how do i set up emacs indentation patterns in lisp? the info file was
rather terse and didn't give me enough information.
for example, i want this (which is what franz' eli sets up for me)
(dotimes (i m)
(push x acc)
(decf x h))
and not this (which is what i am getting at work where i do not have
ACL and eli set up)
(dotimes (i m)
(push x acc)
(decf x h))
i need to setup something special with dotimes.
multiple-value-bind being extremely useful but somewhat long to type,
i want to abbrev it to mvbind.
(defmacro mvbind (&rest args)
`(multiple-value-bind ,@args))
now, i wish to borrow the indentation style for multiple-value-bind
i got this gem from paul graham's book:
(defmacro aif (test-form then-form &optional else-form)
`(let ((it ,test-form))
(if it ,then-form ,else-form)))
i want it to indent like regular if. i'd like to have
(aif some-long-test
(then-form it)
(else-form it))
instead of
(aif some-long-test
(then-form it)
(else-form it))
in order not to burden the group comp.lang.lisp group too much, i have
set followups to
johan kullstam