From: Paolo Amoroso
Subject: EncyCMUCLopedia currently unavailable
Message-ID: <>
The machine that, besides the EncyCMUCLopedia, hosts the CMU CL, CLISP and
ILISP Web sites had a hardware failure a few weeks ago. The problem has
been fixed and the system is online again.

Not all the services, however, have been set up yet. I am currently unable
to access the directory where I have to upload the EncyCMUCLopedia so that
it's available to users at the right place. The maintainer of the
corresponding directory tree is away until the end of the week. As soon as
he gets back, I hope to upload the EncyCMUCLopedia again.

EncyCMUCLopedia * Extensive collection of CMU Common Lisp documentation