From: IBMackey
Subject: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <7lb9tt$>
I've only stratched the surface of lisp, but I'm trying. I want to
convert a string to a list of strings. For example,

"Now is the time" ==> ("Now" "is" "the" "time")

The best I've been able to do with the functions read-from-string and
concatenate is this

"Now is the time" ==> (Now is the time)

With the list of strings, I can do an interated process to call
another program. I don't know what to do with a list of symbols.

Any help is appreciated.


From: Johan Kullstam
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <m2pv2e64sp.fsf@sophia.axel.nom>
···· (IBMackey) writes:

> I've only stratched the surface of lisp, but I'm trying. I want to
> convert a string to a list of strings. For example,
> "Now is the time" ==> ("Now" "is" "the" "time")
> The best I've been able to do with the functions read-from-string and
> concatenate is this
> "Now is the time" ==> (Now is the time)
> With the list of strings, I can do an interated process to call
> another program. I don't know what to do with a list of symbols.

you can do

(mapcar #'symbol-name '(Now is the time))

to make a list of strings

("NOW" "IS" "THE" "TIME")

however, i suspect that parsing the string without converting to
symbols will be a better solution.  it avoids the reader case
conversion stuff.

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!
From: David Hanley
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <377A5C3F.2898AFF0@ncgr.o_r_g>
Johan Kullstam wrote:

> you can do
> (mapcar #'symbol-name '(Now is the time))
> to make a list of strings
> ("NOW" "IS" "THE" "TIME")
> however, i suspect that parsing the string without converting to
> symbols will be a better solution.  it avoids the reader case
> conversion stuff.

That's a nifty way to do it, but it also may create a lot of symbols, too.
Here's how I did it:

(defun mgs()
  (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'character))

(defun parse-str( str )
  (let ((res (list (mgs))))
    (map nil #'(lambda(x)(if (char= x #\space) (push (mgs) res)
                           (vector-push-extend x (car res)))) str)
    (delete-if #'(lambda(x)(string= x "")) (nreverse res))))

I think it's a fair tradeoff between efficency and compactness.

From: David Bakhash
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <>

here's the function.  It's been around the block a few times.  It does the
job, and I use it all the time.

(defun split (string &optional max (ws #(#\space #\tab #\newline #\return)))
  "Split `string' along whitespace as defined by the sequence `ws'.
The whitespace is elided from the result.  The whole string will be
split, unless `max' is a non-negative integer, in which case the
string will be split into `max' tokens at most, the last one
containing the whole rest of the given `string', if any."
  (declare (type string string)
	   (type (or null fixnum) max)
	   (type sequence ws))
  (flet ((is-ws (char)
	   (declare (type character char))
	   (find char ws)))
	for start = (position-if-not #'is-ws string)
	then (position-if-not #'is-ws string :start index)
	for index = (and start
			 (unless (and max (= (1+ word-count) max))
			   (position-if #'is-ws string :start start)))
	while start
	collect (subseq string start index)
	count 1 into word-count
	while index)))

From: Christopher Browne
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <71de3.274$>
On 29 Jun 1999 20:22:21 GMT, IBMackey <····> wrote:
>I've only stratched the surface of lisp, but I'm trying. I want to
>convert a string to a list of strings. For example,
>"Now is the time" ==> ("Now" "is" "the" "time")
>The best I've been able to do with the functions read-from-string and
>concatenate is this
>"Now is the time" ==> (Now is the time)
>With the list of strings, I can do an interated process to call
>another program. I don't know what to do with a list of symbols.

The following is usable in Scheme to do this:

(define (next-somechar string startpos endpos somechar)
  (let loop 
      ((pos startpos))
     ((>= pos endpos) endpos)   ; Exit- reached end of string
     ((char=? (string-ref string pos) somechar) pos)  ; Reached "somechar"
      (loop (+ pos 1))))))

(define (split-on-somechar sourcestring somechar)
  (let loop
      ((pos 0)
       (endpos (string-length sourcestring))
       (result '()))
     ((>= pos endpos) result)
      (let ((nextwhatever 
	     (next-somechar sourcestring pos endpos somechar)))
	 (+ nextwhatever 1)
	 (append result (list (substring sourcestring pos

(split-on-somechar "Now is the time" \#space) would provide the desired

This uses the "named let" form, which provides a fairly efficient
looping construct.  Presumably a similar approach, albeit with different
names, would work in CL.
"Linux: the operating system with a CLUE...  Command Line User
Environment".  (seen in a posting in
········ <>
From: Pierre R. Mai
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <>
···· (IBMackey) writes:

> I've only stratched the surface of lisp, but I'm trying. I want to
> convert a string to a list of strings. For example,
> "Now is the time" ==> ("Now" "is" "the" "time")
> The best I've been able to do with the functions read-from-string and
> concatenate is this
> "Now is the time" ==> (Now is the time)
> With the list of strings, I can do an interated process to call
> another program. I don't know what to do with a list of symbols.
> Any help is appreciated.
> I.B.

You can use the following function, which is also an excellent example 
of how non-trivial loops can be pretty confusing, and thus should be

(defun split (string &optional max (ws '(#\Space #\Tab)))
  (flet ((is-ws (char) (find char ws)))
    (loop for start = (position-if-not #'is-ws string)
	  then (position-if-not #'is-ws string :start index)
	  for index = (and start
			   (if (and max (= (1+ word-count) max))
			       (position-if #'is-ws string :start start)))
	  while start
	  collect (subseq string start index)
	  count 1 into word-count
	  while index)))

This function somewhat mirrors Perl's split, and could be simplified a 
bit like this (non-tested), if there is no optional maximum cut-off:

(defun split (string &optional (ws '(#\Space #\Tab)))
  (flet ((is-ws (char) (find char ws)))
    (loop for start = (position-if-not #'is-ws string)
	  then (position-if-not #'is-ws string :start index)
	  for index = (and start
			   (position-if #'is-ws string :start start))
	  while start
	  collect (subseq string start index)
	  while index)))

Regs, Pierre.

Pierre Mai <····>         PGP and GPG keys at your nearest Keyserver
  "One smaller motivation which, in part, stems from altruism is Microsoft-
   bashing." [Microsoft memo, see]
From: Christopher R. Barry
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <>
···· (Pierre R. Mai) writes:

> This function somewhat mirrors Perl's split, and could be simplified a 
> bit like this (non-tested), if there is no optional maximum cut-off:
> (defun split (string &optional (ws '(#\Space #\Tab)))
>   (flet ((is-ws (char) (find char ws)))
>     (loop for start = (position-if-not #'is-ws string)
> 	  then (position-if-not #'is-ws string :start index)
> 	  for index = (and start
> 			   (position-if #'is-ws string :start start))
> 	  while start
> 	  collect (subseq string start index)
> 	  while index)))

Just nit-picking.

(defun split (string &optional (ws '(#\Space #\Tab)))
  (flet ((is-ws (char) (find char ws)))
    (loop for start = (position-if-not #'is-ws string)
          then (position-if-not #'is-ws string :start index)
          for index = (position-if #'is-ws string :start start)
          collect (subseq string start index)
	  while index)))

From: Pierre R. Mai
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <>
······ (Christopher R. Barry) writes:

> ···· (Pierre R. Mai) writes:
> > This function somewhat mirrors Perl's split, and could be simplified a 
> > bit like this (non-tested), if there is no optional maximum cut-off:
> > 
> > (defun split (string &optional (ws '(#\Space #\Tab)))
> >   (flet ((is-ws (char) (find char ws)))
> >     (loop for start = (position-if-not #'is-ws string)
> > 	  then (position-if-not #'is-ws string :start index)
> > 	  for index = (and start
> > 			   (position-if #'is-ws string :start start))
> > 	  while start
> > 	  collect (subseq string start index)
> > 	  while index)))
> Just nit-picking.
> (defun split (string &optional (ws '(#\Space #\Tab)))
>   (flet ((is-ws (char) (find char ws)))
>     (loop for start = (position-if-not #'is-ws string)
>           then (position-if-not #'is-ws string :start index)
>           for index = (position-if #'is-ws string :start start)
>           collect (subseq string start index)
> 	  while index)))

No, this doesn't work, since we can have only whitespace at the end of 
a string (which is to be ignored), which would result in start
becoming nil, which is not a valid index designator for POSITION-IF's
:start argument:

* (split "a   b   ccc    ")

   NIL is not of type FIXNUM

  0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level.

Debug  (type H for help)

("DEFUN POSITION-IF" #<Closure Over Function IS-WS {4809CA41}>
 "a   b   ccc    " 268434278 2)[:OPTIONAL]
; File: target:code/seq.lisp

; File has been modified since compilation:
;   target:code/seq.lisp
; Using form offset instead of character position.
  "Returns the zero-origin index of the first element satisfying test(el)"

So you either have to trim whitespace of the end of the string first
(with the resulting performance penalty), or you have to write it in
the convoluted way I did.  Or probably better:  write a simple
state-machine to do this, which is probably faster, easier to
understand and better specified.

Regs, Pierre.

Pierre Mai <····>         PGP and GPG keys at your nearest Keyserver
  "One smaller motivation which, in part, stems from altruism is Microsoft-
   bashing." [Microsoft memo, see]
From: Christopher R. Barry
Subject: NSPLIT and SIMPLE-STRING structure reuse. (was Re: Convert string of words to list of strings)
Message-ID: <>
Is there a way to reuse SIMPLE-STRING structure that is more efficient
than not reusing the structure by calling SUBSEQ? I wasted a fair
ammount of time trying to write a low-garbage, reuse version of SPLIT
called NSPLIT (should be garbage-free if you don't cons the result
list but use VALUES) except the only way I can figure out to get a
"slice" of a SIMPLE-STRING is to use MAKE-ARRAY with :DISPLACED-TO and
:DISPLACED-INDEX-OFFSET which seems to be more expensive garbage,
space and time-wise then just calling SUBSEQ even though it is
essentially creating a pointer to the old structure.

Pointers, anyone? (Pun alert.)

From: David Bakhash
Subject: Re: NSPLIT and SIMPLE-STRING structure reuse. (was Re: Convert string of words to list of strings)
Message-ID: <>
in that format, I doubt it'll help anyone.  It's probably better to stick to
uuencoding if you're gonna send stuff over in non-plaintext format.  I think
you're using Gnus, but somehow I wasn't able to decode it, and I use Gnus too.

From: Christopher R. Barry
Subject: Re: NSPLIT and SIMPLE-STRING structure reuse. (was Re: Convert string of words to list of strings)
Message-ID: <>
David Bakhash <·····> writes:

> in that format, I doubt it'll help anyone.  It's probably better to stick to
> uuencoding if you're gonna send stuff over in non-plaintext format.  I think
> you're using Gnus, but somehow I wasn't able to decode it, and I use Gnus too.

That was in plaintext. The trn newsreader displays it fine to. You may
be having a MULE problem.

From: Pekka P. Pirinen
Subject: Re: NSPLIT and SIMPLE-STRING structure reuse. (was Re: Convert string of words to list of strings)
Message-ID: <>
······ (Christopher R. Barry) writes:
> Is there a way to reuse SIMPLE-STRING structure that is more efficient
> than not reusing the structure by calling SUBSEQ? I wasted a fair
> ammount of time trying to write a low-garbage, reuse version of SPLIT
> called NSPLIT

Don't be afraid to produce garbage: Recycling short-lived objects is
very efficient.  Tuning like this is better left to the stage where
you can see if it makes sense in the context of your application.

> a "slice" of a SIMPLE-STRING is to use MAKE-ARRAY with :DISPLACED-TO
> and :DISPLACED-INDEX-OFFSET which seems to be more expensive
> garbage, space and time-wise then just calling SUBSEQ even though it
> is essentially creating a pointer to the old structure.

That MAKE-ARRAY will have to allocate some kind of an array header to
hold the dimensions and the pointer to the displace target.  This will
probably be larger than a typical English word, perhaps even larger
than a SIMPLE-STRING containing a typical English word.

If it really matters, you need to change your code so that words are
passed around as three values: string, start, end.
Pekka P. Pirinen
Harlequin Group plc (but not for long)
Technology isn't just putting in the fastest processor and most RAM -- that's
packaging.   - Steve Wozniak
From: Reini Urban
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <377a20e0.12962449@judy.x-ray.local>
Since I hate LOOP I had to write my own tokenizers.

I only want to add that all these tokenizers omit null tokens, but
SDF-like or CDF-like formats may want to keep the null tokens, ie. the
number of spaces or commas can be important. I called that version
  (strtok ",,1,2" ",") => ("1" "2")
  (string-split ",,1,2" ",") => ("" "" "1" "2")

;;; Converts string with delimiters into string list.
;;; Ignore repeated delims such as white space.
;;; The order of chars in delim is not important.
;;; Also named lex-string in some Common Lisps.
;;;   (strtok " 2   3 " " ") => ("2" "3")
;;;   (strtok "f 1,3" ", ")  => ("f" "1" "3")
;;; So far only this bad version of mine, unoptimized. 
;;; Also see lex-string in Corman Lisp examples\utility-functions.lisp
;;; I use strings as delims (for AutoLISP compatibility), 
;;;   otherwise it would be simplier.
(defun strtok (s delims)	
  "List of tokenized string parts"
  (let ((len    (length s))
        (delims (string->list (string delims)))
        (s1 "")
    (do ((c)(i (1- len) (decf i)))
	((< i 0))
      (setq c (aref s i))
      (if (member c delims)
        (if (string/= s1 "")	; no null tokens
          (setq lst (cons s1 lst)
	            s1 ""))
        (setq s1 (strcat (string c) s1)))
    (if (string/= s1 "")
      (cons s1 lst)   	; no ("" "1" "2")!

;;; (string->list "1234") => (#\1 #\2 #\3 #\4)
(defun string->list (s)
  "List of chars from string"
  (do ((lst)
       (i (1- (length (the string s))) (1- i)))
      ((minusp i) lst)
    (push (aref s i) lst)))

or this version taken from Corman Lisp, again without LOOP
;;;; from Larry Hunter
(defun lex-string (string &optional 
			(whitespace-chars '(#\space #\newline)))
  "Separates a string at whitespace and returns a list of strings"
  (flet ((whitespace-char? (char)
	 (member char whitespace-chars :test #'char=)))
  	(let ((tokens nil))
	  (do* ((token-start (position-if-not #'whitespace-char? string)

		(when token-end
	  	  (position-if-not #'whitespace-char? string 
		    :start (1+ token-end))))
		  (token-end (position-if #'whitespace-char? string
		    :start token-start)
		(when token-start
		  (position-if #'whitespace-char? string 
		    :start token-start))))
		((null token-start) (nreverse tokens))
		(push (subseq string token-start token-end) tokens)))))

···· (Pierre R. Mai) wrote:
>···· (IBMackey) writes:
>> I've only stratched the surface of lisp, but I'm trying. I want to
>> convert a string to a list of strings. For example,
>> "Now is the time" ==> ("Now" "is" "the" "time")
>> The best I've been able to do with the functions read-from-string and
>> concatenate is this
>> "Now is the time" ==> (Now is the time)
>> With the list of strings, I can do an interated process to call
>> another program. I don't know what to do with a list of symbols.
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> I.B.
>You can use the following function, which is also an excellent example 
>of how non-trivial loops can be pretty confusing, and thus should be
>(defun split (string &optional max (ws '(#\Space #\Tab)))
>  (flet ((is-ws (char) (find char ws)))
>    (loop for start = (position-if-not #'is-ws string)
>	  then (position-if-not #'is-ws string :start index)
>	  for index = (and start
>			   (if (and max (= (1+ word-count) max))
>			       nil
>			       (position-if #'is-ws string :start start)))
>	  while start
>	  collect (subseq string start index)
>	  count 1 into word-count
>	  while index)))
>This function somewhat mirrors Perl's split, and could be simplified a 
>bit like this (non-tested), if there is no optional maximum cut-off:
>(defun split (string &optional (ws '(#\Space #\Tab)))
>  (flet ((is-ws (char) (find char ws)))
>    (loop for start = (position-if-not #'is-ws string)
>	  then (position-if-not #'is-ws string :start index)
>	  for index = (and start
>			   (position-if #'is-ws string :start start))
>	  while start
>	  collect (subseq string start index)
>	  while index)))

Reini Urban
From: Larry Hunter
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <>
My name appeared in some lexing code quoted above, but unfortunately the
code appears to have been mangled in the quotation. Here's the correct

(defun lex-string (string &key (whitespace '(#\space #\newline)))
  "Separates a string at whitespace and returns a list of strings"
  (flet ((whitespace? (char) (member char whitespace :test #'char=)))
    (let ((tokens nil))
      (do* ((token-start
             (position-if-not #'whitespace? string) 
             (when token-end
               (position-if-not #'whitespace? string :start (1+ token-end))))
             (when token-start
               (position-if #'whitespace? string :start token-start))
             (when token-start
               (position-if #'whitespace? string :start token-start))))
           ((null token-start) (nreverse tokens))
        (push (subseq string token-start token-end) tokens)))))


Lawrence Hunter, Ph.D.        Chief, Molecular Statistics and Bioinformatics
National Cancer Institute                             email: ·······
Federal Building, Room 3C06                         phone: +1 (301) 402-0389
Bethesda, MD 20892  USA                               fax: +1 (301) 480-0223
From: Will Fitzgerald
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <wAoe3.407$>
Here's a semi-multi-everything string->list function:

(defun string->list (string &key (start 0) char-bag delimiter-test
(post-process #'subseq))
  "Converts STRING into a list,
     starting at START;
     dividing words at boundaries defined by characters in CHAR-BAG,
                 or at boundaries defined by DELIMITER-TEST,
                 (default boundaries: space or non-graphic characters)
     each item is run through POST-PROCESS (defaults to SUBSEQ) as it is
     having the same signature as SUBSEQ. It should NOT be destructive."
  (let ((test (cond
               (char-bag #'(lambda (ch) (member ch char-bag :test #'char=)))
               (t  #'(lambda (ch) (or (char= ch #\Space) (not
(graphic-char-p ch))))))))
    (labels ((string->list-helper (string start results)
               (let ((start-of-item (position-if (complement test) string
:start start)))
                 (if start-of-item
                   (let ((end-of-item (position-if test string :start
                     (if end-of-item
                       (cons (funcall post-process string start-of-item
                             (string->list-helper string  end-of-item
                       (list (funcall post-process string start-of-item))))
      (string->list-helper string start '()))))

The default behavior is what you want, I think.

Here's a user of string->list that converts to symbols.

(defun string->symbols (string &key (to-upper-p NIL) (additional-chars
'(#\-)) (package *package*))
  "Converts a string into a list of symbols interned into PACKAGE, ignoring
   everything but alphanumerics and characters in ADDITIONAL-CHARS. If
TO-UPPER-P is true,
   interns as upper case."
  (string->list string
          :post-process #'(lambda (str start &optional end)
                            (let ((str (subseq str start end)))
                              (intern (if to-upper-p (nstring-upcase str)
str) package)))
          :delimiter-test #'(lambda (ch) (not (or (alphanumericp ch)
                                                  (member ch
additional-chars :test #'char=))))))

IBMackey wrote in message <··········>...
>I've only stratched the surface of lisp, but I'm trying. I want to
>convert a string to a list of strings. For example,
>"Now is the time" ==> ("Now" "is" "the" "time")
>The best I've been able to do with the functions read-from-string and
>concatenate is this
>"Now is the time" ==> (Now is the time)
>With the list of strings, I can do an interated process to call
>another program. I don't know what to do with a list of symbols.
>Any help is appreciated.
From: Kucera, Rich
Subject: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <>
Use PerlCOM or some other bus to Perl.  Here's your example using
Why write a state machine and all that other stuff?  Yeah portable,  but
the bus...

First,  the code:

  (let ((perltool (ole:ask-for-autotool

    (ole:auto-method perltool 
     "$greeting='(\"'.join('\" \"', split(/ /, qq[Now is the time for
    (format t "... and then PerlCOM said: ~A"
	    (ole:auto-getf perltool :greeting))

Here's the session:

; Loading D:\acl50lite\ole\samples\activePerl\

> (test)

Starting OLE PerlCOM test.

... and then PerlCOM said: ("Now" "is" "the" "time" "for" "PerlCOM")

The PerlCOM test is complete.


Now,  Lisp is so great,  it ought to be able to coax that property
into an actual list, right?

-----Original Message-----
From: ···· (IBMackey) [···········]
Posted At: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 4:22 PM
Posted To: lisp
Conversation: Convert string of words to list of strings
Subject: Convert string of words to list of strings

I've only stratched the surface of lisp, but I'm trying. I want to
convert a string to a list of strings. For example,

"Now is the time" ==> ("Now" "is" "the" "time")

The best I've been able to do with the functions read-from-string and
concatenate is this

"Now is the time" ==> (Now is the time)

With the list of strings, I can do an interated process to call
another program. I don't know what to do with a list of symbols.

Any help is appreciated.

From: Stig Hemmer
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <>
···· (IBMackey) writes:
> "Now is the time" ==> ("Now" "is" "the" "time")

As an exercise in sillyness I once wrote a version using REDUCE...

(defun explode-string (string)
  (let ((almost
         (delete nil 
		  #'(lambda (item lol)
		      (if (char= #\space item) 
			  (cons '() lol)
		        (cons (cons item (first lol)) (rest lol))))
		  string :from-end t :initial-value '(())))))
    (map-into almost (lambda (list) (coerce list 'string)) almost)))

Note that this version will treat multiple spaces as a single
separator and ignore leading and trailing spaces.

Stig Hemmer,
Jack of a Few Trades.

PS: This was some time ago.  I _think_ I proved that MAP-INTO would
   never change quoted structure, but I don't recall that proof now.
   I'm much too tired right now to really think this through.
From: ··········
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <7lesl6$boe$>
···· (IBMackey) posted on 29 June 1999:

> I've only stratched the surface of lisp, but I'm trying. I want to
> convert a string to a list of strings. For example,
> "Now is the time" ==> ("Now" "is" "the" "time")
> The best I've been able to do with the functions read-from-string and
> concatenate is this
> "Now is the time" ==> (Now is the time)
> With the list of strings, I can do an interated process to call
> another program. I don't know what to do with a list of symbols.
> Any help is appreciated.
> I.B.

I use the beautiful Scheme interpreter SCM, with the standard Scheme
library SLIB.  The main author of SCM and SLIB is Aubrey Jaffer, whose
web site is:

I append the transcript of a session in which I first require 'regex, so
that I can use the regular expression library, then define blank+ to be
the result of compiling the regular expression: 

\ (\ )* 

Then I define the procedure split-at-blank+, which as you can see just
takes the result of the regex library function string-split and turns the
result, which is a vector, into a list, using the standard function
vector->list.  Then I define s to be a certain string with blanks.  Then I
require 'pretty-print, so that I have the pretty-print library functions
available.  The rest should be clear. 


> (require 'regex)
;Evaluation took 10 mSec (0 in gc) 1246 cells work, 256 env, 5129 bytes other
> (define blank+ (regcomp "\ (\ )*"))
;Evaluation took 0 mSec (0 in gc) 14 cells work, 0 env, 476 bytes other
> (define split-at-blank+
    (lambda (s)
      (vector->list (string-split blank+ s))))
;Evaluation took 0 mSec (0 in gc) 22 cells work, 0 env, 47 bytes other
> (define s "This is a string with blanks.  And even two blanks in a row.   And more.         Oi.          ")
;Evaluation took 0 mSec (0 in gc) 8 cells work, 0 env, 199 bytes other
> (require 'pretty-print)
;loading /usr/lib/slib/pp
;  loading /usr/lib/slib/genwrite
;  done loading /usr/lib/slib/genwrite.scm
;done loading /usr/lib/slib/pp.scm
;Evaluation took 20 mSec (0 in gc) 1846 cells work, 120 env, 1141 bytes other
> (define s-split-at-blanks (split-at-blank+ s))
;Evaluation took 10 mSec (0 in gc) 178 cells work, 3 env, 749 bytes other
> (pretty-print s-split-at-blanks)
;Evaluation took 0 mSec (0 in gc) 974 cells work, 4648 env, 202 bytes other
> (quit)
From: Steve Long
Subject: Re: Convert string of words to list of strings
Message-ID: <>
Don't quibble over milliseconds. Get it to work, then worry about
resource efficiency. This news group is a good place to ask questions.
I've learned more here than anywhere else.

This will take a string and a single token (defaulting to the space
char), parsing the string by the token, and removing null or empty
strings.  The implementation may be a few milliseconds slower than
another method, but it is pretty rare when such things really matter,
and the use of more "common" lisp makes it a little more clear when you
aren't as knowledgeable as some of the gents on this ng.

(defun string-parse (str &key (token #\space))
  (do* ((p       (position token str)
                 (position token str))
        (strings (list (if p (subseq str 0 p) str))
                 (cons (if p (subseq str 0 p) str) strings)))
      ((not p) (remove-if
                #'(lambda(obj)(string= obj ""))
                (nreverse strings)))
    (setf str (subseq str (1+ p) (length str)))))


(string-parse "comp.lang.lisp" :token #\.) => ("comp" "lang" "lisp")
