From: H. Tunc Simsek
Subject: MOP problems with CMUCL
Message-ID: <37E5CD4B.7CFD0C54@EECS.Berkeley.Edu>

I'd like to make my own metaclass is CMUCL:

(defclass my-class (standard-class)

(defclass my-obj ()
   (:metaclass my-class))

This works well with ACL (and even Closette under xlispstat) but
I get a lot of problems with CMUCL (e.g.
is not specialized to my-class, standard-class vs. structure-class)

What is STRUCTURE-CLASS?  How do you write the code above so it does
the right thing?


From: Pierre R. Mai
Subject: Re: MOP problems with CMUCL
Message-ID: <>
"H. Tunc Simsek" <······@EECS.Berkeley.Edu> writes:

> I'd like to make my own metaclass is CMUCL:
> (defclass my-class (standard-class)
>    (my-slot))
> (defclass my-obj ()
>    ()
>    (:metaclass my-class))
> This works well with ACL (and even Closette under xlispstat) but
> I get a lot of problems with CMUCL (e.g.
> pcl:inform-type-system-about-class
> is not specialized to my-class, standard-class vs. structure-class)
> What is STRUCTURE-CLASS?  How do you write the code above so it does
> the right thing?

(defclass my-class (pcl::standard-class)

;;; This is needed, when you want to allow instances of standard-class 
;;; to be usable as super-classes of your new my-class instances, like 
;;; you do below...
(defmethod mop:validate-superclass 
    ((class my-class) (super pcl::standard-class))

(defclass my-obj ()
  (:metaclass my-class))

In CMU CL you have to be aware of the fact that CL:STANDARD-CLASS is
not the same as PCL::STANDARD-CLASS, and that CL:STANDARD-CLASS is an
instance of STRUCTURE-CLASS (for performance optimizations?), which in 
effect only performs some wrapper duties _for all class objects_.
This only affects you if you want to write MOP-based code, where you
have to take this into account in two ways:

1) Make sure to use PCL::STANDARD-CLASS instead of CL:STANDARD-CLASS
   when defining your own meta-classes, and
2) When you try to get the class-object of an object-instance, you
   have to use (pcl::coerce-to-pcl-class (class-of instance)) instead
   of only (class-of instance), to get the real meta-object.

I.e. in your example, this looks like this:

* (defclass my-class (pcl::standard-class)

* (defmethod mop:validate-superclass ((class my-class) (super pcl::standard-class)) t)

                                           PCL::STANDARD-CLASS) {480DA4A5}>
* (defclass my-obj ()  
    () (:metaclass my-class))

* (make-instance 'my-obj) 

#<MY-OBJ {480FD1FD}>
* (class-of *)

* (pcl::coerce-to-pcl-class *)

#<My-Class MY-OBJ {480F1045}>
* (class-of **)

* (class-of **)


Regs, Pierre.

Pierre Mai <····>         PGP and GPG keys at your nearest Keyserver
  "One smaller motivation which, in part, stems from altruism is Microsoft-
   bashing." [Microsoft memo, see]
From: H. Tunc Simsek
Subject: Re: MOP problems with CMUCL
Message-ID: <37E72038.43441C28@EECS.Berkeley.Edu>
Great, I'll try that.  While on the subject I'd also like to ask
whether anyone has used the free-clim with cmucl.  I recently
installed cmucl for solaris with all the provided subsystems
then I loaded DEFSYSTEM and then CLINC.  Everything seemed to
be fine until I got the message 

	*root-window* is unbound

Has anybody encountered this problem.  

The fact is that I really need the plotting functionality
of xlispstat (e.g. PLOT-LINES) or something similar.
I need this because I run simulations and have no way 
to view the results.  Can anyone suggest a utility?


"Pierre R. Mai" wrote:
> "H. Tunc Simsek" <······@EECS.Berkeley.Edu> writes:
> > I'd like to make my own metaclass is CMUCL:
> >
> > (defclass my-class (standard-class)
> >    (my-slot))
> >
> > (defclass my-obj ()
> >    ()
> >    (:metaclass my-class))
> >
> > This works well with ACL (and even Closette under xlispstat) but
> > I get a lot of problems with CMUCL (e.g.
> > pcl:inform-type-system-about-class
> > is not specialized to my-class, standard-class vs. structure-class)
> >
> > What is STRUCTURE-CLASS?  How do you write the code above so it does
> > the right thing?
> (defclass my-class (pcl::standard-class)
>   (my-slot))
> ;;; This is needed, when you want to allow instances of standard-class
> ;;; to be usable as super-classes of your new my-class instances, like
> ;;; you do below...
> (defmethod mop:validate-superclass
>     ((class my-class) (super pcl::standard-class))
>   t)
> (defclass my-obj ()
>   ()
>   (:metaclass my-class))
> In CMU CL you have to be aware of the fact that CL:STANDARD-CLASS is
> not the same as PCL::STANDARD-CLASS, and that CL:STANDARD-CLASS is an
> instance of STRUCTURE-CLASS (for performance optimizations?), which in
> effect only performs some wrapper duties _for all class objects_.
> This only affects you if you want to write MOP-based code, where you
> have to take this into account in two ways:
> 1) Make sure to use PCL::STANDARD-CLASS instead of CL:STANDARD-CLASS
>    when defining your own meta-classes, and
> 2) When you try to get the class-object of an object-instance, you
>    have to use (pcl::coerce-to-pcl-class (class-of instance)) instead
>    of only (class-of instance), to get the real meta-object.
> I.e. in your example, this looks like this:
> * (defclass my-class (pcl::standard-class)
>    ((my-slot)))
> * (defmethod mop:validate-superclass ((class my-class) (super pcl::standard-class)) t)
>                                            PCL::STANDARD-CLASS) {480DA4A5}>
> * (defclass my-obj ()
>     () (:metaclass my-class))
> * (make-instance 'my-obj)
> #<MY-OBJ {480FD1FD}>
> * (class-of *)
> * (pcl::coerce-to-pcl-class *)
> #<My-Class MY-OBJ {480F1045}>
> * (class-of **)
> * (class-of **)
> Regs, Pierre.
> --
> Pierre Mai <····>         PGP and GPG keys at your nearest Keyserver
>   "One smaller motivation which, in part, stems from altruism is Microsoft-
>    bashing." [Microsoft memo, see]
From: Pierre R. Mai
Subject: Re: MOP problems with CMUCL
Message-ID: <>
"H. Tunc Simsek" <······@EECS.Berkeley.Edu> writes:

> Great, I'll try that.  While on the subject I'd also like to ask
> whether anyone has used the free-clim with cmucl.  I recently
> installed cmucl for solaris with all the provided subsystems
> then I loaded DEFSYSTEM and then CLINC.  Everything seemed to
> be fine until I got the message 
> 	*root-window* is unbound
> Has anybody encountered this problem.  

AFAIK both CLINC and free-clim are not in a really usable state at the 
moment, and probably won't be for some time.

> The fact is that I really need the plotting functionality
> of xlispstat (e.g. PLOT-LINES) or something similar.
> I need this because I run simulations and have no way 
> to view the results.  Can anyone suggest a utility?

If you just want some way to do a GUI and some low-level drawing, I'd
suggest you use something like CMUCL's CLM (in combination with CLX),
which although somewhat low-level, works quite well.  Other
possibilities for CMU CL include:

- GARNET, which isn't CLOS-based, but is a bit more high-level, if
  somewhat complex, the CMU CL port can be found under

- SLIK might be worth a try, available under

- GINA, XIT, etc., see the ALU Website at for more 
  infos on other toolkits.

If OTOH you (just) need graphing capabilities, you might be better off 
using some thin wrapper code to a gnuplot process in the background.
I've done this once, and it's quite easy to do, and gives nice results 
(which can also easily be printed and/or saved to bitmaps).  You can
also use this in combination with a simple GUI using any of the
toolkits above.  The code that I wrote then is quick&dirty, incomplete 
and not that well thought out, but it allows you to do things like the
following to get an xy-chart...

    (let* ((fuell-series (make-instance 'xy-series
                                        :title "Fuellstand"
                                        :style "lines"
                                        :x-sequence zeit-seq
                                        :y-sequence fuell-seq))
           (frag-series (make-instance 'xy-series
                                       :title "Fragmentierung"
                                       :style "lines"
                                       :x-sequence zeit-seq
                                       :y-sequence frag-seq))
           (chart (make-instance 'xy-chart
                                 :title "Lagerprofil"
                                 :x-axis-title "Simulationstag"
                                 :y-axis-title "Prozent"
                                 :x-range-min 0
                                 :y-range-min 0
                                 :y-range-max 100
                                 :series (list fuell-series frag-series))))
      (plot-chart chart nil nil t))

It might also be interesting to do a FFI binding to IBM's OpenDX
data-exploration and -visualization toolkit/app.

Or you might try to port some of the XLispStat stuff to (CMU) CL, or
do some FFI binding to it...

I'm afraid there aren't that many ready-made, maintained graphing
packages for CL around, AFAIK, so some DIY work is needed...

Regs, Pierre.

Pierre Mai <····>         PGP and GPG keys at your nearest Keyserver
  "One smaller motivation which, in part, stems from altruism is Microsoft-
   bashing." [Microsoft memo, see]
From: Howard R. Stearns
Subject: Re: MOP problems with CMUCL
Message-ID: <>
I have tried to define a COMMON-MOP package that I can use in portable
code, which glosses over the details of different implementations. 
CMUCL has been a problem.  

Here's the package definition, some comments, and some code that I have
been using.  Comments and improvements are welcome.

;;; mop-pkg.lisp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(in-package :common-lisp-user)

;;; In any system that supports the MOP properly,
;;; common-mop::STANDARD-CLASS, common-mop::BUILT-IN-CLASS,
;;; common-mop::CLASS, common-mop::FIND-CLASS and common-mop::CLASS-OF
;;; are the same as the symbols of the same name in the Common Lisp
;;; package.  For some systems (PCL), they are different.  We don't
;;; export these CL symbols from here becasue we don't want packages
;;; that :use :common-mop to have to shadow one or the other.
;;; Instead, such other packages will just use the CL symbols.
;;; However, when creating your own kinds of standard-class, you might
;;; need to explicitly refer to common-mop::standard-class,
;;; common-mop::find-class and/or common-mop::class-of.  Note that
;;; when the common-mop and CL symbols are the same (as on most
;;; Lisps), then you don't loose anything by explicitly refering to
;;; the common-mop symbols.

(defpackage :COMMON-MOP
  (:use :common-lisp #+allegro clos #+pcl pcl)

  ;; Fix implementation-specific bugs.



;;; mop-pcl.lisp
(in-package :common-mop)

;;; I can't figure out PCL's handling of standard-class.  Looking at
;;; CMUCL:
;;; PCL::STANDARD-CLASS is a cl:standard-class, and one can make
;;;   instances of it.  It's CPL correctly has pcl:class and
;;;   standard-object. 
;;; CL:STANDARD-CLASS is a structure-class, and you can't make
;;;   instances of it.  It's CPL correctly has cl:class, but not
;;;   standard-object.
;;; It seems like pcl::standard-class is closer to correct.  However,
;;; although it supports an :initarg NAME, accessed through
;;; CLASS-NAME, it does not not allow anything other than symbols.  

;;; Here we define our own STANDARD-CLASS, inheriting from
;;; pcl::standard-class, but with our own "class-name" slot and
;;; accessor. 

(defclass STANDARD-CLASS (pcl::standard-class)
  ((class-name :initarg :class-name :reader CLASS-NAME)))

(defmethod CLASS-NAME ((class pcl::class)) (pcl:class-name class))
(defmethod CLASS-NAME ((class cl:class)) (cl:class-name class))

(defmethod mangle-non-symbol-name ((name CONS))
  (destructuring-bind (key &rest more) name
    (let ((cache (or (get key 'mangled-names)
		     (setf (get key 'mangled-names)
			   (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))))
      (or (gethash more cache)
	  (setf (gethash more cache)
		(loop with result = (symbol-name key)
		      for element in more
		      do (setq result
				'string result
				"+" (package-name
				     (symbol-package element))
				"." (symbol-name element)))
		      finally (return (intern result (symbol-package key)))))))))

(defun fix-name-initargs (name namep initargs)
  (when namep
    (setf (getf initargs :class-name) name)
    (setf (getf initargs :name) (mangle-non-symbol-name name)))

					&key (name nil namep)
					&rest initargs)
  (apply #'call-next-method class
	 (fix-name-initargs name namep initargs)))

					  &key (name nil namep)
					  &rest initargs)
  (apply #'call-next-method class
	 (fix-name-initargs name namep initargs)))

(defmethod VALIDATE-SUPERCLASS ((class standard-class)
				(superclass pcl::standard-class))

;;; mop-excl-4-1.lisp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(in-package :common-mop)

;;; Allegro slot argument is a symbol, MOP requires a slot-definition

(defmethod SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS ((class CLASS) instance (slot
  (clos:slot-value-using-class class instance (slot-definition-name

(defmethod (SETF SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS) (value
					  (class CLASS) instance (slot SLOT-DEFINITION))
  (setf (slot-value instance (slot-definition-name slot)) value))

;;; Allegro doesn't deal well with existing (bult-in-) classes.
;;; This isn't right, but it fixes things enough for CLIM.
(defun ENSURE-CLASS (name &rest keys)
  (let ((class (find-class name nil)))
    (if (and class (null keys))
	(apply #'clos:ensure-class name keys))))
From: Hidayet Tunc Simsek
Subject: Re: MOP problems with CMUCL
Message-ID: <37E7F761.932DB4E1@EECS.Berkeley.Edu>
> ;;; mop-excl-4-1.lisp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> (in-package :common-mop)
> ;;; Allegro slot argument is a symbol, MOP requires a slot-definition
> object.
> (defmethod SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS ((class CLASS) instance (slot
>   (clos:slot-value-using-class class instance (slot-definition-name
> slot)))
> (defmethod (SETF SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS) (value
>                                           (class CLASS) instance (slot SLOT-DEFINITION))
>   (setf (slot-value instance (slot-definition-name slot)) value))
> ;;; Allegro doesn't deal well with existing (bult-in-) classes.
> ;;; This isn't right, but it fixes things enough for CLIM.
> (defun ENSURE-CLASS (name &rest keys)
>   (let ((class (find-class name nil)))
>     (if (and class (null keys))
>         class
>         (apply #'clos:ensure-class name keys))))

In my experience (I've been using Allegro 3.01 & 5.01 for windows & unix
and also cmu 18b for unix)
that in Allegro:

(defmethod slot-value-using-class ((class standard-class)
				    (slot standard-effective-slot-definition))

is the correct formals for this function and in CMUCL:

(defmethod slot-value-using-class ((class standard-class)

is the way its implemented.
