From: Don Sannella
Subject: ETAPS'2000: tool demonstrations
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    European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software

		ETAPS'2000, 25th March - 2nd April 2000
		    Technical University of Berlin

		 Submission Deadline: 18 OCTOBER 1999

ETAPS'2000 comprises

  FOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
  FASE: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
  ESOP: European Symposium on Programming
  CC: International Conference on Compiler Construction
  TACAS: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of

  7 invited speakers (Addas Edalat, David Harel, Martin Odersky,
    Richard Mark Soley, Wlad Turski, Reinhard Wilhelm, Pierre Wolper)

  5 satellite events (CBS, GRATRA, INT, CoFI, CMCS)

  invited and contributed tutorials



Submissions in this category should present tools having a clear
connection to one of the main ETAPS conferences, possibly
complementing a paper submitted separately.  This should not be
confused with submissions to the TACAS component of ETAPS, which
emphasizes principles of tool design, implementation, and use, rather
than focusing on specific domains of application, and for which there
is a stronger requirement for novelty than here.  Tool demonstrations
will be presented in devoted conference sessions with state-of-the-art
projection facilities.  Authors of accepted demos will be asked to
contribute a short paper to the proceedings of the relevant ETAPS
conference.  This provides a useful record of the existence of the
tool and some background about it with pointers to other information.

Submissions should take the form of a tool description of no more than
4 pages in the Springer-Verlag LNCS format.  The ETAPS conference
within whose purview the tool falls should be clearly indicated on the
title page.  At least one screen snapshot or similar should be
provided to allow the selection committee to get some impression of
the quality of the user interface.  A specification of the hardware
and software requirements for installing and demonstrating the tool
must be provided.  Screen snapshots and the hardware/software
specification are not included in the page limit unless they
constitute part of the description of the tool.

Send any queries to ··············

Don Sannella, ETAPS'2000
Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science
Division of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ