From: pabl0
Subject: help
Message-ID: <7h2533$st2$>
Please check this code. It must count the numbers in a list and return the
list without the numbers.
What's wrong?

(defun count(L)
  (setf C 0)
  (sacarnros (L))

(defun sacarnros (LE &aux LS C)

         (cond ((numberp(car LE))(sacarnros (cdr LE)))
                (t (setf LS (list (car LE)))
    (reverse (sacar (cdr LE) LS C))


(defun sacar (LE LS C)
            (cond ((null LE) (print C) LS)

                  (t (cond ((numberp(car LE))
     (setf C(+ C 1))
     (sacar (cdr LE) LS C))
                       (t (setf LS (cons (car LE) LS))
                          (sacar (cdr LE) LS C) )))))
From: pabl0
Subject: Re: help
Message-ID: <7h2b38$mc$>
I got it!

thanks .