From: Kenny Tilton
Subject: Stump on MOP in re Slot definition
Message-ID: <>
I am stumped on effective vs direct slot definition.

I am trying to allow some slots of instances under a metaclass have
standard slot definitions, while other slots get a slot definition
custom to the metaclass. I am starting to think that is not how it is
done. :)

here is a sample (and FWIW, I am using ACL 5.0):

(defclass DirectXSD (standard-direct-slot-definition) 
   (xxarg :initform nil
          :initarg :xxArg
          :accessor xxarg)

(defclass EffectiveXSD (standard-effective-slot-definition) 
   (xxarg :initform nil
          :initarg :xxArg
          :accessor xxarg)

(defclass XXClass (standard-class)

(defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((mClass XXClass) &rest iargs
&key name xxArg)
  (declare (ignore-if-unused name xxArg))

  (if xxArg
     (progn (print "Bingo Direct")
       (find-class 'DirectXSD))

(defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((mClass XXClass) &rest iargs
&key name xxArg)
  (declare (ignore-if-unused name xxArg))
  (if xxArg
     (progn (print "Bingo Effective")
       (find-class 'EffectiveXSD))

(defclass XX ()
   (xx :xxarg t))
  (:metaclass xxclass))

What I want is for slot 'yy to be standard and slot 'xx to be

Well, I manage to generate 'xx as 'DirectXSD but not 'EffectiveXSD
(confirmed by trace output as well as inspecting an instance) and I can
see that is because, duh, the :xxarg key is supplied to
'direct-slot-definition-class but not 'effective-....

To tell you the truth, i really don't get it (and I have consulted AMOP,
but it's a little terse). the two functions seem to be asking me to make
the same decision twice. I could see if 'effective-slot-definition were
passed the direct-slot-definition identified in the first call, but it's
not. It gets initargs again--but not all of them!

I thought of always returning 'EffectiveXSD, but that just makes all my
slot definitions EffectiveXSD.

I really don't get it. Help! :)


From: Fernando Mato Mira
Subject: Re: Stump on MOP in re Slot definition
Message-ID: <>
Kenny Tilton wrote:

> I am stumped on effective vs direct slot definition.
> Well, I manage to generate 'xx as 'DirectXSD but not 'EffectiveXSD
> (confirmed by trace output as well as inspecting an instance) and I can
> see that is because, duh, the :xxarg key is supplied to
> 'direct-slot-definition-class but not 'effective-....

It doesn't know it has to extract xxarg from the dslotd and pass it on to
From: Kenny Tilton
Subject: Re: Stump on MOP in re Slot definition
Message-ID: <>
> It doesn't know it has to extract xxarg from the dslotd and pass it on to

Thx, Fernando. C-E-S-D it is for me.

I think a light just went on, but let me check:

If we have nothing fancy to do with effective slotd's (ESDs),
specializing just EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS is a /convenience/. If
we want to get fancy and generate different ESDs for different (defclass
...) expressions, we use the greater control and fuller information

The thing that had me going in circles was thinking E-S-D-C was the
one-and-only entry point for tailoring ESDs, but it is really just a
convenience for those who want the same ESD for all slots.

Close?? :)

From: Fernando Mato Mira
Subject: Re: Stump on MOP in re Slot definition
Message-ID: <>
Kenny Tilton wrote:

> If we have nothing fancy to do with effective slotd's (ESDs),
> specializing just EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS is a /convenience/. If
> we want to get fancy and generate different ESDs for different (defclass
> ...) expressions, we use the greater control and fuller information

I would say COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION is missing a subprotocol:

(defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition ((class standard-class)
   (let ((args (COMBINE-SLOTS class direct-slots))
      (apply #'make-instance (apply #'effective-slot-definition-class class
args) args)))


(defgeneric combine-slots(class direct-slots))
(defmethod combine-slots ((class standard-class) direct-slots)
   (let ((initer (find-if-not #'null direct-slots :key
      (list :name (slot-definition-name (car direct-slots))
            :initform (if initer (slot-definition-initform initer) nil)
            :initfunction (if initer (slot-definition-initfunction initer) nil)

            :initargs (remove-duplicates (mapappend #'slot-definition-initargs
            :readers (remove-duplicates (mapappend #'slot-definition-readers
            :writers (remove-duplicates (mapappend #'slot-definition-writers
            :allocation (slot-definition-allocation (car direct-slots))

Then you could have done (if xxArg just overrides, for example):

(defmethod combine-slots ((mClass XXClass) direct-slots)
   (let ((stdargs (call-next-method))
          ((arg (find-if-not #'null direct-slots :key #'xxArg))) ; default
#'xxArg method should return nil
       (if arg
          (cons :xxArg (cons arg stdargs))

Instead of having to mess up with  COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION.

BTW, note that to provide non-`virtual' [C++ terminology] semantics (maybe
providing Eiffel-like renaming facilities) you have to specialize COMPUTE-SLOTS
From: Kenny Tilton
Subject: Re: Stump on MOP in re Slot definition
Message-ID: <>
> I would say COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION is missing a subprotocol:
> (defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition ((class standard-class)
> direct-slots)
>    (let ((args (COMBINE-SLOTS class direct-slots))
>       (apply #'make-instance (apply #'effective-slot-definition-class class
> args) args)))

This is is the solution I settled on yesterday (look
familiar? <g>):

(defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition ((mClass DataflowClass)
slot dsds)
  (declare (ignore-if-unused slot))

  (bIf (dfd (find-if #'(lambda (dsd) (typep dsd 'DataflowDSD)) dsds)) ;;
binding If 

     (apply #'make-instance (case (semaphor dfd)
                              (:ephemeral 'DFEphemeralESD)
                              (:drifter 'DFDrifterESD)
                              (:delta 'DFDeltaESD)
                              (otherwise 'DataflowESD))
            (clos::compute-effective-slot-definition-initargs mClass
dsds)) ;; <== your 'COMBINE-SLOTS!!

     (call-next-method))) ;; punt to standard ESD

I guess someone at Franz agreed with you and added 'COMPUTE-esd-INITARGS
to ACL's CLOS.

From: Fernando Mato Mira
Subject: Re: Stump on MOP in re Slot definition
Message-ID: <>
Kenny Tilton wrote:

>             (clos::compute-effective-slot-definition-initargs mClass
> dsds)) ;; <== your 'COMBINE-SLOTS!!

Actually, I liked this name but I didn't call it like that because someone might
think this only combines the results of  SLOT-DEFINITION-INITARGS [not that
COMBINE-SLOTS is a great one].

Your esds  make me curious..
From: Kenny Tilton
Subject: Re: Stump on MOP in re Slot definition
Message-ID: <>
> Your esds  make me curious..

Well, I hope to write it all up in time for the upcoming LUGM
conference. I missed the paper deadline (by a mile) but I'll bring some
copies along for anyone interested. I'll e-mail you a PDF if/when I get
it together.

Come to think of it, I stumbled across a note I had sent to the referee
describing the work and it struck me as not  a bad start. I'll dig it up
and mail it to you.

In brief, over the past few years I have without really intending to
engineered a pretty clean little dataflow mechanism on top of Lisp. All
sorts of variations, as those ESDs suggest, and I am sure the potential
for more such semantic twists is extensive.

I wouldn't think of building an application the procedural way anymore.
Sometimes I unconsciously backslide into that mode, but soon enough I
get a creepy deja vu thing and realize I have strayed. :)

An application is like a spreadsheet now. Pretty transparent, too, and
with a metaclass implementation it could be even more so.

Thx again for the assist. I'll go find that note now.

From: Fernando Mato Mira
Subject: Re: Stump on MOP in re Slot definition
Message-ID: <>
Kenny Tilton wrote:

> In brief, over the past few years I have without really intending to
> engineered a pretty clean little dataflow mechanism on top of Lisp. All

OK. Which university wants to give me a piece of paper that says "Ph.D." and
wants to become the home of ECLOS?
The thing should really be out there being used..