From: Frederick C. Gibson, Architect
Subject: New Conceptual Dictionary on the Web (CLOS product)
Message-ID: <7hrmaa$>
I have just finished adding 408 html pages to the Conceptual Dictionary at
(Created with my CLOS program - Organon v2.0):

I have also added a very simple mechanism for anyone to add information to
or comment on the dictionary.  Simply click on the concept mail link (in the
suggestions area) near the bottom of each concept page.  Suggestions are
greatly appreciated.

The following is an excerpt from the new dictionary introduction describing
all of the conceptual information shown for each concept:
*Functional Summary:    To see the expanded information on any concept,
click on a word from the dictionary.  Click on any word in the genus or
differentia of the dictionary to move to that concept's bookmark in the

Conceptual Information Provided in the Expanded View (by clicking on a
dictionary word):
Concept:    A concept is a mentally retained and symbolized classification
of existents.

Part of Speech:    The part of speech or function that the concept displayed
performs in a sentence is shown to the right of the concept in italics.

Definition:   The definition identifies the essence of a concept and is
comprised of the genus and differentia.

Genus:    The genus is the most closely related wider classification of a
concept.  Animal is the genus of Man. All men are animals but not all
animals are men. Genera is the plural form of Genus.

Genera Hierarchy:    The Genera Hierarchy field displays the increasingly
specific classifications of the concept's referents involved from the most
general classification of 'existent' up to the genus of the concept being
viewed. In classifying any referent, the most general classification we can
make is that it is an existent.

Differentia:  The differentia is the phrase that differentiates the concept
from all other concepts in the concept's genus. Man is different from all
other animals because of his rational faculty.  Thus, rational is the
differentia of man.

Species:  The species of a concept are those concepts which are the most
closely related more specific classifications of the concept involved. Man,
lion and giraffe are all species or subsets of the classification 'animal'.

Sibling Concepts:  Sibling Concepts identify other species of the same genus
as the concept being viewed. Man, lion and giraffe are all sibling concepts
as they are all more specific classifications of the genus 'animal'.

Properties:  A property is a quality possessed by only one class and
convertible of that class.   Rationality is a property of man because only
people are rational and any occurrence of rationality must be caused by man.

Property of:  This field identifies all of the concepts for which the
displayed concept is a member of those concepts' properties.

Differentia of:  (Concept helps differentiate the following concepts:)
This field identifies those concepts for which the displayed concept is a
member of those concepts' differentia.

Hierarchy View:  This link leads to the location of the displayed concept in
a diagram of the complete hierarchy of this dictionary.

Additions, etc:  Please follow this link to send an email concerning the
displayed concept.  All help in improving the thoroughness and precision of
this dictionary is *greatly* appreciated.  Functionality will be added in
the near future to credit all those who contribute to the definition of any

Web Links:  This field displays a ranked group of web links for the
displayed concept.

Search:  Search the entire Philosophy directory with this form. (Includes
both the Dictionary and Aristotle's Organon)

My best,

Fred Gibson, Architect

·········     Architecture Designed Objectively
Frederick Clifford Gibson Architect & Associates

     1220 14th Avenue Suite 106
     San Francisco, CA  94122
     415.753.3797 |tel|  415.759.8848 |fax|


     EASG: Epistemology-Aesthetics Study Group
     ART:  American Renaissance for the Twenty-First Century