From: Sam Steingold
Subject: Re: save-object.lisp /persistent objects
Message-ID: <>
>>>> In message <······················>
>>>> On the subject of "save-object.lisp /persistent objects"
>>>> Sent on Sun, 24 Oct 1999 11:38:02 +0200
>>>> Honorable ····· (kp gores) writes:
 >> some weeks ago i asked a question about how to save objects to a
 >> file to load them later (persistent objects).

Here is what I use (see print.lsp in together with
`*print-readably*' set to t:

(defmethod print-object ((xx structure-object) (out stream))
  (kernel:default-structure-print xx out 1))
(defun print-struct-object (xx out depth)
  (declare (ignore depth))
  (print-object xx out))

(eval-when (load compile eval)  ; for `*clos-readtable*'
(defun read-object (st char arg)
  "Read an instance of a CLOS class printed as #[name{ slot val}]"
  (declare (ignore char arg))
  (apply #'make-instance (read-delimited-list #\] st t)))

(defun make-clos-readtable ()
  "Return the readtable for reading #[]."
  (let ((rt (copy-readtable)))
    (set-syntax-from-char #\[ #\( rt)
    (set-syntax-from-char #\] #\) rt)
    (set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\) rt) nil rt)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\[ #'read-object rt)

(defconstant *clos-readtable* (make-clos-readtable)
  "The readtable for reading CLOS objects printed readably with #[].")

(defun class-slot-list (class &optional (all t))
  "Return the list of slots of a CLASS.
CLASS can be a symbol, a class object (as returned by `class-of')
or an instance of a class.
If the second optional argument ALL is non-NIL (default),
all slots are returned, otherwise only the slots with
:allocation type :instance are returned."
  #-(or allegro clisp cmu lispworks)
  (error 'not-implemented :proc 'class-slot-list)
  (macrolet ((class-slots* (class)
               `(#+allegro clos:class-slots
                 #+clisp clos::class-slots
                 #+cmu pcl::class-slots
                 #+lispworks hcl::class-slots ,class))
             (slot-name (slot)
               #+allegro `(slot-value ,slot 'clos::name)
               #+clisp `(clos::slotdef-name ,slot)
               #+cmu `(slot-value ,slot 'pcl::name)
               #+lispworks `(hcl::slot-definition-name ,slot))
             (slot-alloc (slot)
               `(#+allegro clos::slotd-allocation
                 #+clisp clos::slotdef-allocation
                 #+cmu pcl::slot-definition-allocation
                 #+lispworks hcl::slot-definition-allocation ,slot)))
    (mapcan (lambda (slot)
              (when (or all (eq (slot-alloc slot) :instance))
                (list (slot-name slot))))
             (typecase class
               (class class) (symbol (find-class class))
               ((or structure-object standard-object) (class-of class))
               (t (error 'case-error :proc 'class-slot-list
                         :args (list 'class class 'class 'symbol
                                     'structure-object 'standard-object))))))))

(defmethod print-object ((obj standard-object) (out stream))
  (let ((cl (class-of obj)))
    (format out "#[~s" (class-name cl))
    (dolist (slot (class-slot-list cl nil))
      (when (slot-boundp obj slot)
        (format out " ~s ~s" slot (slot-value obj slot))))
    (write-string "]" out)))

Sam Steingold (
Micros**t is not the answer.  Micros**t is a question, and the answer is Linux,
( the choice of the GNU ( generation.
If I had known that it was harmless, I would have killed it myself.