From: Marco Antoniotti
Subject: Pesky C union and array idioms in Common Lisp
Message-ID: <>

I have always been annoyed by some C idioms when it comes to unions
and arrays. A typical example is the following

union {
  struct {
    char a[3];
    char b[5];
  } slice;
  char raw[8];
} the_packet;

So I embarked in making a nice CL facility that would do pretty much
the same thing (although in an obviously more bloated way :) ).

So... here it is for you to enjoy. I'd appreaciate any feedback. In
particular I am not very happy with the name of the main macro
"DEFINE-ARRAY-WITH-VIEWS", but I couldn't find anything better.



Here it is

displaced-arrays-pkg.lisp ==============================
;;; -*- Mode: CLtL -*-

;;; displaced-arrays-pkg.lisp --

;;; COPYRIGHT Notice
;;; Copyright (C) 1999 Marco Antoniotti, all rights reserved.
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; General License Agreement and Lack of Warranty *****************
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful (both
;;; in and of itself and as an example of lisp programming), but WITHOUT
;;; ANY WARRANTY. The author(s) do not accept responsibility to anyone for
;;; the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular
;;; purpose or works at all. No warranty is made about the software or its
;;; performance. 
;;; This software is made available AS IS, and is distributed in the
;;; public domain without warranty of any kind, either expressed or
;;; implied.
;;; In no event will the author(s) or her/his/their institution(s) be
;;; liable to you for damages, including lost profits, lost monies, or
;;; other special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of
;;; or in connection with the use or inability to use (including but
;;; not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or
;;; losses sustained by third parties or a failure of the program to
;;; operate as documented) the program, even if you have been advised
;;; of the possibility of such damanges, or for any claim by any other
;;; party, whether in an action of contract, negligence, or other
;;; tortious action.

  (:nicknames "DV-ARRAYS")
   "This package contains the definition of the DEFINE-ARRAY-WITH-VIEWS macro.

Please refer to the documentation string of the macro itself for a
description of its capabilities.")

;;; end of file -- displaced-arrays-pkg.lisp --
end of displaced-arrays-pkg.lisp =======================

displaced-arrays.lisp ==================================
;;; -*- Mode: CLtL -*-

;;; displaced-arrays.lisp -- An extension to quickly define in a
;;; single place arrays with slices. I.e. how to simulate the C idiom
;;; typedef union _packet_ {
;;;   struct {
;;;     int a[3];
;;;     int b[3];
;;;   } slices;
;;;   int raw[6];
;;; } packet;
;;; Author:  Marco Antoniotti
;;; Date:    19990115
;;; Version: 0.99 alfa.
;;; Commentary:
;;; We use displaced arrays and the automatic definition of several
;;; accessors in order to achieve the same effect in a more controlled
;;; way.
;;; (define-array-with-views (packet 6 :initial-element 0
;;;                                    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
;;;    (:view slice-a 3)
;;;    (:view slice-b 3 :displaced-index-offset 3))
;;; This form defines a constructor for the whole array and accessors
;;; for each 'view'. In the above example you would get
;;; MAKE-PACKET to create an 'array' of length 6 with two displaced
;;;             arrays.
;;; PACKET-P to check whether an object is a packet.
;;; PACKET to access the whole array.
;;; SLICE-A to access the first view (or slice).
;;; SLICE-B to access the second view.
;;; To do:
;;; - more error checking on the definition form.

;;; COPYRIGHT Notice
;;; Copyright (C) 1999 Marco Antoniotti, all rights reserved.
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; General License Agreement and Lack of Warranty *****************
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful (both
;;; in and of itself and as an example of lisp programming), but WITHOUT
;;; ANY WARRANTY. The author(s) do not accept responsibility to anyone for
;;; the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular
;;; purpose or works at all. No warranty is made about the software or its
;;; performance. 
;;; This software is made available AS IS, and is distributed in the
;;; public domain without warranty of any kind, either expressed or
;;; implied.
;;; In no event will the author(s) or her/his/their institution(s) be
;;; liable to you for damages, including lost profits, lost monies, or
;;; other special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of
;;; or in connection with the use or inability to use (including but
;;; not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or
;;; losses sustained by third parties or a failure of the program to
;;; operate as documented) the program, even if you have been advised
;;; of the possibility of such damanges, or for any claim by any other
;;; party, whether in an action of contract, negligence, or other
;;; tortious action.

;;; Prologue

(eval-when (load compile eval)
  (unless (find-package  "CL.EXT.DISPLACED-ARRAYS")
    (load "displaced-arrays-pkg")))


;;; Implementation

;;; define-array-with-views -- The main (and only) entry point.
;;; NOTE: The handling of :initial-contents and of :initial-element is
;;; rather fuzzy.  The solution I chose, may not signal a condition at
;;; 'definition' time, but only when the actual constructor is
;;; called. This happens also in standard CL practice. The example is
;;; supplying an :initial-content which is too short. In order to
;;; catch this error at definition time, you would have to evaluate
;;; the forms at definition time and re-evaluate them at construction
;;; time. Not a pretty thing.
;;; Therefore I do exactly as standard CL practice. An error in either
;;; keyword argument is signalled only at construction time (cfr. a
;;; DEFSTRUCT with a MAKE-ARRAY init form).

(defmacro define-array-with-views ((name dimension
					 (initial-element nil ie-supplied-p)
					 (initial-contents nil ic-supplied-p)
					 (element-type t))
				   &rest options
  "Defines a set of 'shared' array structures.

This form defines a centralized way to construct and manipulate an
array with 'views' or 'slices' (i.e. displaced sub-arrays). Its main
benefit is in the unique definition of what it is usually achieved
with a complex set of displaced arrays.

The definition form has the following syntax:

(DEFINE-ARRAY-WITH-VIEWS (<name> <dimension>
				 :element-type <element-type>
				 :initial-element <initial-element>
				 :initial-contents <initial-contents>)

where <element-type>, <initial-element>, and <initial-contents> have
the same meaning and relative restrictions as per MAKE-ARRAY.

Each <view-form> has the following syntax.

(<view-name> <dimension> &key displaced-index-offset <offset>)

where <offset> defaults to 0.

A typical example of the use of DEFINE-ARRAYS-WITH-VIEWS is in the
definition of network packet structures.

The definition form expands into a DEFSTRUCT named <name> which holds
in its slots the real (or 'raw') array and its displaced forms and a
constructor MAKE-<name> which takes care to create all the necessary
displacements. I.e. a DEFINE-ARRAY-WITH-VIEWS form with N views will
expand into a DEFSTRUCT with N+1 slots and a constructor."

  (when (and ie-supplied-p ic-supplied-p)
    (error 'simple-error
	   :format-control "Cannot supply both :initial-element and ·@
                            :initial-contents to DEFINE-ARRAY-WITH-VIEWS."))

  (let ((constructor-visible-name
	 (intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (symbol-name name))))
	 (intern (format nil "ARRAY-WITH-VIEWS ~A CONSTRUCTOR"
		 ;; *package*
		 (find-package "CL.EXT.DISPLACED-ARRAYS")
	(array-views (process-view-options options 'raw-array))

       ;; The DEFSTRUCT wrapper.
       ;; Should add some more structure to the slot type. ARRAY could
       ;; be made into a better type specifier
       (defstruct (,name (:conc-name nil)
			 (:constructor ,constructor-internal-name
				       (,name ,@(mapcar #'first array-views))))
	 (,name nil :type (array * (*)) :read-only t)
	 ,@(make-view-slots array-views)
	 )				; DEFSTRUCT

       ;; The defined interface MAKE-<name>.
       (defun ,constructor-visible-name (&key (initial-element
					       ,initial-element ie-supplied-p)
					       ,initial-contents ic-supplied-p)
					      ;; no :element-type
	 ;; Some error checking
	 (when (and ic-supplied-p ie-supplied-p)
	   (error "Cannot sypply both :initial-element and ·@
                            :initial-contents to ~S."
	 (when (and ic-supplied-p
		    (/= (length initial-contents) ,dimension))
	   (error 'simple-error
		  :format-control "~D elements in the initial-contents, ·@
                                   but the vector length is ~D."
		  :format-arguments (list (length initial-contents)

	 ;; The real body
	  (let* ((make-array-actual-args
		  (list* :element-type ,element-type
			 (if ie-supplied-p
			     (list :initial-element initial-element)
			     (list :initial-contents initial-contents))))
		 (raw-array (apply #'make-array
	    (,constructor-internal-name raw-array
					,@(mapcar #'first array-views))
	  (simple-error (e)
			;; Resignal the error in the proper context.
			;; Note: SIMPLE-ERROR is what CMUCL signals in
			;; most cases. The handler may need tuning for
			;; other CL implementations.
			(error 'simple-error
			       (simple-condition-format-control e)
			       (simple-condition-format-arguments e)))
	  ))				; DEFUN

       ',name				; Return the NAME from the macro.

;;; process-view-option -- An auxiliary function.

(defun process-view-options (array-view-options displaced-array-ref)
  (let ((view-options (loop for opt in array-view-options
			    if (and (listp opt) (eq (first opt) :view))
			    collect (rest opt)
			    else do (error 'simple-error
					   "Malformed :view option ~S."
					   :format-arguments (list opt))))
    (loop for vopt in view-options
	  ;; do (print vopt) ; debugging
	  (destructuring-bind (name dims &key (displaced-index-offset 0)) vopt
	    ;; Some more error checking should be inserted right here
	    ;; on the content of the SPECS variable.
	    ;; E.g. null NAME or DIMS should be properly checked.
	    `(,name (make-array ,dims
				:displaced-to ,displaced-array-ref
				:displaced-index-offset ,displaced-index-offset)))

;;; make-view-option -- An auxiliary function.

(defun make-view-slots (array-views)
  (loop for view in array-views
	collect `(,(first view) () :type array :read-only t)))

;;; Testing
* (use-package "V-ARRAY")
* (define-array-with-views (packet 6 :initial-element 0)
    (:view slice-a 3)
    (:view slice-b 3 :displaced-index-offset 3))
* (defvar p (make-packet))
* p
#S(PACKET :PACKET #(0 0 0 0 0 0) :SLICE-A #(0 0 0) :SLICE-B #(0 0 0))
* (packet-p p)
* (packet p)
#(0 0 0 0 0 0)
* (slice-a p)
#(0 0 0)
* (setf (aref (slice-b p) 2) 33)
* p
#S(PACKET :PACKET #(0 0 0 0 0 33) :SLICE-A #(0 0 0) :SLICE-B #(0 0 33))
* (packet p)
#(0 0 0 0 0 33)
* (slice-b p)
#(0 0 33)

;;; end of file -- displaced-arrays.lisp --
end of displaced-arrays.lisp ===========================