-OBJECT in the repository.  Reading from plain
text files should also be pretty fast.

Also, you could create an image for each dictionary (with only the
dictionaries in them), and load your more volatile code on startup.  Or
can't you put all dictionaries in one image without paging?  Memory is

From: Rob Malouf
Subject: Re: Saving a lexicon
Message-ID: <8ck8oq$b1r@Turing.Stanford.EDU>
In article <·················>,
Masoud Pirnazar  <··········> wrote:
>I have a lexicon/dictionary of 50,000 entries that I've read and put
>into a hash table in lisp.

Here's some code for a read-only hash table that I use for storing
large lexicons.  It's mostly ripped off from the CDB library, but I
re-implemented it in Common Lisp to avoid having to wrestle with each
lisp's foreign function call mechanism.  Even so, it's turned out not
to be as portable as I'd hoped: since it uses binary I/O, it gets
confused by the LF->CR/LF mapping that ACL does under windows. As far
as I know, it works in all Unix environments, though.
Rob Malouf


;;; cdb.lsp
;;;  R. Malouf (23-Apr-1999)
;;;  ······
;; This file implements a simple constant database.  It's pretty closely based
;; on cdb-0.55 by D. J. Bernstein (···, re-implemented in Common
;; Lisp for the sake of portability.
;; A cdb contains 256 pointers to linearly probed open hash tables. The hash
;; tables contain pointers to (key,data) pairs. A cdb is stored in a single
;; file on disk:
;;    +--------+---------+-------+-------+-----+---------+----------------+
;;    | header | records | hash0 | hash1 | ... | hash255 | p0 p1 ... p255 |
;;    +--------+---------+-------+-------+-----+---------+----------------+
;; The header consists of the string "CDB", a zero byte (which someday might
;; by the number of keys), and the position of the pointer table.
;; Each of the 256 initial pointers states a position and a length. The
;; position is the starting byte position of the hash table. The length is the
;; number of slots in the hash table.
;; Records are stored sequentially, without special alignment. A record states
;; a key length, a data length, the key, and the data.
;; Each hash table slot states a hash value and a byte position. If the byte
;; position is 0, the slot is empty. Otherwise, the slot points to a record
;; whose key has that hash value.
;; Positions, lengths, and hash values are 32-bit quantities, stored in
;; little-endian form in 4 bytes. Thus a cdb must fit into 4 gigabytes.
;; A record is located as follows. Compute the hash value of the key in the
;; record. The hash value modulo 256 is the number of a hash table.  The hash
;; value divided by 256, modulo the length of that table, is a slot
;; number. Probe that slot, the next higher slot, and so on, until you find
;; the record or run into an empty slot.
;; The cdb hash function is ``h = ((h << 5) + h) ^ c'', with a starting hash
;; of 5381.
;; This all could be much more efficient and robust, but it seems to work well
;; enough for now.

(defpackage "CDB")

(in-package :cdb)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (export '(open-write close-write open-read close-read write-record 
	    read-record all-keys)))

(defstruct (cdb)
  (stream nil)
  (num 0)
  (mode nil)
  (tables (make-array '(256) :initial-element nil))
  (count (make-array '(256) :initial-element 0)))

(defmethod common-lisp:print-object ((instance cdb) stream)
    (format stream "#<cdb with ~A entries>" (cdb-num instance)))

;; Write a four-byte integer as four consecutive characters

(defun write-fixnum (num stream)
  (dotimes (x 4)
    (write-char (code-char (ldb (byte 8 0) num)) stream)
    (setq num (ash num -8)))
  (unless (zerop num)
    (error "Overflow in CDB!")))

;; Read four consecutive characters as a four-byte integer

(defun read-fixnum (stream)
  (let ((num 0)
	(c nil))
    (loop for i from 0 to 24 by 8
	  (setq c (read-char stream))
	  (setq num (+ num (ash (char-code c) i))))

;; The hash function, the same as the one used by D. J. Bernstein.  It might
;; be worth it to investigate perfect hashing someday, but for now this works
;; pretty well.

(defun hash (key)
  (let ((h 5381))
    (loop for c across key
	  (setq h (ldb (byte 32 0) (+ h (ash h 5))))
	  (setq h (logxor h (char-code c))))

;; Open a database file for writing

(defun open-write (filename)
  (let ((cdb (make-cdb)))
    (with-slots (stream) cdb
      ;; Open database file
	  (setf stream (open filename
			     :direction :output
			     :if-exists :supersede
			     :if-does-not-exist :create))
	(error (condition)
	  (format t "~%~A" condition)
	  (error "~%Can't open database file ~A" filename)))
      ;; Write blank header
      (unless (write-string (make-string 8 :initial-element #\space) stream)
	;; was (file-position stream 8) - but stream is zero length so
        ;; it has to write out padding and mcl appears to try to use
        ;; write-byte which won't work on a character stream
        (close stream)
	(error "~%Error writing database file ~A" filename)))
    (setf (cdb-mode cdb) :output)

;; Store a record in the database

(defun write-record (cdb key data)
  (unless (eq (cdb-mode cdb) :output)
    (error "Database not open for output."))
  (with-slots (stream) cdb
    ;; Store in hash table as ( hash . pos )
    (let* ((h (hash key))
	   (tbl (logand 255 h)))
      (push (cons h (file-position stream))
	    (aref (cdb-tables cdb) tbl))
      (incf (aref (cdb-count cdb) tbl))
      (incf (cdb-num cdb)))
    ;; Write record
    (write-fixnum (length key) stream)
    (write-fixnum (length data) stream)
    (write-string key stream)
    (write-string data stream)))

;; Write out hash tables and close a database

(defun close-write (cdb)
  (unless (eq (cdb-mode cdb) :output)
    (error "Database not open for output."))
  (let ((final (make-array '(256)))
	(hash (make-array (list (loop for c across (cdb-count cdb)
				    maximize c))))
    (with-slots (stream) cdb
      ;; We have all the keys, now we have to construct hash tables
      (loop for tbl from 0 to 255
	    (let ((len (aref (cdb-count cdb) tbl)))
	      ;; Initialize hash table
	      (loop for h from 0 to (1- (length hash))
		  do (setf (aref hash h) (cons 0 0)))
	      ;; Store location of this hash table
	      (setf (aref final tbl) (cons (file-position stream) len))
	      (unless (zerop len)
		;; Construct table
		(loop for p in (aref (cdb-tables cdb) tbl)
		      (setq where (mod (ash (car p) -8) len))
		      (loop until (zerop (cdr (aref hash where)))
			    (when (eql (incf where) len)
			      (setq where 0)))
		      (setf (aref hash where) p))
		;; Write hash table
		(loop for (h . p) across hash
		      (write-fixnum h stream)
		      (write-fixnum p stream)))))
      ;; Write out pointers to tables
      (let ((pos (file-position stream)))
	(loop for (p . l) across final
	      (write-fixnum p stream)
	      (write-fixnum l stream))
	;; Write header and close.  The file header is the string "CDB", a
	;; null byte, and a four-byte pointer to the table of tables.
	(file-position stream 0)
	(write-string "CDB" stream)
	(write-char (code-char 0) stream)
	(write-fixnum pos stream)
	(setf (cdb-mode cdb) nil)
	(setf stream (close stream))))))

;; Open a CDB file for reading

(defun open-read (filename)
  (let ((cdb (make-cdb)))
    (with-slots (stream) cdb
      ;; Open database file
	  (setf stream (open filename
			     :direction :input
			     :if-does-not-exist :error))
	(error (condition)
	  (error "~%Error ~A in opening database file ~A" 
		 condition filename)))
      ;; Read header
      (let ((magic (make-string 3)))
	(read-sequence magic stream)
	(unless (and (equal magic "CDB")
		     (zerop (char-code (read-char stream))))
	  (setf stream (close stream))
	  (error "~%Invalid CDB database ~A" filename))
	;; Read index
	(let ((count 0))
	  (file-position stream (read-fixnum stream))
	  (loop for i from 0 to 255 
		(setf (aref (cdb-tables cdb) i)
		  (cons (read-fixnum stream)
			(read-fixnum stream)))
		(incf count (cdr (aref (cdb-tables cdb) i))))
	  (setf (cdb-num cdb) count))))
    (setf (cdb-mode cdb) :input)

#+(or :mcl :cmu)
(eval-when (compile load eval)
  ;; read-sequence isn't present in MCL4.0 or CMUCL-18a
  (unless (fboundp 'common-lisp::read-sequence)
     (defun cdb::read-sequence (s stream)
       ;; read (length s) chars into string s from stream
       (dotimes (n (length s))
         (setf (char s n) (read-char stream)))

;; If the file is open for reading, close it.  If not, don't do anything.

(defun close-read (cdb)
  (cond ((eq (cdb-mode cdb) :input)
	 (setf (cdb-mode cdb) nil)
	 (setf (cdb-stream cdb) (close (cdb-stream cdb))))
	(t cdb)))

;; Read in a record from stream at pos

(defun grab-record (pos stream)
  (let ((old (file-position stream)))
    (file-position stream pos)
    (let ((key (make-string (read-fixnum stream)))
	  (data (make-string (read-fixnum stream))))
      (read-sequence key stream)
      (read-sequence data stream)
      (file-position stream old)
      (cons key data))))

;; Search hash table for a matching entry

(defun scan-forward (stream key hash origin start end not-first)
  (let (h)
	  (when (eql end (file-position stream))
	    (file-position stream origin))
	  (when (and not-first (eql start (file-position stream)))
	    (return-from scan-forward nil))
	  (setf not-first t)
	  (setf h (read-fixnum stream))
	  (cond ((zerop h) (return-from scan-forward nil))
		((eql hash h) (return))
		(t (read-fixnum stream)))))
  ;; If we get here, we must have found the record
  (let ((result (grab-record (read-fixnum stream) stream)))
    (when (equal (car result) key)
      (cdr result))))

;; Look up a key in a CDB

(defun read-record (cdb key)
  (unless (eq (cdb-mode cdb) :input)
    (error "Database not open for input."))
  (with-slots (stream) cdb
    (let* ((h (hash key))
	   (tbl-pos (car (aref (cdb-tables cdb) (logand 255 h))))
	   (tbl-len (cdr (aref (cdb-tables cdb) (logand 255 h)))))
      (unless (zerop tbl-len) 
	;; Go to expected slot and scan forward until we find a match
	(let ((start (+ tbl-pos (* 8 (mod (ash h -8) tbl-len))))
	      (end (+ tbl-pos (* 8 tbl-len)))
	  (file-position stream start)
	  (let ((r (scan-forward stream key h tbl-pos start end nil)))
	    (when r
	      (push r result)
		    (let ((r (scan-forward stream key h tbl-pos start end t)))
		      (if r
			  (push r result)

;; Collect all keys in a hash table and return as a list of strings

(defun all-keys (cdb)
  (unless (eq (cdb-mode cdb) :input)
    (error "Database not open for input."))
  (with-slots (stream tables) cdb
    (let ((end (car (aref (cdb-tables cdb) 0)))
	  (keys (make-hash-table :test #'equal 
				 #+allegro :values #+allegro nil))
	  (key-list nil))
      (file-position stream 8)
      (loop while (< (file-position stream) end)
	    (let ((key (make-string (read-fixnum stream)))
		  (data-len (read-fixnum stream)))
	      (read-sequence key stream)
	      #-(and :allegro (version>= 5 0))
	      (setf (gethash key keys) t)
	      #+(and :allegro (version>= 5 0))
	      (excl:puthash-key key keys)
	      (dotimes (x data-len)
		(read-char stream))))
      (maphash #'(lambda (x y) 
		   (declare (ignore y))
		   (push x key-list))