From: Kaelin Colclasure
Subject: There must be a way...
Message-ID: <mKzL3.712$>
Consider the following (incomplete, non-working) definition:

(defun foo (subrequest &rest args)
  (labels ((f1 () "Hello")
           (f2 () "World"))
    (apply-label subrequest args)))

What I'd *like* to be able to do is:

(foo 'f1) => "Hello"
(foo 'f2) => "World"

However, I can't figure out how to define #'apply-label to get
this behavior. #'symbol-function seems only to deal with top-
level definitions, and #'function of course acts like #'quote
and so doesn't evaluate its argument...

-- Kaelin

From: David D. Smith
Subject: Re: There must be a way...
Message-ID: <>
In article <··················>, "Kaelin
Colclasure" <······> wrote:

> (defun foo (subrequest &rest args)
>   (labels ((f1 () "Hello")
>            (f2 () "World"))
>     (apply-label subrequest args)))
> What I'd *like* to be able to do is:
> (foo 'f1) => "Hello"
> (foo 'f2) => "World"

Perhaps there is a better organization of your code that avoids the
function lookup?

(defmacro applicable-labels ((&rest fdefs) &body body)
  (let ((cases (loop for x in fdefs
                     collect (let ((name (car x)))
                               `(,name #',name)))))
    `(labels (,@fdefs
              (apply-label (name args)
                 (ecase name
       . ,body)))

(defun foo (subrequest &rest args)
  (applicable-labels ((f1 () "Hello")
                      (f2 () "World"))
    (apply-label subrequest args)))

What I'd *like* to be able to do is:

(foo 'f1) => "Hello"
(foo 'f2) => "World"
From: Kaelin Colclasure
Subject: Re: There must be a way...
Message-ID: <lLJL3.721$>
David D. Smith <···> wrote in message

> Perhaps there is a better organization of your code that avoids the
> function lookup?

Thanks for the solution, David! The example was, of course, contrived
to outline my goal. In my application, the lexical scope provided by
the function wrapping the labels provides a lot of context. And I
can't use special variables in this case because of other constraints.

After I posted my question, it eventually occurred to me why what I
was initially expecting to work did not. Once a function is compiled,
there's really no reason to keep any association with the symbol a
label was "bound" to around in the generated code. It makes perfect
sense that if I want to retain that association I need to do it
explicitly. [I love it when a language makes perfect sense.]

-- Kaelin